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Dominican Republic

Dominican Republic

The Country Office of the Dominican Republic aims to help the country return to a path of robust economic growth consistent with inclusive and sustainable development with an emphasis on transparency.

Vista panorámica de Santo Domingo. República Dominicana - Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo - BID 
Country Office
Katharina B. Falkner-Olmedo Representante país Rep Dominicana. Desarrollo Social - Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo - BID
Katharina B. Falkner-Olmedo
IDB Country Representative in Dominican Republic




Dominican Republic is one of the founding member countries of the IDB. Like all the shareholders, Dominican Republic appoints a Governor, who represents the country on the Board of Governors.

For day-to-day business at the Bank's Headquarters in Washington, D.C., Dominican Republic is represented by a chair on the Board of Executive Directors. The chair, shared with Mexico, is headed by an Executive Director, who is elected to a three-year term by the Governors of the Dominican Republic and Mexico.

Country representation

Executive Director: Mario Alejandro Gaytan Gonzalez


  • Ernesto Alejandro Selman Mejia

ELECTED BY: Dominican Republic and Mexico

Total Contribution: 16,800,400

Number of votes: 86,452

of the institution's ownership

IDB Country Office in Dominican Republic

Address: Calle César Nicolás Penson esquina Calle Leopoldo Navarro Sector Gascue, Santo Domingo, Distrito Nacional, República Dominicana Calle César Nicolás Penson esquina Calle Leopoldo Navarro Sector Gascue, Santo Domingo, Distrito Nacional, República Dominicana Phone number: (T) (1-809) 784-6400 Fax number: (T) (1-809) 562-2607 E-mail:

Be the first to find out about the IDB news in Dominican Republic!
Jan 30, 2025
REP LAC Forum: Race, Ethnicity, and Policies in Latin America and the Caribbean
04:00 AM - 10:00 AM
Feb 13 - 14, 2025
Salud Mesoamerica: Equity, Quality, Impact
04:00 AM - 01:00 PM
United States of America - Washington, D.C.
Feb 19, 2025
PPP Talk 3: From Numbers to Results: Unveiling the Economic and Social Impact of PPPs
04:00 AM - 05:30 AM

Videos available in Spanish

Cómo mejorar la calidad del suministro eléctrico en República Dominicana
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Cómo Inapa mejoró la vida de los dominicanos invirtiendo en agua potable y saneamiento
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¿Cómo la infraestructura ayuda a mejorar la competitividad de un país?
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Infrastructura para mejorar la educación pública de República Dominicana
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Cómo aumentar el acceso al agua potable en República Dominicana
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Revitalización de centros históricos: peatonalizando una calle en Santiago de los Caballeros
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Strategy and Projects

The IDB Group’s Country Strategy for the Dominican Republic (2021-2024) aims to support the country in achieving robust and sustainable economic growth. This strategy focuses on fostering inclusive, resilient, and sustainable development through three key areas:

  1. Enhancement of Public Management and Fiscal Institutional Structure: Improving public sector efficiency and strengthening fiscal institutions to support economic stability.
  2. Sustainable and Inclusive Productive Reactivation: Promoting sustainable economic activities that boost productivity and inclusivity across various sectors.
  3. Strengthening Human Capital: Investing in human resources to enhance skills, opportunities, and overall workforce capacity.

La estrategia también abordará temas transversales como igualdad de género, diversidad, adaptación al cambio climático, digitalización, capacidad institucional y estado de derecho, con un fuerte enfoque en la transparencia. Estas áreas se basan en el período estratégico anterior del BID, con un énfasis mayor en la productividad, la inclusión y el fortalecimiento institucional.

Las estrategias de país permanecen vigentes más allá de su período inicial, continuando para guiar las acciones durante el desarrollo de estrategias subsecuentes, asegurando un impacto continuo y una alineación con los objetivos en evolución.

IDB Country Strategy with Dominican Republic 2021-2024
Project Number Sector Projects Financing Project Status Approval Date
DR-T1289 ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL DISASTERS Enhancing the Environmental Assessment Capacities of the Vice Ministry of Environmental Management, Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources 300,000 Implementation
DR-L1168 TRANSPORT Implementation Program for the National Road Safety Policy in the Dominican Republic Preparation
DR-T1303 REFORM / MODERNIZATION OF THE STATE Knowledge Exchange on Improving Transparency for Extractive Industries in the Caribbean 20,000 Implementation
DR-T1284 AGRICULTURE AND RURAL DEVELOPMENT Support for the implementation of DR-L1161 (Yuna) 950,000 Implementation
DR-O0013 PRIVATE FIRMS AND SME DEVELOPMENT Sargassum Innovation Facility 1,950,000 Implementation
DR-T1298 ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL DISASTERS Development of a voluntary market for biodiversity credits to strengthen financing for making the Dominican Republic more resilient to climate change 1,959,470 Implementation
DR-T1295 EDUCATION AI Education 890,000 Implementation
DR-T1285 WATER AND SANITATION Support for the development of the Dominican Republic's resilient sanitation plan 660,000 Implementation
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Be the first to find out about the IDB news in Dominican Republic!
Country Office
Katharina B. Falkner-Olmedo Representante país Rep Dominicana. Desarrollo Social - Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo - BID
Katharina B. Falkner-Olmedo
IDB Country Representative in Dominican Republic




Dominican Republic is one of the founding member countries of the IDB. Like all the shareholders, Dominican Republic appoints a Governor, who represents the country on the Board of Governors.

For day-to-day business at the Bank's Headquarters in Washington, D.C., Dominican Republic is represented by a chair on the Board of Executive Directors. The chair, shared with Mexico, is headed by an Executive Director, who is elected to a three-year term by the Governors of the Dominican Republic and Mexico.

Country representation

Executive Director: Mario Alejandro Gaytan Gonzalez


  • Ernesto Alejandro Selman Mejia

ELECTED BY: Dominican Republic and Mexico

Total Contribution: 16,800,400

Number of votes: 86,452

of the institution's ownership

IDB Country Office in Dominican Republic

Address: Calle César Nicolás Penson esquina Calle Leopoldo Navarro Sector Gascue, Santo Domingo, Distrito Nacional, República Dominicana Calle César Nicolás Penson esquina Calle Leopoldo Navarro Sector Gascue, Santo Domingo, Distrito Nacional, República Dominicana Phone number: (T) (1-809) 784-6400 Fax number: (T) (1-809) 562-2607 E-mail:

Be the first to find out about the IDB news in Dominican Republic!
Jan 30, 2025
REP LAC Forum: Race, Ethnicity, and Policies in Latin America and the Caribbean
04:00 AM - 10:00 AM
Feb 13 - 14, 2025
Salud Mesoamerica: Equity, Quality, Impact
04:00 AM - 01:00 PM
United States of America - Washington, D.C.
Feb 19, 2025
PPP Talk 3: From Numbers to Results: Unveiling the Economic and Social Impact of PPPs
04:00 AM - 05:30 AM

Videos available in Spanish

Cómo mejorar la calidad del suministro eléctrico en República Dominicana
Learn More
Cómo Inapa mejoró la vida de los dominicanos invirtiendo en agua potable y saneamiento
Learn More
¿Cómo la infraestructura ayuda a mejorar la competitividad de un país?
Learn More
Infrastructura para mejorar la educación pública de República Dominicana
Learn More
Cómo aumentar el acceso al agua potable en República Dominicana
Learn More
Revitalización de centros históricos: peatonalizando una calle en Santiago de los Caballeros
Learn More
Strategy and Projects

The IDB Group’s Country Strategy for the Dominican Republic (2021-2024) aims to support the country in achieving robust and sustainable economic growth. This strategy focuses on fostering inclusive, resilient, and sustainable development through three key areas:

  1. Enhancement of Public Management and Fiscal Institutional Structure: Improving public sector efficiency and strengthening fiscal institutions to support economic stability.
  2. Sustainable and Inclusive Productive Reactivation: Promoting sustainable economic activities that boost productivity and inclusivity across various sectors.
  3. Strengthening Human Capital: Investing in human resources to enhance skills, opportunities, and overall workforce capacity.

La estrategia también abordará temas transversales como igualdad de género, diversidad, adaptación al cambio climático, digitalización, capacidad institucional y estado de derecho, con un fuerte enfoque en la transparencia. Estas áreas se basan en el período estratégico anterior del BID, con un énfasis mayor en la productividad, la inclusión y el fortalecimiento institucional.

Las estrategias de país permanecen vigentes más allá de su período inicial, continuando para guiar las acciones durante el desarrollo de estrategias subsecuentes, asegurando un impacto continuo y una alineación con los objetivos en evolución.

IDB Country Strategy with Dominican Republic 2021-2024
Project Number Sector Projects Financing Project Status Approval Date
DR-T1289 ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL DISASTERS Enhancing the Environmental Assessment Capacities of the Vice Ministry of Environmental Management, Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources 300,000 Implementation
DR-L1168 TRANSPORT Implementation Program for the National Road Safety Policy in the Dominican Republic Preparation
DR-T1303 REFORM / MODERNIZATION OF THE STATE Knowledge Exchange on Improving Transparency for Extractive Industries in the Caribbean 20,000 Implementation
DR-T1284 AGRICULTURE AND RURAL DEVELOPMENT Support for the implementation of DR-L1161 (Yuna) 950,000 Implementation
DR-O0013 PRIVATE FIRMS AND SME DEVELOPMENT Sargassum Innovation Facility 1,950,000 Implementation
DR-T1298 ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL DISASTERS Development of a voluntary market for biodiversity credits to strengthen financing for making the Dominican Republic more resilient to climate change 1,959,470 Implementation
DR-T1295 EDUCATION AI Education 890,000 Implementation
DR-T1285 WATER AND SANITATION Support for the development of the Dominican Republic's resilient sanitation plan 660,000 Implementation
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