The IDB Group's ethical standards are derived from the core values that guide our work: integrity, loyalty, equality, inclusion, impartiality and discretion. Putting these values into practice is essential to building trusting relationships within our team of staff and consultants. This allows us to move forward with confidence in our mission to promote the social, economic and institutional development of Latin America and the Caribbean.

We have various tools in place to ensure compliance with our high ethical standards.
Bank staff and consultants are governed by the strict standards of the IDB Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct. The Board of Executive Directors has its own Code of Conduct.
The IDB’s whistleblower policy ensures the protection of whistleblowers and those who cooperate with investigations.
To foster a positive and harmonious work environment among employees, the IDB Conflict Resolution System comprises several mechanisms designed to prevent and resolve work-related issues and grievances at the earliest possible stage.
Learn about the Bank's values and the tools we have in place to ensure compliance with high ethical standards.
A safe place where IDB and IDB Invest employees can address their work-related issues and concerns.
The final instance that resolves disputes which arise out the employment relationship with the Bank or IDB Invest.
Learn about the mechanisms that the IDB Group makes available to ensure the integrity of its projects.
Learn about our comprehensive approach to transparency and accountability.