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Initiative Plac network

Network for Pensions in Latin America and the Caribbean – PLAC Network –

Supporting our member countries to promote inclusive and sustainable pension and social security systems

A senior lady smiling at the camera. Pension and Social Development - Inter-American Development Bank - IDB

In a context of rapid aging, ensuring social and financial sustainability of social security systems in Latin America and the Caribbean is a challenge of maximum relevance for the region. Achieving universal coverage and providing adequate pensions for senior citizens will require solid institutions that can promote and implement the necessary changes for an effective social security.

Aiming to support regional efforts for improving the institutional and technical capacity of pension entities, in 2015 the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) created the Network for Pensions in Latin America and the Caribbean (PLAC Network). Through the PLAC Network, the IDB funds activities so that its members can learn from international best practices, establishing a unique space for debate about the present and future of pension systems in the region.

The PLAC Network carries out a series of activities with the active participation of its members. Since 2018, the Network has been holding regular webinars to discuss issues and disseminate knowledge relevant to supervisors and regulators in the region. The Network also makes available to its members a series of good practices and documents that establish guidelines based on international experience in pension supervision, the pay-out phase or decumulation phase, and monitoring and automatic adjustments to pension systems. The Network also established a series of comparable pension indicators among its 19 member countries, which seek to support countries in the process of evaluating their pension systems. Currently, the Network is also supporting the countries of Latin America and the Caribbean in the construction of a standard pension projection model to collaborate with the process of evaluating the financial and social sustainability of their pension systems. We invite you to explore our site and discover more about our work! 

Network for Pensions in Latin America and the Caribbean (Red PLAC) Network for Pensions in Latin America and the Caribbean (Red PLAC)
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The PLAC Network in action: Actuarial Pension Models The PLAC Network in action: Actuarial Pension Models
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