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We work to improve lives in Latin America and the Caribbean. Through financial and technical support for countries working to reduce poverty and inequality, we help improve health and education, and advance infrastructure. Our aim is to achieve development in a sustainable, climate-friendly way. 

Equipo de construcción pavimentando una vía rural. Desarrollo rural y económico - Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo - BID
Embarcación navegando por un río en medio de zona selvática. Desarrollo sostenible - Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo - BID Amazonia

A holistic, territorial approach to accelerate the sustainable, inclusive and resilient development of the Amazon region.

Personas recolectando café. Agricultura y Desarrollo Rural - Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo - BID Agriculture and Food Security

Modernization of agriculture services in Latin America and the Caribbean improves productivity and preserves the environment.

A close-up of a woman smiling. Climate change - Inter-American Development Bank - IDB Climate Change

Supporting countries in the transition to low carbon climate resilient economies.

Mujer con traje de buceo sumergida en el mar. El cambio climático - Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo - BID Disaster Risk Management

Helping Latin America and the Caribbean manage disaster risks and foster resilience in the region.

Grupo de jóvenes sentados en una banca en el colegio. Educación y equidad de género - Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo - BID Education

Empowering Latin American and Caribbean children and youth for the 21st Century.

A large solar and wind farm. Energy - Inter-American Development Bank - IDB Energy

Sustainable, reliable, and diversified energy for Latin America and the Caribbean.

Grupo de personas con vestimenta autóctona sentados de espalda. Diversidad - Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo - BID Enviromental and Social Solutions

Improving lives, bringing long-term economic growth, and reducing poverty and inequality in Latin America and the Caribbean depend on socially inclusive and environmentally sustainable development.

Panoramic view of a river in the middle of the jungle. Environment - Inter-American Development Bank - IDB Environment and Natural Resources Management

Creating sustainable development by promoting responsible stewardship of environmental and natural resources management in Latin American and the Caribbean.

A woman and a man looking at a tablet - Financial Inclusion - Inter-American Development Bank - IDB Financial Inclusion

Forging partnerships, generating knowledge, and igniting the region’s innovative drive to advance financial inclusion.

Woman Entrepreneur Latina America Financial Markets

Working with the public sector to design funding solutions that mobilize private investments and ensure inclusive and sustainable development.

A pen pointing at a graph. Inclusive development - Inter-American Development Bank - IDB Fiscal Management

Collaborating with Latin American and Caribbean countries to enhance fiscal policy and management, promoting equitable and sustainable growth.

Grupo de mujeres tejiendo atuendos autóctonos. Género y diversidad - Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo - BID Gender and Diversity

Empowering women and diverse groups to reach an inclusive development in Latin America and the Caribbean.

a person holding a baby Equity - Inter-American Development Bank - IDB Health

Improving equity, quality, and efficiency in health systems and services.

A woman wearing a hard hat and safety vest working on a machine. Jobs and Development - Inter-American Development Bank - IDB Labor Markets and Pensions

Promoting good jobs for all and a productive workforce for the present and future of work in Latin America and the Caribbean.

a person and children posing for a picture Migration

Driving the development of host communities through the social and economic integration of the migrant population.

Mujeres y niños siendo atendidos por una funcionaria pública. Modernización del Estado - Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo Modernization of the State

Building state capacity to strengthen rule of law, promote innovation and open governments to deliver better citizen services.

Mujeres manipulando alimentos en línea de producción. Desarrollo económico - Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo - BID Private Firms and SME Development

The IDB Group is committed to the development of Latin America and the Caribbean through the private sector and channels.

Puente sobre un río en zona rural. Integración regional - Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo - BID Regional Integration

Harnessing integration to drive competitiveness.

Estrecho de tierra rodeado de mar. Turismo sostenible - Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo - BID Sustainable Tourism

Sustainable tourism promotes socioeconomic development and environmental and cultural preservation.

Científica tomando muestras en laboratorio. Ciencia, Tecnología e inclusión - Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo - BID Science, Technology and Innovation

Innovation is essential for more productivity and economic progress.

A group of people sitting at a table smiling. Social Protection - Inter-American Development Bank - IDB Social Protection

Towards a more comprehensive, flexible, and sustainable social protection system.

A container ship in a seaport. Regional Integration - Inter-American Development Bank - IDB Trade

Driving growth through regional and international trade.

Zip car Chile - Transport Transport

Improve people's quality of life by implementing transportation and infrastructure initiatives.

HUD MAIN Urban Development and Housing

Helping cities in the region move towards a more inclusive, resilient, and productive urbanization.

Woman smiling with her arms crossed. Inter-American Development Bank - IDB Water, Sanitation and Solid Waste

Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation services for all.

Projects in Countries

Learn about the diverse projects and initiatives we support working for sustainable and inclusive development in Latin America and the Caribbean. 

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Country Offices

Explore our offices across countries and the work they do to improve lives.

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