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Water and Sanitation

Water, Sanitation and Solid Waste

Ensure availability and sustainable management of water, sanitation and solid waste services for all.

Operario manipulando válvulas de agua. Agua y Saneamiento - Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo - BID
Sector Framework Initiatives Projects at a Glance
Woman smiling with her arms crossed. Inter-American Development Bank - IDB
Our Vision

The IDB Group activities in water, sanitation and solid waste support the elimination of inequities, achieving the universalization of efficient, affordable, sustainable, and good quality services. 

Water and sanitation system in Latin America
Current Focus Areas

(i) Promote universal access to quality water and sanitation services;

 (ii) Improve financing and governance frameworks; 

(iii) Increase the efficiency of service providers and promoting private sector participation, with a view to achieving sustainable services; 

(iv) Incorporate disaster risk management and climate change considerations into the definition of sector policies and programs and promoting water security; 

 (v) Drive innovation in the sector.

We Offer Solutions

We offer solutions that address water, sanitation, solid waste management together with health and hygiene. education, gender and other environmental and social issues.


Hombre lavándose las manos en sitio público. Saneamiento - Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo - BID
Water Utilities


We work with water utilities to improve access to quality services, governance and efficiency.

Vista superior de planta de tratamiento de aguas. Inversión social y saneamiento - Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo - BID
We Focus on Protecting Water Resources


We focus on protecting water resources and promoting climate actions.

Operario revisando planta de potabilización de agua. Agua y Desarrollo Económico - Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo - BID
We Focus on Inclusion and Promote Community Involvement

We promote gender and inclusion in policies and projects. We also promote community involvement, especially in planning, design, execution, and maintenance of services.

Mujer de pie en el balcón de su casa. Mejorando Vidas - Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo - BID
Solid Waste Management

We support our lending member countries in their efforts to provide universal access to solid waste management services, promoting the incorporation of circular economy principles, incentivizing waste prevention and recovery, and ensuring the correct final disposal of items that cannot be reused. We provide technical support and financing for projects that allow those objectives to be reached, through the financing of investments and capacity building, knowledge, and innovation.

Profesionales inspeccionando una obra en construcción. Agua y Desarrollo sostenible - Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo - BID
Barbados Launched the World's First Debt-for-Climate-Resilience Operation
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Bahamas to Upgrade Potable Water Supply and Sanitation Services with IDB Support
The Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) approved a Conditional Credit Line for Investment Projects (CCLIP) of US$100 million and a first individual loan of US$50 million under this credit line to upgrade potable water supply and sanitation services in the Bahamas. The program approved by the IDB's...
Paraguay to Expand Sanitation in Lake Ypacaraí Watershed to Improve Environment
The Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) has approved a $154 million loan and $7.7 million grant from the IDB CLIMA program for a first round of construction under the Comprehensive Sanitation Plan for the Lake Ypacaraí Watershed in Paraguay. This project will improve environmental conditions in...
Illustration on IDB Blog about Adriana Acuna The Businesswoman Who Broke the Glass Ceiling in the Costa Rican Water Administration

Although the administration and organization around water in her community was dominated by men, Adriana made her way with improvements in the work environment, supervision of projects, and inclusion of all members of her community.

Sonia Henriquez Illustration-water and sanitation blog IDB Sonia Henríquez: Bridging Development and Indigenous Cosmovision for a Sustainable Future

Sonia was born in Sasardi Muladub, an island in Tubualá, a township of the Guna Yala region (also known as Kuna Yala or Dulenega) on the east coast of the Panamanian Caribbean.

World Water Week Focus on the Americas 2023 card World Water Week 2023: IDB Coordinates Focus on the Americas to Cultivate Seeds of Change

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