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The Country Office of Argentina focuses on assisting the most vulnerable segments of the population affected by the economic crisis and COVID-19 pandemic, while also helping to stabilize the macroeconomic environment and fostering an agenda of economic recovery and sustained poverty reduction.

Vista panorámica del Obelisco en Buenos Aires. Argentina - Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo - BID 
Country Office
Viviana Alva Smiling - Country Representative - Inter American Development Bank - IDB
Viviana del Carmen Alva Hart
IDB Country Representative in Argentina




Argentina is one of the founding member countries of the IDB. Like all the shareholders, Argentina appoints a Governor, who represents the country on the Board of Governors.

For day-to-day business at the Bank's Headquarters in Washington, D.C., Argentina is represented by a chair on the Board of Executive Directors. The chair, shared with Haiti, is headed by an Executive Director, who is elected to a three-year term by the Governors of Argentina and Haiti.

Argentina's representatives at the IDB

Executive Director: Miguel Braun


  • Nicolas Camauer

ELECTED BY: Argentina and Haiti

Total Contribution: 313,707,000

Number of votes: 1,609,577

of the institution's ownership

Address: Esmeralda 130 19° (C1035ABD)

Buenos Aires, Argentina

Esmeralda 130 19° (C1035ABD)

Buenos Aires, Argentina

Phone number: (T) (54-11) 4320-1800


Global Gateway: New EU-IDB Initiative to Boost Sustainable Critical Raw Materials Practices in Latin America and the Caribbean
The Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) and the European Union (EU) have launched a joint initiative to strengthen the enabling conditions for responsible investments to develop critical minerals and their value chains. The objective is to support inclusive economic growth in Latin America and the...
Argentina to Enhance its Public Financial Management with IDB Support
Argentina will enhance its financial management with a $60 million loan from the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) to support its fiscal consolidation measures. This initiative aims to increase the technical efficiency of Argentina’s spending and improve the quality of public services for its...
Outsource2LAC Consolidates as the Premier Event for Knowledge-Based Services in Latin America and the Caribbean
BUENOS AIRES - The 10th edition of Outsource2LAC, the premier event for knowledge-based services (KBS) investment and trade in Latin America and the Caribbean, gathered more than 1,000 entrepreneurs, companies, and government representatives from 32 countries. During the forum, more than 2,000...
Be the first to find out about the IDB news in Argentina!
Feb 18, 2025
Econnet: Scalable versus Productive Technologies
07:00 AM - 08:30 AM
United States of America - Washington, D.C.
Feb 19, 2025
PPP Talk 3: From Numbers to Results: Unveiling the Economic and Social Impact of PPPs
04:00 AM - 05:30 AM
Virtual - Outro
Feb 20, 2025
Code4Dev | Learn to Implement the Open-Source Tool DECIDIM Tool DECIDIM
11:00 AM - 12:00 PM
United States of America - Washington, D.C.

Videos available in Spanish

Cómo la jornada escolar extendida promueve el desarrollo integral de los estudiantes
Learn More
Capítulo 5 Mujeres Aguas Arriba: Historias de vida en el sector de AyS y Residuos Sólidos.
Learn More
Strategy and Projects

Argentina's National Strategy for 2021-2023 focuses on four key strategic areas:

  • Poverty Reduction and Social Protection: Support for the most vulnerable populations.
  • Economic Recovery and Productive Development 4.0: Driving innovation and growth in industries.
  • Macroeconomic Stability and Effectiveness of Public Policies: Ensuring sustainable economic practices and efficient governance.
  • Digital Transformation: Integrating technology for overall development.

Each area addresses important challenges such as gender equality, diversity, and environmental sustainability.

Country strategies remain valid for one year beyond the stated period, as they remain active throughout the preparation of the following strategy.

IDB Group Country Strategy with Argentina 2021 – 2023
Extension of the Transition Period of the Country Strategy with Argentina
Acceptance of Partial Use of Country Procurement Systems
Project Number Sector Projects Financing Project Status Approval Date
AR-T1396 EDUCATION Skills for Work in Secondary Education 400,000 Preparation
AR-T1395 ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL DISASTERS Emergency support due to forest fires in Cordoba Province 100,000 Implementation
AR-T1337 ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL DISASTERS Disaster and climate risk management in Argentina 400,000 Implementation
AR-T1380 EDUCATION Support for the improvement of the educational system and technical-professional training in the province of Neuquén 200,000 Implementation
AR-L1412 REFORM / MODERNIZATION OF THE STATE Fiscal Policy Strengthening Program II Preparation
AR-T1386 EDUCATION Support to the implementation of the Program to Support the Federal Policy for Enhancing Early Literacy 175,000 Implementation
AR-T1387 AGRICULTURE AND RURAL DEVELOPMENT Support for the Agrobiotechnology Entrepreneurial Ecosystem in Santa Fe Province 1,800,000 Implementation
AR-T1389 AGRICULTURE AND RURAL DEVELOPMENT Nat4BIO: Reducing Post-Harvest Waste in Food Chains through Nature-Based Solutions 130,000 Implementation
AR-T1393 FINANCIAL MARKETS Support for Promoting Risk Mitigation Instruments and Finance for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Investments for SMEs in Argentina with BICE II 1,137,131 Implementation
AR-T1355 AGRICULTURE AND RURAL DEVELOPMENT Support for sustainable agricultural development, with emphasis on agricultural innovation and biodiversity 500,000 Preparation
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Be the first to find out about the IDB news in Argentina!
Country Office
Viviana Alva Smiling - Country Representative - Inter American Development Bank - IDB
Viviana del Carmen Alva Hart
IDB Country Representative in Argentina




Argentina is one of the founding member countries of the IDB. Like all the shareholders, Argentina appoints a Governor, who represents the country on the Board of Governors.

For day-to-day business at the Bank's Headquarters in Washington, D.C., Argentina is represented by a chair on the Board of Executive Directors. The chair, shared with Haiti, is headed by an Executive Director, who is elected to a three-year term by the Governors of Argentina and Haiti.

Argentina's representatives at the IDB

Executive Director: Miguel Braun


  • Nicolas Camauer

ELECTED BY: Argentina and Haiti

Total Contribution: 313,707,000

Number of votes: 1,609,577

of the institution's ownership

Address: Esmeralda 130 19° (C1035ABD)

Buenos Aires, Argentina

Esmeralda 130 19° (C1035ABD)

Buenos Aires, Argentina

Phone number: (T) (54-11) 4320-1800


Global Gateway: New EU-IDB Initiative to Boost Sustainable Critical Raw Materials Practices in Latin America and the Caribbean
The Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) and the European Union (EU) have launched a joint initiative to strengthen the enabling conditions for responsible investments to develop critical minerals and their value chains. The objective is to support inclusive economic growth in Latin America and the...
Argentina to Enhance its Public Financial Management with IDB Support
Argentina will enhance its financial management with a $60 million loan from the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) to support its fiscal consolidation measures. This initiative aims to increase the technical efficiency of Argentina’s spending and improve the quality of public services for its...
Outsource2LAC Consolidates as the Premier Event for Knowledge-Based Services in Latin America and the Caribbean
BUENOS AIRES - The 10th edition of Outsource2LAC, the premier event for knowledge-based services (KBS) investment and trade in Latin America and the Caribbean, gathered more than 1,000 entrepreneurs, companies, and government representatives from 32 countries. During the forum, more than 2,000...
Be the first to find out about the IDB news in Argentina!
Feb 18, 2025
Econnet: Scalable versus Productive Technologies
07:00 AM - 08:30 AM
United States of America - Washington, D.C.
Feb 19, 2025
PPP Talk 3: From Numbers to Results: Unveiling the Economic and Social Impact of PPPs
04:00 AM - 05:30 AM
Virtual - Outro
Feb 20, 2025
Code4Dev | Learn to Implement the Open-Source Tool DECIDIM Tool DECIDIM
11:00 AM - 12:00 PM
United States of America - Washington, D.C.

Videos available in Spanish

Cómo la jornada escolar extendida promueve el desarrollo integral de los estudiantes
Learn More
Capítulo 5 Mujeres Aguas Arriba: Historias de vida en el sector de AyS y Residuos Sólidos.
Learn More
Strategy and Projects

Argentina's National Strategy for 2021-2023 focuses on four key strategic areas:

  • Poverty Reduction and Social Protection: Support for the most vulnerable populations.
  • Economic Recovery and Productive Development 4.0: Driving innovation and growth in industries.
  • Macroeconomic Stability and Effectiveness of Public Policies: Ensuring sustainable economic practices and efficient governance.
  • Digital Transformation: Integrating technology for overall development.

Each area addresses important challenges such as gender equality, diversity, and environmental sustainability.

Country strategies remain valid for one year beyond the stated period, as they remain active throughout the preparation of the following strategy.

IDB Group Country Strategy with Argentina 2021 – 2023
Extension of the Transition Period of the Country Strategy with Argentina
Acceptance of Partial Use of Country Procurement Systems
Project Number Sector Projects Financing Project Status Approval Date
AR-T1396 EDUCATION Skills for Work in Secondary Education 400,000 Preparation
AR-T1395 ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL DISASTERS Emergency support due to forest fires in Cordoba Province 100,000 Implementation
AR-T1337 ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL DISASTERS Disaster and climate risk management in Argentina 400,000 Implementation
AR-T1380 EDUCATION Support for the improvement of the educational system and technical-professional training in the province of Neuquén 200,000 Implementation
AR-L1412 REFORM / MODERNIZATION OF THE STATE Fiscal Policy Strengthening Program II Preparation
AR-T1386 EDUCATION Support to the implementation of the Program to Support the Federal Policy for Enhancing Early Literacy 175,000 Implementation
AR-T1387 AGRICULTURE AND RURAL DEVELOPMENT Support for the Agrobiotechnology Entrepreneurial Ecosystem in Santa Fe Province 1,800,000 Implementation
AR-T1389 AGRICULTURE AND RURAL DEVELOPMENT Nat4BIO: Reducing Post-Harvest Waste in Food Chains through Nature-Based Solutions 130,000 Implementation
AR-T1393 FINANCIAL MARKETS Support for Promoting Risk Mitigation Instruments and Finance for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Investments for SMEs in Argentina with BICE II 1,137,131 Implementation
AR-T1355 AGRICULTURE AND RURAL DEVELOPMENT Support for sustainable agricultural development, with emphasis on agricultural innovation and biodiversity 500,000 Preparation
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Board of Governors

The Board of Governors is the highest authority responsible for the governance of the IDB.

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Board of Executive Directors

The Board is responsible for the conduct of the operations of the Bank, and for this purpose may exercise all the powers delegated to it by the Board of Governors.

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IDB Representation in Haiti

The Country Office of Haiti seeks to contribute to higher, inclusive, and more sustainable growth that supports a reduction in poverty and inequalities.

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