The Skills Development Sector Framework Document aims to guide the work carried out by the Inter-American Development Bank Group (IDBG) alongside the countries of Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) in the development of skills throughout the human life cycle. Skills are developed throughout life with specific skills being developed at different degrees of intensity and in different places at each phase of the life cycle. This Sector Framework Document (SFD) presents five challenges to skills development at five key stages of life: infancy, childhood and preadolescence, adolescence, young adulthood, and adulthood and offers guidance on the IDBG’s efforts to help LAC countries promote skills development and lifelong learning as a strategy to ensure that citizens can contribute productively to society, improve their well-being, and be good citizens.
Ensure access to high-quality and relevant learning opportunities throughout life for all.
A quality education also needs relevance assurance mechanisms.
to improve efficiency, effectiveness, and coverage of skills development opportunities.
to increase access and equity to skills development opportunities and to improve the efficiency of skills development systems.
Actively promote the generation and use of evidence to inform decisions on skills development.

This document surveys Bank lending operations designed to fight poverty and enhance social equity, with emphasis on recently approved projects with innovative components. It also surveys a broad range of poverty-related non-lending activities carried out by the Bank over the past two years.
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