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Initiative du réseau PLAC

PLAC - Network for Pensions in Latin America and the Caribbean
Senior adult woman smiling - Inter American Development Bank IDB - Labor markets and pensions

Ensuring the sustainability of social security systems in the region is crucial given the accelerated pace at which populations are aging. Through the Network for Pensions in Latin American and Caribbean (PLAC Network), the IDB has been the partner of choice for countries since 2015 in promoting and adopting international best practices to foster inclusive and sustainable pension systems.

Executives Conference Room - Labor Markets and Pensions - Inter American Bank IDB Technical Assistance on Pension Policies

Through the Network for Pensions in Latin American and Caribbean, the IDB has been the partner of choice in promoting and adopting international best practices to foster inclusive and sustainable pension systems in our region. We provide technical assistance by promoting the exchange of knowledge between policymakers, supervisors, and pension regulators in the region.

Data, tools and comparable pensions indicators for countries in the region

Best practice documents, technical notes and technical assistance papers

Webinars and events with experts and authorities for meaningful knowledge exchange

The PLAC Network consists of 21 countries from Latin America and the Caribbean. This initiative is supported by several institutions, including the International Association of Pension Supervisory Authorities (AIOS), the Caribbean Association of Pension Supervisors (CAPS), the Inter-American Conference on Social Security (CISS), and the Ibero-American Social Security Organization (OISS).


ArgentinaMinisterio de TrabajoEmpleoSeguridad SocialConsejo Federal de Previsión Social
BahamasThe National Insurance Board of The Bahamas
BarbadosFinancial Services Commission
BrazilSecretaria de Previdencia do Ministerio da Economía
ChileSuperintendencia de Pensiones
ColombiaMinisterio de Hacienda y Crédito PúblicoSuperintendencia Financiera de ColombiaAdministradora Colombiana de Pensiones - Colpensiones
Costa RicaSuperintendencia de Pensiones
Dominican RepublicSuperintendencia de Pensiones
EcuadorInstituto Ecuatoriano de Seguridad SocialISSPOL
El SalvadorSuperintendencia del Sistema Financiero
GuatemalaInstituto Guatemalteco de Seguridad Social
GuyanaBank of Guyana
HaitiMinistere de l'Economie et des Finances
HondurasComisión Nacional de Bancos y Seguros
JamaicaFinancial Services CommissionNational Insurance Scheme, Ministry of Labor and Social Security
MexicoComisión Nacional del Sistema de Ahorro para el Retiro
PanamaSistema de Ahorro y Capitalización de Pensiones de los Servidores PúblicosSuperintendencia del Mercado de Valores
ParaguayMinisterio de Hacienda
PeruSuperintendencia de Banca Seguros y AFP
Trinidad and TobagoNational Insurance Board
UruguayBanco Central de Uruguay

Adult woman in market - Labor Market and Pensions - Inter American Development Bank IDB How to Understand Pension and Social Security Systems? The ABC of Pensions in Latin America and the Caribbean

Learn what a pension is, the characteristics of pension systems in Latin American and Caribbean countries, and what to do to ensure their sustainability.

Women COVID 19 - Labor Market and Pensions - Inter American Development Bank IDB The Future of Work in Latin America and the Caribbean: How to Move Towards Sustainable Pension Systems for Longer-Lived Societies?

This edition of the series 'The Future of Work in Latin America and the Caribbean' examines the challenges and opportunities that arise for the region's pension systems in the face of an aging population, technological advances, climate change, and changes in labor markets.

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If you have worked on pension issues in the region and woud like to contribute to our blog and publications, please contact us via email at with the subject “Proposal for the PLAC Network”.

Contact us today!
Older adult woman - Labor Market and Pensions - Inter American Development Bank IDB Global Pensions Programme

This event brings together thought leaders, authorities, academics, and professionals to discuss and explore the latest innovations and trends shaping the future of pension systems globally.

Adult person money coins - Labor Market and Pensions - Inter American Development Bank IDB Other Events

The repertoir of events of the PLAC Network includes the launch of new publications, technical meetings with regional authorities, study trips, and more.

Woman meeting webinar computer - Labor Market and Pensions - Inter American Development Bank IDB Webinars

The PLAC Network organizes regular webinars with IDB experts and international scholars to disseminate knowledge on various topics related to the past, present, and future of pensions in the region.

Network for Pensions in Latin America and the Caribbean (Red PLAC)
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The PLAC Network in action: Actuarial Pension Models
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Are three decades enough time to build the pensions of the future?


By 2050, when those over 60 become the biggest segment of the population, will pensions be sufficient for everyone? Not if we don't act now and make the pension systems in Latin America and the Caribbean sustainable. 30 years is the just the right amount of time to turn aging into an opportunity for the region.

The PLAC Network works continuously to generate tools that support its member countries and contribute to the strengthening of the region's pension systems. In this section you will find the PLAC Network's Pension Indicators database. These are comparable indicators among the 19 countries that are part of the Network. You will also find documents related to the project of elaboration of a Standard Pension Projection Model, a useful tool for monitoring pension systems as well as for evaluating possible pension reforms.

Graphics review executives - Labor Markets and Pensions - Inter American Bank IDB
Actuarial Pension Projection Model

The current landscape of pension systems in Latin America and the Caribbean requires an actuarial model to simulate the impact of changes in relevant parameters. IDB's conceptual model is a collaborative platform for discussing actuarial concepts and projection options, providing a framework for each user to develop their own pension projection model. For further information, please email with the subject “Information about IDB’s Actuarial Pension Projection Model”.

Guidelines and Resources

We invite you to download the following materials to obtain more information on this topic (Available in Spanish):

Update of the IDB Pension Projection Model (November 2021).

1.    General instructions for use of the Actuarial Pension Projection Model.
2.    Methodology of the Actuarial Pension Projection Model.
3.    Description of the Actuarial Pension Projection Model.
4.    Model for Defined Benefit systems.
5.    Model for Defined Contribution systems.

Training and Videos

Initial design stage of the IDB Pension Projection Model (2019-2020). [Available in Spanish]

•    Recordings of the in-person training on this topic held in Washington DC (November 11-15, 2019).
•    Application of the standard pension projection model for a fictitious public pension system (June 2020).
•    Recording and presentation of the webinar "An application of the standard pension projection model" (June 4, 2020).

Guidelines and Resources

We invite you to download the following materials to obtain more information on this topic (Available in Spanish):

Update of the IDB Pension Projection Model (November 2021).

1.    General instructions for use of the Actuarial Pension Projection Model.
2.    Methodology of the Actuarial Pension Projection Model.
3.    Description of the Actuarial Pension Projection Model.
4.    Model for Defined Benefit systems.
5.    Model for Defined Contribution systems.

Training and Videos

Initial design stage of the IDB Pension Projection Model (2019-2020). [Available in Spanish]

•    Recordings of the in-person training on this topic held in Washington DC (November 11-15, 2019).
•    Application of the standard pension projection model for a fictitious public pension system (June 2020).
•    Recording and presentation of the webinar "An application of the standard pension projection model" (June 4, 2020).

Computer indicators- Labor Market and Pensions - Inter American Development Bank IDB
Indicators of Pension Systems

The PLAC Network's pension indicators are a key tool for in-depth analysis of various aspects of pension systems: coverage, benefit adequacy, financial sustainability, equity and social solidarity, efficiency, and institutional capacity. Their comparability among member countries helps us identify areas for cooperation and knowledge exchange between countries.

Learn more about indicators of pension systems:


User Manual
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2020 Pension Indicators
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2019 Pension Indicators
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