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Administrative Tribunal

The Administrative Tribunal

We are the last resort of the conflict resolution system for employment related disputes at the IDB Group. Learn more about our role, composition, previous Judgments and resources available.

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Administrative Tribunal
Decisions Decisions Dashboard Key Documents Publications and Videos

The information shared on this webpage is not equivalent to legal advice and should not be relied upon as such. Any specific questions concerning legal rights should be consulted with an attorney."

What we do?

The Administrative Tribunal of the IDB Group hears Complaints in which a current or former employee of the IDB Group alleges non-observance of his or her contract of employment or terms and conditions of appointment, provided the Complainant has exhausted all other remedies available within the IDB Group, as applicable, within the appropriate time periods, as established by the Statute and Rules of Procedure of the Administrative Tribunal

The cases are related mostly to the following topics: performance evaluation and career development; benefits, compensation, and pension issues; equity of treatment and respect in the workplace; and misconduct, conflict of interest, and alleged misuse of Bank resources.

Who can file a Complaint?

A Complaint can be filed by any employee at the IDB Group, including consultant and retiree, and also by any person who is entitled to present a claim upon a right of a current, former, or retired staff member or consultant. 


Members of the Tribunal

The Tribunal is composed of seven members who are independent from the IDB Group; they are appointed by the Board of Executive Directors. The members of the Tribunal must be nationals of member countries of the IDB Group. No two of them can be nationals of the same country. The members of the Tribunal are appointed for one non-renewable term of six years. In addition, an Executive Secretary of the Tribunal is appointed by the Board of Executive Directors and is responsible for assisting the Tribunal in discharging its functions (Articles III and V of the Statute of the Administrative Tribunal).   

Member Name 



Teresa Maria Da Silva Bravo (President)



Maria Vicien Milburn (Vice-President)



William Berenson

United States


Kieran Bradley

United Kingdom


Westmin R.A James 

Trinidad and Tobago 


Lorena Mereles González 



Martha Halfeld Furtado de Mendonça Schmidt 



Giuliana Canè  (Executive Secretary) 



See Former Members  

Composition of the Administrative Tribunal

The Administrative Tribunal has jurisdiction when all internal remedies established in the formal conflict resolution mechanisms have been exhausted in a timely manner (Article II of the Statute of the Administrative Tribunal). 

Filing of the Complaint and Required Documentation

If the employee does not agree with the decision taken in previous instances, he or she may file a Complaint with the Administrative Tribunal no later than 120 days after the following: 

  • The employee receives a Certificate of Conclusion of the Mediation. 
  • The employee receives the Final Decision of the Administration Subcommittee (Pension). 
  • The employee receives the Final Decision of the Vice President for Finance and Administration (VPF).   

The Complaint is filed electronically ( with the office of the Tribunal's Executive Secretariat. If this is not practicable, the Complaint can be filed by mail to the office located at the Bank's headquarters or at the nearest Bank office if the Complainant lives in a place other than Washington, D.C.  The documents mentioned above need to be attached to the Complaint.


The Rules of Procedure of the IDB Group Administrative Tribunal provide for two distinct types of hearings: witness testimony hearings and oral argument hearings. 
Witness testimony hearings are held for the purpose of examining witnesses, legal experts, or other evidence, and are closed to the public. 
Oral Argument hearings are convened after the conclusion of the evidentiary stage of the proceedings to allow the Parties to address the Tribunal directly and to provide a summary of their main arguments and submissions. They are open to all IDB Group active and retired personnel.

Deliberation and Judgment

The Tribunal’s Decisions are notified to each of the Parties of the case, and they are final and not subject to appeal. The Judgments are published in accordance with the provisions of the Bank’s Access to Information Policy. Click here to access the Tribunal’s Decisions and search engine.  

Role of the Tribunal within the IDB Group

The IDB and IDB Invest, like many international organizations, enjoy immunity from jurisdiction of the courts of their member countries. For this reason, the Administrative Tribunal was established to adjudicate disputes which arise out of the employment relationship of the IDB Group with their employees.

The Administrative Tribunal was established by the Board of Executive Directors of the IDB on April 29, 1981. The Inter-American Investment Corporation (IIC) became subject to the Administrative Tribunal’s jurisdiction on November 19, 1991 by resolution of its Board of Executive Directors. As of November 2017, IDB Invest is the commercial name of the IIC.

Members of the Tribunal

The Tribunal is composed of seven members who are independent from the IDB Group; they are appointed by the Board of Executive Directors. The members of the Tribunal must be nationals of member countries of the IDB Group. No two of them can be nationals of the same country. The members of the Tribunal are appointed for one non-renewable term of six years. In addition, an Executive Secretary of the Tribunal is appointed by the Board of Executive Directors and is responsible for assisting the Tribunal in discharging its functions (Articles III and V of the Statute of the Administrative Tribunal).   

Member Name 



Teresa Maria Da Silva Bravo (President)



Maria Vicien Milburn (Vice-President)



William Berenson

United States


Kieran Bradley

United Kingdom


Westmin R.A James 

Trinidad and Tobago 


Lorena Mereles González 



Martha Halfeld Furtado de Mendonça Schmidt 



Giuliana Canè  (Executive Secretary) 



See Former Members  

Composition of the Administrative Tribunal

The Administrative Tribunal has jurisdiction when all internal remedies established in the formal conflict resolution mechanisms have been exhausted in a timely manner (Article II of the Statute of the Administrative Tribunal). 

Filing of the Complaint and Required Documentation

If the employee does not agree with the decision taken in previous instances, he or she may file a Complaint with the Administrative Tribunal no later than 120 days after the following: 

  • The employee receives a Certificate of Conclusion of the Mediation. 
  • The employee receives the Final Decision of the Administration Subcommittee (Pension). 
  • The employee receives the Final Decision of the Vice President for Finance and Administration (VPF).   

The Complaint is filed electronically ( with the office of the Tribunal's Executive Secretariat. If this is not practicable, the Complaint can be filed by mail to the office located at the Bank's headquarters or at the nearest Bank office if the Complainant lives in a place other than Washington, D.C.  The documents mentioned above need to be attached to the Complaint.


The Rules of Procedure of the IDB Group Administrative Tribunal provide for two distinct types of hearings: witness testimony hearings and oral argument hearings. 
Witness testimony hearings are held for the purpose of examining witnesses, legal experts, or other evidence, and are closed to the public. 
Oral Argument hearings are convened after the conclusion of the evidentiary stage of the proceedings to allow the Parties to address the Tribunal directly and to provide a summary of their main arguments and submissions. They are open to all IDB Group active and retired personnel.

Deliberation and Judgment

The Tribunal’s Decisions are notified to each of the Parties of the case, and they are final and not subject to appeal. The Judgments are published in accordance with the provisions of the Bank’s Access to Information Policy. Click here to access the Tribunal’s Decisions and search engine.  

Role of the Tribunal within the IDB Group

The IDB and IDB Invest, like many international organizations, enjoy immunity from jurisdiction of the courts of their member countries. For this reason, the Administrative Tribunal was established to adjudicate disputes which arise out of the employment relationship of the IDB Group with their employees.

The Administrative Tribunal was established by the Board of Executive Directors of the IDB on April 29, 1981. The Inter-American Investment Corporation (IIC) became subject to the Administrative Tribunal’s jurisdiction on November 19, 1991 by resolution of its Board of Executive Directors. As of November 2017, IDB Invest is the commercial name of the IIC.

Statute of the Administrative Tribunal
See more
Statute of the Administrative Tribunal (French Version)
Statute of the Administrative Tribunal (Portuguese Version)
Step by Step Guide
Rules of Procedure of the Administrative Tribunal
See more
Rules of Procedure of the Administrative Tribunal (French Version)
Rules of Procedure of the Administrative Tribunal (Portuguese Version)
Frequently Asked Questions
See more
Staff Rule on Labor Relations and Conflict Resolutions Mechanisms
Code of Judicial Conduct
Code of Judicial Conduct (French Version)
Cover for Toolkit Document - Justice Administration - Inter American Development Bank - IDB Toolkit for Self-Represented Complainants

This toolkit was created to guide future users in the event they decide to represent themselves when filing a case with the Administrative Tribunal of the Inter-American Development Bank Group.

Cover of the article Case Digest 1981-2022. Transparency - Inter-American Development Bank - IDB Case Digest 1981-2022

Find out about the cases resolved by the Administrative Tribunal since 1981.

Cover for Step by Step - Justice - Inter American Development Bank - IDB Step by Step Guide

The Guide is a visual map of each of the phases and the roles that the Parties have in the process.

Step by step Tribunal graphic in Portuguese - Inter American Development Bank - IDB Transparency Step by Step Guide (Portuguese)

The Guide is a visual map of each of the phases and the Roles that the Parties have in the process.

Cover of the article Taking Stock of its Four Decades of Jurisprudence. Integrity - Inter-American Development Bank - IDB Taking Stock of its Four Decades of Jurisprudence

This article provides an overview of the history, practice and composition of the Tribunal, and identifies trends in the statistical data of the four decades of service of the Administrative Tribunal of the IDB Group.

Cover of the article A Brief Introduction to the Administrative Tribunal. Development - Inter-American Development Bank - IDB A Brief Introduction to the Administrative Tribunal

Learn about the role of the Administrative Tribunal within the IDB Group, procedure, practices, and its main statistics on cases.

Cover of the article Oral Hearings in the Procedures and Practices. Equality - Inter-American Development Bank - IDB Oral Hearings in the Procedures and Practices of the Administrative Tribunal

This study offers a discussion of a specific feature of the Tribunal’s procedure.

Cover of the article Toolkit. Sustainable development - Inter-American Development Bank - IDB Resource Guide

The Resource Guide brings together all tools, documents, and videos useful for users and offering an overview of the IDB Group AT’s services.

Check out our gallery of audiovisual resources available to you. In this gallery you will find instructional videos about the process before the Administrative Tribunal, its composition and operational framework as well as interviews from judges, users and peers.  

The videos shared in this webpage are intended to provide general information about the Tribunal's role within the IDB Group, why it was established and how to access to it. 


Interviews Instructional Videos Podcast
Administrative Tribunal 2024: Agenda of the Sessions and Concluded Cases
Administrative Tribunal 2023: Agenda of the Sessions and Concluded Cases
Administrative Tribunal 2022: Agenda of the Sessions and Concluded Cases
Agenda - Fortieth Anniversary of the IDB Group Administrative Tribunal Event
Administrative Tribunal Sessions’ Agenda in 2021

Contact us

By Phone: +1 (202) 623 1649
By E-mail:
Address: 1300 New York Avenue N.W
Office B-642
Washington, D.C., USA. 20577


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