The Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) has identified four challenges that limit the technical and operational capacity of the State: inefficient bureaucracy, corruption, crime, and inadequate digital progress.
To support countries in the Latin American and Caribbean (LAC) region in this undertaking, we provide project financing, technical assistance, and advice to governments to promote management models and structures in the following areas: transformation of public administration, data and digital government, citizen security and justice, and transparency and integrity.
The IDB strengthens the management capacity of public administration to improve the lives of citizens and enhance their trust in the State.

The IDB supports governments from Latin America and the Caribbean in the design and implementation of digital transformation plans and initiatives to improve the efficiency and quality of the public services provided to citizens and businesses.

The IDB helps countries in the region tackle challenges of security and justice that affect the Rule of Law and, in turn, economic and social development.

The IDB supports transparency and integrity reforms aligned with international standards and enabled by digital technologies.

The IDB's Fiscal Division works closely with member countries in Latin America and the Caribbean strengthening their fiscal policy and management at both the national and subnational levels, to achieve equitable and sustainable growth.

This blog is a space to discuss solutions for improving governments in Latin America and the Caribbean with the aim of strengthening services to citizens and promoting greater transparency. Join this conversation!

A new global debate has arisen regarding the protection of personal data, involving one of the social media platforms that has experienced significant growth and popularity in recent years (according to Statista). Entry available in Spanish.

Why are public policies related to education or health directed by a secretary or ministry, while those for climate change require a large team of entities? Entry available in Spanish.

Let's imagine a day in our daily life. We wake up early to get ready for remote work, for which we need an accessible and reliable internet connection. Entry available in Spanish.
A space for ideas and solutions on citizen security and justice in Latin America and the Caribbean.

The world is filled with public policies based on good intentions, but they don't always yield positive results, often squandering valuable public resources and sometimes even worsening the situation they aimed to address.

Preventing violence is a task that begins in childhood. According to the most recent statistics, two out of every three children and adolescents in Latin America and the Caribbean are victims of child abuse or violent discipline in the home.

Human trafficking is a complex and hard-to-detect crime that affects nearly 50 million people, according to global estimates of modern slavery for the year 2021, representing an increase of 10 million people in the last five years.
Working with the public sector to design funding solutions that mobilize private investments and ensure inclusive and sustainable development.
Innovation is essential for more productivity and economic progress.