The Access to Information Policy is an instrument approved by the IDB’s Board and designed to raise the Bank's standards of transparency to the highest level of international practices, thereby allowing greater accountability in the execution of its projects and activities.

Integrity and transparency start out with our employees; learn more about the instruments for safeguarding compliance with our high standards.

The firms and individuals listed below have been sanctioned for having engaged in fraudulent, corrupt, collusive, coercive or obstructive practices (collectively, Prohibited Practices), in violation of the IDB Group’s Sanctions Procedures and anti-corruption policies.

The Office of Institutional Integrity (OII) is an independent office of the IDB Group created to safeguard IDB Group-financed projects and services throughout the transaction cycle.

The IDB Group has an extensive set of policies, best practices and specialized mechanisms to reinforce integrity best practices and deter Prohibited Practices such as fraud and corruption in all IDB-Group financed projects.

We are the last resort of the conflict resolution system for employment related disputes at the IDB Group. Learn more about our role, composition, previous Judgments and resources available.

The Office of Ombuds and Mediation Services is a safe, confidential, and independent place where IDB Group employees can address their work-related issues and concerns.

MICI is an accountability mechanism, independent of the Bank’s management and project teams, which addresses the environmental and social grievances of communities potentially affected by the IDB Group’s operations.

The IDB produces an annual report describing its activities and operations during the previous year. Annual reports also include financial statements and a review of institutional aspects of the Bank.

Supporting development effectiveness at the IDB Group through rigorous evaluations.

Internal Audit is a valuable resource for achieving the institutional goals and objectives of the IDB Group, as well as strengthening internal controls and organizational governance.

This portal will allow you to participate in the public consultation to which you were invited (synchronic), as well as join the open public consultation (where you can participate at your own pace) in which, your technical and/or territorial knowledge, can add value to the process.
The IDB Group has established mechanisms to ensure the integrity of its projects, and to guarantee that violators receive a sanction proportional to the infraction, after having had the opportunity to present their defenses.
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