The first version of the platform was launched in 2018 with data from the National Public Investment System (SNIP). In the following years, new data sets were added on public resources destined to deal with the pandemic, and on budget planning and execution.

The platform integrates and visualizes the available information on the budget and execution of works and projects, consolidating the data provided by the Ministry of Public Works of the Argentine Republic, its decentralized agencies and companies.

Launched in November 2020, the platform contributes to the country's alignment with international transparency commitments. It also provides citizens with the ability to search for projects by sector and location.

The platform was built in coordination with the Ministry of Economy, Planning and Development (MEPyD) to promote transparency and improve the efficiency of national public investment. In 2022, the website was improved to gather data on emergency management-related financial allocation and purchases.

MapaInversiones Perú País Minero was launched in 2020 in coordination with the Ministry of Energy and Mines (MINEM). The platform allows to locate in all the localities of the country the detail of the mining production, the employment generated by the activity, the transfers by canon and royalties, and the information on the execution of the public investment projects financed with these resources.
MapaInversiones desde el Territorio was launched in 2019 and seeks to promote transparency and improve the efficiency of public resources that are transferred by the national government and managed by regional and local governments.

The platform was launched in 2018 with information from the bank of public investment projects of the Ministry of National Planning and Economic Policy (Mideplan). In 2020, a new version was published with data sets on public resources destined to attend the COVID-19 emergency, including public purchases, subsidies and donations.

MapaInversiones Colombia is an integrated information platform that georeferences all public investment in the country, mining-energy activity, the exploitation of non-renewable natural resources, and the financing and execution of public investment projects. The tool is administered by the National Planning Department (DNP), and made available to the general public, in order to promote transparency, participation and analysis of the management of State entities in matters of public investment.

"Honduras Inversiones" promotes transparency, participation and accountability in the use of public resources. Through the platform, budget execution, contractual processes and the execution of public investment can be monitored.

In 2023, the Government of Panama launched the "Gestión Transparente Panamá" platform to disclose and account for the execution of the budget and public investment projects.

The platform is expected to be operational and available to the public in 2024.

The platform is expected to be operational and available to the public in 2024.

The platform is expected to be operational and available to the public in 2024.

The platform is expected to be operational and available to the public in 2024.

It joins the initiative in 2023 with the aim of managing and visualizing information related to public investment and resources in the extractive sector.
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