We work to improve lives in Latin America and the Caribbean with integrity and sustainability. Our work is subject to strict auditing mechanisms so we can remain free of prohibited practices, and comply with the most rigorous environmental, social and ethical standards. Below, we indicate the different ways to submit questions, grievances or complaints, depending on the topic at hand.
The Sanctions Committee is the second and final instance of the Sanctions System's decision-making process. It decides on appeals lodged by the Investigators against the Determinations issued by the Sanctioning Officer.

The Office of Institutional Integrity (OII) is mandated to conduct investigations of Prohibited Practices and provide preventive support to operational units and in this regard, plays a key role in the IDB Group's commitment to integrity. To file a complaint, complete the form (preferred) by clicking on the Tell Me button, or send the report to reportfraud@iadb.org by clicking on Send Report.

The Sanctions Officer (SO) is the first instance of the Sanctions System's decision-making stage. The Sanctions Officer assesses the sufficiency of the evidence submitted by the OII and the party under investigation and issues a Determination.

The Sanctions Committee is the second and final instance of the Sanctions System's decision-making process. It decides on appeals lodged by the Investigators against the Determinations issued by the Sanctioning Officer.
To foster a positive and harmonious work environment among employees, the IDB Conflict Resolution System comprises several mechanisms designed to prevent and resolve work-related issues and grievances at the earliest possible stage.
Learn about the Bank's values and the tools we have in place to ensure compliance with high ethical standards.
A safe place where IDB and IDB Invest employees can address their work-related issues and concerns.
The final instance that resolves disputes which arise out the employment relationship with the Bank or IDB Invest.
The Sanctions Committee is the second and final instance of the Sanctions System's decision-making process. It decides on appeals lodged by the Investigators against the Determinations issued by the Sanctioning Officer.

The Office of Institutional Integrity (OII) is mandated to conduct investigations of Prohibited Practices and provide preventive support to operational units and in this regard, plays a key role in the IDB Group's commitment to integrity. To file a complaint, complete the form (preferred) by clicking on the Tell Me button, or send the report to reportfraud@iadb.org by clicking on Send Report.

The Sanctions Officer (SO) is the first instance of the Sanctions System's decision-making stage. The Sanctions Officer assesses the sufficiency of the evidence submitted by the OII and the party under investigation and issues a Determination.

The Sanctions Committee is the second and final instance of the Sanctions System's decision-making process. It decides on appeals lodged by the Investigators against the Determinations issued by the Sanctioning Officer.
To foster a positive and harmonious work environment among employees, the IDB Conflict Resolution System comprises several mechanisms designed to prevent and resolve work-related issues and grievances at the earliest possible stage.
Learn about the Bank's values and the tools we have in place to ensure compliance with high ethical standards.
A safe place where IDB and IDB Invest employees can address their work-related issues and concerns.
The final instance that resolves disputes which arise out the employment relationship with the Bank or IDB Invest.
Learn more about the Inter-American Development Bank's values and Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct, which govern all our work.
Learn about our comprehensive approach to transparency and accountability.
Explore a comprehensive repository of the Inter-American Development Bank's policies, strategies.