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Learning from Rural Water and Sanitation

Rural Water and Sanitation Strategy
Boy washing their hands in nature banner - Inter American Development Bank - Water and Sanitation

The program, driven by the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) and funded by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC), aims to contribute to increase access and quality of water, sanitation, and hygiene services in rural communities, with an emphasis on gender, diversity, and climate change for an inclusive, resilient, and sustainable rural sector, through the exchange of experiences and the promotion of scalable best practices, SIRWASH strengthens strategic alliances and fosters collaborative learning among sector actors, facilitating continuous improvement of services and contributing to sustainable development in rural communities. 

The program is implemented in four countries: Peru, Brazil, Haiti and Bolivia.

SIRWASH program aims to improve enabling policy, innovation and knowledge exchange environments and to foster the necessary capacities to deliver sustainable quality WASH services to rural communities with a particular focus on the vulnerable and disadvantaged people.  

Executives meeting conference - Inter American Development Bank - Water and Sanitation Policy

Through this component, the program supports authorities at local, national, and global levels in developing, promoting, and implementing improved and tailored rural WASH policies, fostering dialogue and knowledge exchange for enhancing the relevance of rural initiatives.

Rural people landscape - Inter American Development Bank - Water and Sanitation Institutions and Capacities

The primary goal of this component is to strengthen local and national WASH institutions and enhance the capacities, expertise, and networks of rural WASH actors by knowledge dissemination and exchange spaces.

Executives meeting presentation - Inter American Development Bank - Water and Sanitation Innovation

Innovation is crucial to addressing the primary challenges in rural water, sanitation, and hygiene services. SIRWASH promotes and support implementers of rural WASH services to develop, adopt and apply financial, technological and social innovations.

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SIRWASH webinar 1: Regional and National Monitoring of Rural WASH – experiences of data-to-decisions SIRWASH webinar 1: Regional and National Monitoring of Rural WASH – experiences of data-to-decisions
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SIRWASH Webinar 2: Formalising and strengthening institutions for supporting rural WASH services SIRWASH Webinar 2: Formalising and strengthening institutions for supporting rural WASH services
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SIRWASH webinar 3: Rural sanitation – why is it left behind? SIRWASH webinar 3: Rural sanitation – why is it left behind?
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Read our Blogs


Rural boys washing their hands - Inter American Development Bank - Water and Sanitation SIRWASH: fortaleciendo alianzas y fomentando el aprendizaje en el agua y saneamiento rural
Indigenous mother washing dishes - Inter American Development Bank - Water and Sanitation Programa SIRWASH: Diálogo político, gestión del conocimiento y la innovación para lograr ODS 6 en agua y saneamiento rural
Indigenous girl washing their hands - Inter American Development Bank - Water and Sanitation Fortaleciendo la articulación sectorial para la seguridad hídrica en entornos rurales
Indigenous family greeting from their home - Inter American Development Bank - Water and Sanitation A Call to Action for Better Rural Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Services
Indigenous woman opening water tap - Inter American Development Bank - Water and Sanitation Innovación tecnológica para monitorear sistemas de agua potable rurales
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