Argentina is one of the founding member countries of the IDB. Like all the shareholders, Argentina appoints a Governor, who represents the country on the Board of Governors.
For day-to-day business at the Bank's Headquarters in Washington, D.C., Argentina is represented by a chair on the Board of Executive Directors. The chair, shared with Haiti, is headed by an Executive Director, who is elected to a three-year term by the Governors of Argentina and Haiti.
Executive Director: Miguel Braun
- Nicolas Camauer
ELECTED BY: Argentina and Haiti
Total Contribution: 313,707,000
Number of votes: 1,609,577
of the institution's ownership
Address: Esmeralda 130 19° (C1035ABD)
Buenos Aires, Argentina
Esmeralda 130 19° (C1035ABD)
Buenos Aires, Argentina
Phone number: (T) (54-11) 4320-1800
E-mail: BIDArgentina@iadb.org
Videos available in Spanish
Argentina's National Strategy for 2021-2023 focuses on four key strategic areas:
- Poverty Reduction and Social Protection: Support for the most vulnerable populations.
- Economic Recovery and Productive Development 4.0: Driving innovation and growth in industries.
- Macroeconomic Stability and Effectiveness of Public Policies: Ensuring sustainable economic practices and efficient governance.
- Digital Transformation: Integrating technology for overall development.
Each area addresses important challenges such as gender equality, diversity, and environmental sustainability.
Country strategies remain valid for one year beyond the stated period, as they remain active throughout the preparation of the following strategy.

Argentina is one of the founding member countries of the IDB. Like all the shareholders, Argentina appoints a Governor, who represents the country on the Board of Governors.
For day-to-day business at the Bank's Headquarters in Washington, D.C., Argentina is represented by a chair on the Board of Executive Directors. The chair, shared with Haiti, is headed by an Executive Director, who is elected to a three-year term by the Governors of Argentina and Haiti.
Executive Director: Miguel Braun
- Nicolas Camauer
ELECTED BY: Argentina and Haiti
Total Contribution: 313,707,000
Number of votes: 1,609,577
of the institution's ownership
Address: Esmeralda 130 19° (C1035ABD)
Buenos Aires, Argentina
Esmeralda 130 19° (C1035ABD)
Buenos Aires, Argentina
Phone number: (T) (54-11) 4320-1800
E-mail: BIDArgentina@iadb.org
Videos available in Spanish
Argentina's National Strategy for 2021-2023 focuses on four key strategic areas:
- Poverty Reduction and Social Protection: Support for the most vulnerable populations.
- Economic Recovery and Productive Development 4.0: Driving innovation and growth in industries.
- Macroeconomic Stability and Effectiveness of Public Policies: Ensuring sustainable economic practices and efficient governance.
- Digital Transformation: Integrating technology for overall development.
Each area addresses important challenges such as gender equality, diversity, and environmental sustainability.
Country strategies remain valid for one year beyond the stated period, as they remain active throughout the preparation of the following strategy.
The Board of Governors is the highest authority responsible for the governance of the IDB.
The Board is responsible for the conduct of the operations of the Bank, and for this purpose may exercise all the powers delegated to it by the Board of Governors.
The Country Office of Haiti seeks to contribute to higher, inclusive, and more sustainable growth that supports a reduction in poverty and inequalities.