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The Country Office of Ecuador aims to provide effective, innovative support for the government’s development program by seeking promotion of public-private partnerships (PPPs) as a vehicle for investment, leveraging of the equity market through thematic bonds and guarantees, and productive development of Ecuador’s Amazon region.

Vista panorámica del Centro Histórico de Quito. Ecuador - Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo - BID 
Country Office

The country strategy for the 2018-2021 period prioritizes spurring economic growth to consolidate and deepen the social advances achieved since the turn of the century. To this end, the Bank supports the government in its effort to overcome the macroeconomic imbalances currently affecting the country, move toward a growth model in which private initiative takes on a more prominent role, and mitigate the potential adverse impact of this process on the most vulnerable groups. This strategic approach is based on three pillars: strengthening public finances; support for productivity and development of the private sector as engines of growth; deepening of the social advances achieved over the past decade.

Juan Carlos De la Hoz Vinas Representante país Ecuador. Desarrollo Económico - Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo - BID
Juan Carlos De la Hoz Vinas
IDB Country Representative in Ecuador

Our team on the Ground

Address of the IDB representation in Ecuador: Avenida Simon Bolivar S/N y Via Nayón Complejo Corporativo Ekopark - Torre 5, Piso 3 170124, Quito, Ecuador

Mailing Address: Apartado Postal Nº 17-07-9041, Quito, Ecuador

(T) (593-2) 299-6900

(F) (593-2) 299-6969

Country representation

Executive Director: Carlos Alvarez


  • Roberto Izurieta

ELECTED BY: Chile and Ecuador

Total Contribution: 16,940,800

Number of votes: 86,225

of the institution's ownership

Ecuador to Spur Energy Transition and Investments with IDB Support
The Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) has approved a $500 million loan that, along with an additional $100 million in financing from the Korea Infrastructure Development Co-financing Facility for Latin America and the Caribbean—which is administered by the IDB– aims to galvanize the energy...
July 24, 2024
IDB Lab to Foster Bioeconomy in the Amazon Region with Two New Initiatives
The Inter-American Development Bank's innovation laboratory, IDB Lab, has launched two innovative initiatives to protect biodiversity and promote sustainable development in the Amazon basin. The move was announced in Manaus, Brazil, during the Sustainability Week of IDB Invest, the private sector...
June 12, 2024
IDB Group Launches 7th Edition of Superheroes of Development to Recognize Project Executors
The call will be open from May 20 to June 28, 2024 The Inter-American Development Bank Group (IDB Group) launched the seventh edition of the Superheroes of Development contest to recognize clients and executing institutions excelling in the successful resolution of challenges during the...
May 21, 2024
Apr 10, 2023
EconNet: Political Connections, Allocation of Stimulus Spending, and the Jobs Multiplier | Veronika Penciakova (Atlanta FED)
12:00 PM - 01:00 PM
United States - Washington, DC
Apr 11, 2023
Presentation of the Government Digital Transformation Guide
10:00 AM - 11:30 AM
Apr 12, 2023
Research and Policy Seminar: The Global Economy at a Turning Point | Kenneth Rogoff (Harvard University)
11:30 AM - 12:30 PM
Washington, DC

Videos available in Spanish

¿Qué hace el BID en Ecuador?
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Historias de vida en la región andina
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Programa de Agua Potable y alcantarillado con impacto social
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Capítulo 1 Mujeres Aguas Arriba: Historias de vida en el sector de AyS y Residuos Sólidos.
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Participación de las mujeres en el mercado laboral informal en Ecuador
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Ley Violeta: Ecuador camina hacia la paridad de género
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Strategy and Projects

Ecuador is one of the founding member countries of the IDB. Like all the shareholders, Ecuador appoints a Governor, who represents the country on the Board of Governors.

For day-to-day business at the Bank's Headquarters in Washington, D.C., Ecuador is represented by a chair on the Board of Executive Directors. The chair, shared with Chile, is headed by an Executive Director, who is elected to a three-year term by the Governors of Ecuador and Chile.

Country strategies remain valid for one year beyond the stated period, as they remain active throughout the preparation of the following strategy.   

IDB Group Country Strategy with Ecuador 2022-2025
Video: IDB country strategy with Ecuador (Spanish)
Project Number Sector Projects Financing Project Status Approval Date
EC-J0009 SOCIAL INVESTMENT Program for Prevention and Response to Violence and Criminality in Ecuador (PREVIC) Preparation
EC-L1296 REFORM / MODERNIZATION OF THE STATE Program to Support Macroeconomic Stabilization 500,000,000 Preparation
EC-T1535 PRIVATE FIRMS AND SME DEVELOPMENT Bioeconomy Regional Hub Napo, Pastaza and Morona Santiago 800,000 Preparation
EC-T1536 PRIVATE FIRMS AND SME DEVELOPMENT Bioeconomy Regional Hub Napo, Pastaza and Morona Santiago 1,200,000 Preparation
EC-T1556 REFORM / MODERNIZATION OF THE STATE Knowledge Exchange between Ministry of Justice and Peace (Costa Rica) and the Ministry of Interior (Ecuador) 8,800 Preparation
EC-T1541 TRANSPORT Institutional Strengthening of the Quito Metro Metropolitan Public Company 400,000 Preparation
EC-T1552 SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY Highly skilled human resources in ICT and research lines relevant to threats of climate change in the Galapagos Islands 240,000 Preparation
EC-O0016 Conditional Credit Line for Investment Projects (CCLIP) of the Program for the Promotion of Private Investment in Renewable Energy Projects Preparation
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Country Office

The country strategy for the 2018-2021 period prioritizes spurring economic growth to consolidate and deepen the social advances achieved since the turn of the century. To this end, the Bank supports the government in its effort to overcome the macroeconomic imbalances currently affecting the country, move toward a growth model in which private initiative takes on a more prominent role, and mitigate the potential adverse impact of this process on the most vulnerable groups. This strategic approach is based on three pillars: strengthening public finances; support for productivity and development of the private sector as engines of growth; deepening of the social advances achieved over the past decade.

Juan Carlos De la Hoz Vinas Representante país Ecuador. Desarrollo Económico - Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo - BID
Juan Carlos De la Hoz Vinas
IDB Country Representative in Ecuador

Our team on the Ground

Address of the IDB representation in Ecuador: Avenida Simon Bolivar S/N y Via Nayón Complejo Corporativo Ekopark - Torre 5, Piso 3 170124, Quito, Ecuador

Mailing Address: Apartado Postal Nº 17-07-9041, Quito, Ecuador

(T) (593-2) 299-6900

(F) (593-2) 299-6969

Country representation

Executive Director: Carlos Alvarez


  • Roberto Izurieta

ELECTED BY: Chile and Ecuador

Total Contribution: 16,940,800

Number of votes: 86,225

of the institution's ownership

Ecuador to Spur Energy Transition and Investments with IDB Support
The Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) has approved a $500 million loan that, along with an additional $100 million in financing from the Korea Infrastructure Development Co-financing Facility for Latin America and the Caribbean—which is administered by the IDB– aims to galvanize the energy...
July 24, 2024
IDB Lab to Foster Bioeconomy in the Amazon Region with Two New Initiatives
The Inter-American Development Bank's innovation laboratory, IDB Lab, has launched two innovative initiatives to protect biodiversity and promote sustainable development in the Amazon basin. The move was announced in Manaus, Brazil, during the Sustainability Week of IDB Invest, the private sector...
June 12, 2024
IDB Group Launches 7th Edition of Superheroes of Development to Recognize Project Executors
The call will be open from May 20 to June 28, 2024 The Inter-American Development Bank Group (IDB Group) launched the seventh edition of the Superheroes of Development contest to recognize clients and executing institutions excelling in the successful resolution of challenges during the...
May 21, 2024
Apr 10, 2023
EconNet: Political Connections, Allocation of Stimulus Spending, and the Jobs Multiplier | Veronika Penciakova (Atlanta FED)
12:00 PM - 01:00 PM
United States - Washington, DC
Apr 11, 2023
Presentation of the Government Digital Transformation Guide
10:00 AM - 11:30 AM
Apr 12, 2023
Research and Policy Seminar: The Global Economy at a Turning Point | Kenneth Rogoff (Harvard University)
11:30 AM - 12:30 PM
Washington, DC

Videos available in Spanish

¿Qué hace el BID en Ecuador?
Learn More
Historias de vida en la región andina
Learn More
Programa de Agua Potable y alcantarillado con impacto social
Learn More
Capítulo 1 Mujeres Aguas Arriba: Historias de vida en el sector de AyS y Residuos Sólidos.
Learn More
Participación de las mujeres en el mercado laboral informal en Ecuador
Learn More
Ley Violeta: Ecuador camina hacia la paridad de género
Learn More
Strategy and Projects

Ecuador is one of the founding member countries of the IDB. Like all the shareholders, Ecuador appoints a Governor, who represents the country on the Board of Governors.

For day-to-day business at the Bank's Headquarters in Washington, D.C., Ecuador is represented by a chair on the Board of Executive Directors. The chair, shared with Chile, is headed by an Executive Director, who is elected to a three-year term by the Governors of Ecuador and Chile.

Country strategies remain valid for one year beyond the stated period, as they remain active throughout the preparation of the following strategy.   

IDB Group Country Strategy with Ecuador 2022-2025
Video: IDB country strategy with Ecuador (Spanish)
Project Number Sector Projects Financing Project Status Approval Date
EC-J0009 SOCIAL INVESTMENT Program for Prevention and Response to Violence and Criminality in Ecuador (PREVIC) Preparation
EC-L1296 REFORM / MODERNIZATION OF THE STATE Program to Support Macroeconomic Stabilization 500,000,000 Preparation
EC-T1535 PRIVATE FIRMS AND SME DEVELOPMENT Bioeconomy Regional Hub Napo, Pastaza and Morona Santiago 800,000 Preparation
EC-T1536 PRIVATE FIRMS AND SME DEVELOPMENT Bioeconomy Regional Hub Napo, Pastaza and Morona Santiago 1,200,000 Preparation
EC-T1556 REFORM / MODERNIZATION OF THE STATE Knowledge Exchange between Ministry of Justice and Peace (Costa Rica) and the Ministry of Interior (Ecuador) 8,800 Preparation
EC-T1541 TRANSPORT Institutional Strengthening of the Quito Metro Metropolitan Public Company 400,000 Preparation
EC-T1552 SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY Highly skilled human resources in ICT and research lines relevant to threats of climate change in the Galapagos Islands 240,000 Preparation
EC-O0016 Conditional Credit Line for Investment Projects (CCLIP) of the Program for the Promotion of Private Investment in Renewable Energy Projects Preparation
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