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Data and Digital Government

Data and Digital Government

We support the governments of the region in designing and implementing digital transformation plans and initiatives to enhance the efficiency of the public sector and the quality of services provided to citizens and the private sector.

a person looking up at a screen
Modernization of the State
a person touching a screen
What we do

The Data and Digital Government Cluster promotes a comprehensive vision of digital transformation that includes institutional strengthening, governance, regulatory framework, and technological services. This digital transformation of the public sector supports countries' competitiveness and social inclusion by emphasizing the national data strategy and the necessary cybersecurity policies to protect cyberspace.

We provide technical and financial support to governments in the following areas: 


Strengthening institutional capacity related to digital transformation.


Supporting the simplification and digitalization of procedures to minimize bureaucracy and paperwork culture.


Strengthening secure and universal digital identity schemes and improving civil registries.


Designing comprehensive cybersecurity policies at the national and sectoral levels.


Strengthening regulatory improvement as a key element to build trust in public institutions.


Implementation of national data strategies with a vision of evidence-based decision making.


Modernization of statistics offices and support for their data compilation process.

World Map - Investor - Inter American Development Bank - IDB Brasil Plus Digital
a group of people standing on a stage GEALC Network
a person holding a phone Cybersecurity
A person sitting at a desk with a computer. Digital transformation - Inter-American Development Bank - IDB Observatory of Cybersecurity
a person typing on a laptop Latin American Open Data Initiative
a person writing on a piece of paper Survey of Employees in National Statistical Offices
Red Ciberlac - IDB - Financial Development Ciberlac Network
Strengthening Cybersecurity in Uruguay
Program for the Improvement of Public Services and State-Citizen Interaction
Person's hands on keyboard National Catalog of Regulations, Procedures, and Services of Mexico
woman reviewing statistics Program to Strengthen the Statistical Capacity of the National Institute of Statistics and Census (INDEC) of the Argentine Republic
Woman thinking - Government - Inter-American Development Bank - IDB Personal Data and its Laws
GTDG - Inter American Development Bank - IDB Government Digital Transformation Guide

Do you know how to achieve the digital transformation of government? You will find the answer in this publication

Woman looking at a phone  - Government - Inter American Development Bank - IDB Making National Statistical Offices Work Better

High-quality official statistics--from inflation to poverty rates--are essential for effective policymaking. Yet, little is known about the statistics officials who produce this statistical data.

 White Building - Government - Inter American Development Bank - IDB Our Untapped Wealth: Toward Modern Management of Public Assets

The value of the assets owned by Latin American and Caribbean governments could exceed half of their economic production. These assets, including everything from public buildings and infrastructure to vehicles, forests, and cultural heritage, are non-financial public assets, representing unexplored wealth that could greatly benefit the region.

Procedures and Public Services



 “Innovations in Public Service Delivery” Series:

Digital Transformation



Registries, Identity and Digital Identity






Emerging data and technologies



Official statistics



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Click on each item to see a list of publications sorted by topic.
Man looking at metrics - Inter American Development Bank - IDB Four Key Lessons for Effective Management of National Statistical Offices

High-quality national statistics are indispensable for effective policymaking. For instance, without high- quality poverty data, anti-poverty policies will target the wrong beneficiaries; and without high-quality inflation data, monetary policies will stimulate the economy in the wrong moments.

Woman thinking - Government - Inter-American Development Bank - IDB Open Data: More Than Just Publishing Data

Considering the various interpretations that exist regarding the concept of open data, we can say that, to a greater or lesser extent, they define open data as data published under certain technical (machine-readable) and legal (having a license that allows free use, reuse, and dissemination) characteristics.

Man looking at an IPAD - Inter American Development Bank - IDB What are the 5 axes of government digital transformation ?

For the Inter-American Development Bank, Government digital transformation is the change in corporate culture, organizational models, methods, and processes that takes advantage of information and communication technologies (ICT) to enable public institutions to meet the needs of citizens and businesses in an efficient, transparent, and secure manner.

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Agentes de callcenter trabajando frente a su computadora. Transformación digital - Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo - BID Design of digital government projects

Digital Government

Cybersecurity Fundamentals: A Practical Approach

Data for the effectiveness of public policies

technology Regulatory impact analysis

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