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Bienes Públicos Regionales

Bienes Públicos Regionales

Financiando soluciones conjuntas a desafío de desarrollo compartidos a través de la cooperación regional

A group of people sitting at a table. Trade - Inter-American Development Bank - IDB
Convocatorias Proyectos Preguntas frecuentes
Regional Public Goods Logo Es - Finance - Inter American Development Bank - IDB

Bienes Públicos Regionales (BPR) es una iniciativa del Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo (BID) que se basa en la premisa de que los países de América Latina y el Caribe (ALC) comparten numerosos desafíos y oportunidades de desarrollo, que pueden ser abordados más eficiente y efectivamente a través de la acción colectiva y la cooperación regionales.

La Iniciativa define los bienes públicos regionales (BPR) como bienes, servicios o recursos que sean producidos y consumidos colectivamente por el sector público y, donde sea apropiado, por el sector privado sin fines de lucro en un mínimo de tres países miembros prestatarios del BID. La Iniciativa se enfoca en BPR que tengan el potencial de generar beneficios significativos comunes y efectos indirectos positivos. Los efectos indirectos pueden expresarse en términos de alcance (los beneficios se extienden más allá del sector en el que estaba enfocado originalmente) y/o escala (los beneficios se extienden más allá del grupo inicial de países).

La Iniciativa BPR busca financiar productos concretos de coordinación regional que pueden luego ser implementados a nivel nacional por los países participantes y otros países interesados que no pudieron participar del proyecto original. Este tipo de producto pueden ser, por ejemplo, marcos normativos regionales, legislación armonizada y acuerdos o estándares comunes entre países; estrategias y planes de acción sectoriales regionales; diagnósticos y estudios en apoyo a decisiones de inversión o proyectos a nivel regional; y metodologías e instrumentos de aplicación regional. 

Características clave

La Iniciativa brinda recursos no reembolsables (subvenciones) para aquellas propuestas seleccionadas como resultado de una convocatoria de propuestas (CFP).

Impulsada por la demanda

La Iniciativa financia propuestas que han sido preparadas o respaldadas por y benefician a un mínimo de tres y excepcionalmente dos países miembros prestatarios del BID.

Acción colectiva

Los países e instituciones socios deciden colectivamente su objetivo, incluido su plan de trabajo, la agenda y los mecanismos de su gobernanza y cooperación regional.

La Convocatoria 2024 seleccionará propuestas de alto valor agregado regional que aborden, mediante la acción colectiva y la cooperación de las instituciones proponentes, un desafío u oportunidad compartidos relacionados con uno o más de los siguientes 3 objetivos de la nueva Estrategia Institucional del Grupo BID:

Reducir la pobreza y la desigualdad

Eliminar los obstáculos para la participación económica y la mejora del nivel de vida de los pobres y vulnerables de América Latina y el Caribe.

Abordar el cambio climático

Alcanzar un futuro con cero emisiones netas para 2050, resiliente y positivo para la naturaleza, en consonancia con el Acuerdo de París.

Impulsar el crecimiento regional sostenible

Aumentar el PIB real per cápita de la región promoviendo iniciativas encaminadas a fortalecer la integración regional.

Group of people standing on a track with rails. Finance - Inter-American Development Bank - IDB PUBLICACIÓN |Regional Public Goods: From Theory to Practice
A woman pointing at a screen and talking to a man. Regional Cooperation - Inter-American Development Bank - IDB BLOG | ¿Por qué evaluar los proyectos de cooperación regional? 
A person in a white robe and mask pouring white granules into a container. Medicine - Inter-American Development Bank - IDB
Protocolo Centroamericano para la Adquisición y Control de Calidad de Medicamentos.

Este Bien Público Regional resultó en un Protocolo Regional de Control de Calidad de Medicamentos para promover el acceso a medicamentos seguros, eficaces y de buena calidad para los países de Centroamérica. El proyecto estableció procedimientos y un marco regulatorio que permitió la adquisición de medicamentos a través de procesos conjuntos de negociación de precios. Como resultado de 5 rondas de negociación, ocho países centroamericanos lograron generar un ahorro agregado de 38 millones de dólares. 

A woman and a man looking at a liquid in a flask. Schools - Inter-American Development Bank - IDB
Aprendizaje en las escuelas del siglo XXI

Desde 2011, la Iniciativa de Bienes Públicos Regionales financia el proyecto "Aprendizaje en las escuelas del siglo XXI". Este proyecto facilita el intercambio de mejores prácticas para el diseño, planificación y gestión de infraestructura escolar en 14 países de América Latina. A través del análisis de aspectos regulatorios y de construcción, y el desarrollo e implementación de una metodología para la recolección de información, los países participantes han impulsado cambios, armonización y mejoras en las regulaciones que rigen la construcción de escuelas en la región. 

2005 - 2010


RG-T1157BPR 13: Plan Trifinio Trinational Comission
RG-T1158BPR 7: Single-based Social Security for MERCOSUR
RG-T1156BPR 17: Improvement of Statistics for Measuring Living Conditions
RG-T1155BPR 19: Strengthening of the Regional Stock Market
RG-T1154BPR 27: Improvement of the Public Debt Management and Knowledge
RG-T1152BPR 35: Latin American Network of Education Portals
RG-T1151BPR 38: Sustainable Management of the Amazonas' Biodiversity
RG-T1153BPR 33: Improving Public Administration through E-Government Best Practices


RG-T1202Food Fortification with Folic Acid and other Micro-Nutrients
RG-T1200Common Framework for Population Census in CARICOM
RG-T1206Regional Program Control of the Disease of Chagas in LA
RG-T1209Climatic information Applied to Management of Risk in Agriculture for Andean C.
RG-T1207Regional Information System for Agriculture Development of South Cone Countries
RG-T1205Regional Disaster Risk Management for Sustainable Tourism in the Caribbean
RG-T1199Strengthening CLARA Academic Network
RG-T1203Central America Climatic Data Base
RG-T1208Evaluation and Development of Regional System of Citizen Competitions
RG-T1204Conservation of the Enviromental Patrimony of the Great Chaco
RG-T1201Management of the Trinational Selva Maya Ecosystem (ME-GU-BE)


RG-T1202Food Fortification with Folic Acid and other Micro-Nutrients
RG-T1200Common Framework for Population Census in CARICOM
RG-T1206Regional Program Control of the Disease of Chagas in LA
RG-T1209Climatic information Applied to Management of Risk in Agriculture for Andean C.
RG-T1207Regional Information System for Agriculture Development of South Cone Countries
RG-T1205Regional Disaster Risk Management for Sustainable Tourism in the Caribbean
RG-T1199Strengthening CLARA Academic Network
RG-T1203Central America Climatic Data Base
RG-T1208Evaluation and Development of Regional System of Citizen Competitions
RG-T1204Conservation of the Enviromental Patrimony of the Great Chaco
RG-T1201Management of the Trinational Selva Maya Ecosystem (ME-GU-BE)


RG-T1202Food Fortification with Folic Acid and other Micro-Nutrients
RG-T1200Common Framework for Population Census in CARICOM
RG-T1206Regional Program Control of the Disease of Chagas in LA
RG-T1209Climatic information Applied to Management of Risk in Agriculture for Andean C.
RG-T1207Regional Information System for Agriculture Development of South Cone Countries
RG-T1205Regional Disaster Risk Management for Sustainable Tourism in the Caribbean
RG-T1199Strengthening CLARA Academic Network
RG-T1203Central America Climatic Data Base
RG-T1208Evaluation and Development of Regional System of Citizen Competitions
RG-T1204Conservation of the Enviromental Patrimony of the Great Chaco
RG-T1201Management of the Trinational Selva Maya Ecosystem (ME-GU-BE)


RG-T1681Regional instruments for adaptation to climate change by the health sector
RG-T1689Institutional and Normative Framework for a Regional Competence Policy
RG-T1679Harmonized System of Bovine Trazability in Central America, Belice, Panamá and D
RG-T1687Regional Strategy for Management and Trade of Chemical Products
RG-T1683Regional Framework to control Youth Contagious Diseases
RG-T1688Regional Strategy of Export Promotion and Investment Atraction
RG-T1684Institutional Framework for Scientific Publications
RG-T1682Operational Framework for Statistics
RG-T1678Common Framework for a Literacy Survey
RG-T1686Cooperation System on operational Information and Industrial Property
RG-T1685Regional Strategy of Advanced Formation in Applied Economics
RG-T1692Governmental Purchases Policy
RG-T1677Monitoring & Evaluation Framework for Disaster Risk Management in Tourism Sector
RG-T1680Plan of Action for Roaming Services in Mobile Telecomunications


RG-T1829Regional Protocol of Epidemiology in Border Zones
RG-T1821Climate Change and Biodiversity Information in the Tropical Andes
RG-T1822Regional Strategy for a citizenry with a culture of social security
RG-T1815Reg. strategy for regulation and supervision of the Central American stock marke
RG-T1819Micro SME Regional Information for Central America
RG-T1827Regional System of methodical Information for the LAD Services Sector
RG-T1816Strengthening and Harmonization of the Resolution Banking Process in CA
RG-T1826Regional Mechanism for Peace and Conflict Resolution
RG-T1811Incentives for the Conservation of Natural Grazing Lands in the Southern Cone
RG-T1820Regional Program of using of satellite information for agricultural producti
RG-T1828Regional Forest Health System for the Southern Corn Countries
RG-T1818Caribbean Regional Tourism Satellite Account (TSA) Implementation Initiative
2011 - 2015


RG-T2009Regional Evaluation System of the Impact of Pub. Pol. in Security for LAC
RG-T2014Broadband Development for Competitiveness and Integration
RG-T2012Development and Strengthening of Official Environmental Statistics
RG-T2010Longitudinal Social Protection Survey (LSPS)
RG-T2015Caribbean Hotel Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Action - Advanced Program
RG-T2011Learning in the Schools of the 21st Century
RG-T2013Mesoamerican Observatory on Freight Transport and Logistics


RG-T2213Platform for Knowledge and Innovation in Public Financial Management
RG-T2216Information and Knowledge System for the Design of Public Policy
RG-T2215Regional Observatory to Improve the Efficiency in Managing Pharmaceuticals
RG-T2212Broadband Infrastructure and Public Awareness in the Caribbean
RG-T2217Unleashing the Potential of Diaspora Direct Investment in Central America
RG-T2214Action Plan to Develop Citizen Competencies for the schools in LAC
RG-T2218Regional Platform to Coordinate and Promote the Export of Audio-visual Services
RG-T2219Comprehensive Strategy for the Use of Bicycles in Latin America Cities
RG-T2211Financial Integration Latin America: Realities, challenges, strategic proposals


RG-T2425Regional Framework to Promote Interventions for At-Risk Youth
RG-T2423MILA: Challenges for the consolidation of a broader and inclusive stock market
RG-T2431Prevention and Control of Micronutrient Deficiencies in Central America
RG-T2421Mechanism for Regional Cooperation on Public Software
RG-T2428Support to Foreign Direct Investment in the Caribbean
RG-T2419Institu. Strengthening for Impr Competitiveness of Fruit Production in CA and DR
RG-T2426Financial Stability and Development Group
RG-T2420Greenhouse Gas Inventory for Exporting Companies in Central America
RG-T2430Population and Property Statistics using adm records in Andean Countries
RG-T2424Regional Mechanism to Adopt Climate Protection in Public Infrastructure
RG-T2429Strengthening of Cooperation between IP Offices in South America PROSUR II
RG-T2427Regional Network to Support the Housing and Urban Development Sectors in LAC
RG-T2422Network for the Development of Electronic Medical Records (EMR) in LAC


RG-T2535Strengthening the Regional Public Procurement Marketplace in the Caribbean
RG-T2537Implementation Support for Vehicle Safety Standards in Latin America and the Car
RG-T2539LA-KLEMS: Economic Growth and Productivity in Latin America
RG-T2529School Learning in the Twenty-First Century - Second Phase
RG-T2536Caribbean Regional Entrepreneurial Assets Commercialization Hub
RG-T2530Regional Cooperation for the Management of High-cost Medications
RG-T2538Protect the Traditional Ecological Knowlege of the IP Located at the
RG-T2528Consolidation of the Longitudinal Social Protection Survey
RG-T2527Support to promote Interoperability of Foreign Trade Single Windows
RG-T2526Development of Methodology for the Implementation of agricultural statistics


RG-T2686Regional Collaboration Initiative for the Management of Integrated Health Networks
RG-T2687Regional Tourism Health Information, Monitoring and Response Systems and Standards
RG-T2684Continuous monitoring system for regional integration in LAC
RG-T2691Decentralization and subnational fiscal management network
RG-T2692Innovation and research laboratory in education for Latin America
RG-T2683Building an innovation and entrepreneurship ecosystem
RG-T2688Public debt management in LAC countries (LAC Debt Group)
RG-T2690Metropolitan Management and Investment Capacity o Local Governments
RG-T2689Indigenous Peoples in the Border Region of ACTO
RG-T2682Strengthening National Metrology Institutes in the Hemisphere in support of emer
RG-T2685Regional adaptation of new international guidelines for measuring labor statisti
2016 - 2020


RG-T2864Transport GenderLab: Bank of initiatives to integrate gender perspective in transport
RG-T2861Strengthening Compliance on a Regional Basis with the Global Principles for Financial Market Infrastructures
RG-T2860Managing Risks Associated with Public-private Financing in Latin American and Caribbean (LAC) Countries
RG-T2871Regional Integrated Satellite Information System to Improve Productivity and Prevent Productive and Environmental Risks
RG-T2867LA-KLEMS: Economic Growth and Productivity in Latin America
RG-T2870Strengthening Regional Health Security: Technical Support to Caribbean Countries toward the enhancement and maintenance of their International Health Regulations (IHR 2005) core Competencies
RG-T2866Information System for International Cooperation
RG-T2872Replicability of the Regional Mechanism for the Adoption of Climate Shielding in Public Infrastructure
RG-T2865Regional Strategy for Promoting Investments and Exports in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC)
RG-T2897Latin American and Caribbean Coalition against Racism, Discrimination, and Xenophobia
RG-T2863Big data use for government efficiency and regional integration
RG-T2869Project to create a regional strategic management program for epidemiological emergencies
RG-T2862Improvement of Urban Solid Waste Management (RSU): Instruments to Increase Recovery of Recoverable Solid Waste
RG-T2874Implementation of the Mesoamerican Territorial Information System (SMIT) for the management of disaster risks Mesoamerican Network for Comprehensive Risk Management (RM-GIR)
RG-T2873Program to Strengthen Management and Dissemination of Energy Information for Sustainable Development in Latin America and the Caribbean


RG-T3104Public-Private Initiative to Reduce Economic Gender Gaps
RG-T3094Program of Promotion of Digital Commerce for South America
RG-T3099Digital Solutions for the Municipal Tax Administration
RG-T3105Network for Pensions in Latin America and the Caribbean (PLAC Network) Phase II
RG-T3106Study Group on Behaviors for Social Protection and Health Policies: A Life Cycle Approach
RG-T3100Latin American Laboratory of Probity and Transparency Policies: A South-South Cooperation Project
RG-T3102Support for Transportation Systems Decarbonization planning in Latin America
RG-T3101Common Census Framework 2.0 - Support to CARICOM Regionally Coordinated Census Strategy
RG-T3103Financial Stability and Development Group
RG-T3095Big Data for Sustainable Urban Development
RG-T3098Strengthening Transfer and Technology Entrepreneurship in the Pacific Alliance
RG-T3107Regional Project for the Institutionalization, Sustainability and Permanent and Quality Update of the DIME Platform
RG-T3096Knowledge Generation and Institutional Capacities Strengthening for the Development of Infrastructure and the Digital Economy in Latin America and the Caribbean
RG-T3097Regional Cooperation Program for the Development of Resolution Framework for the Regional Financing Crisis


RG-T3104Public-Private Initiative to Reduce Economic Gender Gaps
RG-T3094Program of Promotion of Digital Commerce for South America
RG-T3099Digital Solutions for the Municipal Tax Administration
RG-T3105Network for Pensions in Latin America and the Caribbean (PLAC Network) Phase II
RG-T3106Study Group on Behaviors for Social Protection and Health Policies: A Life Cycle Approach
RG-T3100Latin American Laboratory of Probity and Transparency Policies: A South-South Cooperation Project
RG-T3102Support for Transportation Systems Decarbonization planning in Latin America
RG-T3101Common Census Framework 2.0 - Support to CARICOM Regionally Coordinated Census Strategy
RG-T3103Financial Stability and Development Group
RG-T3095Big Data for Sustainable Urban Development
RG-T3098Strengthening Transfer and Technology Entrepreneurship in the Pacific Alliance
RG-T3107Regional Project for the Institutionalization, Sustainability and Permanent and Quality Update of the DIME Platform
RG-T3096Knowledge Generation and Institutional Capacities Strengthening for the Development of Infrastructure and the Digital Economy in Latin America and the Caribbean
RG-T3097Regional Cooperation Program for the Development of Resolution Framework for the Regional Financing Crisis


RG-T3540Enhancing Efficiency Through Port Community Systems and Single Windows for Trade
RG-T3544Efficient Health Systems: Roadmap for Disease and Death Reduction for the 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda of the Central American Integration System (SICA) Region
RG-T3539Incentive Program and Support for the Transition to Electromobility in Latin America and the Caribbean
RG-T3541Strengthening of the Public Employment Services Network (SEALC Network) to Meet the Challenges of New Technologies in the Labor Market and Include the Migrant Population
RG-T3534Territorial Information Platform for the Integration of Migrants
RG-T3547Creation of the Building Information Modeling Network (BIM) of Latin American Governments
RG-T3545ABP-PPP Network: Open Knowledge Network for Analysis and Best Practices in Public-Private Partnerships
RG-T3546Improving Migration Information Systems in the Region
RG-T3540Enhancing Efficiency Through Port Community Systems and Single Windows for Trade
RG-T3538Creation of the Latin American Water and Sanitation Observatory (OLAS)
RG-T3543Strengthening of Regional Capacity for Integration and Social Inclusion of Migrant Populations
RG-T3542Information Platform on Accessible Social Infrastructure to Advance Disability Inclusion
RG-T3536Financial Structuring and Regulatory Homogenization for the Reduction of the Digital Gap in Central America


RG-T3752The Cities of the Day After. Local Observatories of Natural, Humanitarian and Sanitary Disasters in Latin America and the Caribbean cities
RG-T3758Tourist Intelligence and Early Warning System (SIRTA) in the context of COVID-19: Application to the Jesuit Route
RG-T3759Regional Tourism Health Capacity Enhancement and Digitization Project: Advancing Caribbean Travelers Health Assurance for Healthier Safer Tourism
RG-T3760Metrology for the Digital Transformation to Support the Health Services in Latin America and the Caribbean and to Address the Measurement Challenges Associated with Pandemics such as COVID-19
RG-T3761Tools to Design Fiscal Transition and Recovery Policies in Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic
RG-T3762Comprehensive Penitentiary Management Model for Health and Humanitarian Crises Response in Latin America and the Caribbean Prisons
RG-T3763From the COVID-19 Crisis to Resilience: A Toolbox for Actors in the Water, Sanitation and Energy Sector in Latin America and the Caribbean
RG-T3764Strengthening the Resilience of Agri-food Logistics Chains and Response Mechanisms to Sanitary Crises in COVID-19 Times
RG-T3765Creation of a Toolkit to Manage Health Emergencies and Natural Disasters in Customs and Institutions Present at Border Posts
RG-T3766Educational Inclusion in Mesoamerica in the Current Context of COVID-19
RG-T3767Contingency Plan for the Protection of Health in Highly Vulnerable Indigenous Peoples in Initial Contact
RG-T3768Making the People´s Voice Heard on Health System Quality in Latin America in Times of Crisis
RG-T3769Digital Transformation in Health to Mitigate the Effects of COVID-19 in Latin America and the Caribbean
2021 - 2023


RG-T3990VigiMusa: Latin American and Caribbean Platform for the Phytosanitary Surveillance of Musaceae
RG-T3991Articulation of Accreditation Bodies to Strengthen Quality Infrastructure at the Andean level
RG-T3992The Caribbean Digital Transformation Institute
RG-T3993Fiscal Policy for Climate Change: Support to the Ministries of Finance of Latin America and the Caribbean
RG-T3994Model for Strengthening the Institutional Capacities of the Security and Justice Sector to Respond to Human Trafficking in Latin America and the Caribbean with a Gender Perspective and a Digital Approach
RG-T3995Regional Integration of the Green Hydrogen Value Chain
RG-T3996DIGITAC HUB: Digital Hub for Automotive Freight Transportation
RG-T3997Regional Collaborative Platform for the Strengthening of the Circular Economy in the Face of the Post-COVID-19 Recovery and Climate Change Mitigation
RG-T3998Circular Economy and Sustainable Management of Plastics in the Countries of the Pacific Alliance
RG-T3999Digital Communications Campaign to Attract Foreign Direct Investment to the Caribbean
RG-T4000Caring Communities: A Tool for a Life Free of Gender-Based Violence
RG-T4001Strengthening Decision-making in the Control of the COVID-19 Pandemic through Genomic Surveillance in Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, and Peru


RG-T4182Regional Collaborative Platform for Urban Innovation
RG-T4183Support Platform for Regulatory Improvement
RG-T4184Independent fiscal councils for a responsible and transparent fiscal policy in the post-pandemic
RG-T4185Support for digital tax and customs management in Latin America and the Caribbean
RG-T4186CaribData: Caribbean Data-Driven Resilience
RG-T4187INFRALAC4ALL: Platform for inclusive infrastructure
RG-T4188The energy transition as an opportunity for green industrial development in Latin America and the Caribbean
RG-T4189Development of climate-resilient regional value chains that strengthen water ecosystem services and generate rural income in the trinational basin of the Lempa River in Trifinio
RG-T4190Building Resilient, Inclusive, and Low-Carbon Supply Chains in Latin America and the Caribbean: Innovative Policies and Regulations in Infrastructure, Transport, and Logistics
RG-T4191Micro, small and medium-sized Enterprises International Trade and Development Project
RG-T4192A Central American System for the recognition, validation and accreditation (RVA) of basic skills
RG-T4193Creation of a harmonized regional digital methodological toolkit to improve the migration measurement in household surveys
RG-T4194Digital transformation of pension institutions in Latin America and the Caribbean


RG-T4390Adaptación de los Bancos Centrales al cambio climático
RG-T4391Diseño e implementación de un Sistema de Información para la Gestión del Riesgo de Incendios Forestales en el sur de Sudamérica (SIGRIFSA)
RG-T4392Acuerdo regional para servicios de salud digital transfronterizos
RG-T4393Promoviendo seguridad hídrica en la Cuenca del Plata: afrontando el reto de las sequías para fortalecer las cadenas regionales de valor
RG-T4394Profundización del Programa para el fortalecimiento de las transacciones electrónicas transfronterizas en América Latina y el Caribe
RG-T4395Fronteras Amazónicas: Marco metodológico para una integración regional
RG-T4396Indicadores ambientales y de cambio climático: un enfoque común utilizando métodos innovadores y fuentes de datos alternativas
RG-T4397Bien Público Regional para el desarrollo de información (incluyendo factores de emisión) y capacidad de su digitalización para la estimación de emisiones de Gases de Efecto Invernadero (GEI) en el sector de la construcción
RG-T4398Consolidación de Bien Público Regional Sistemas de salud eficientes: hoja de ruta para la reducción de enfermedades y muertes en los Estados miembros del SICA
RG-T4399Plan Maestro Regional de Integración y Desarrollo del Corredor Bioceánico de Capricornio (PM-CBC)
RG-T4400Laboratorio de Políticas de Movilidad Escolar Segura, Sostenible e Inclusiva
RG-T4401Plataforma para la Seguridad Alimentaria y Nutricional de ALC 
RG-T4402Caja herramientas para la adopción de energía verde y eficiencia energética en el Caribe para las MIPYMES; y promoción de una transición energética justa
RG-T4403Apoyo al desarrollo de la inclusión financiera digital en América Latina y el Caribe
RG-T4404Red de confianza de salud digital en la región ALC para mejorar el acceso a los servicios de salud para los inmigrantes
RG-T4405Apoyo a integridad y transparencia en infraestructura en ALC
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