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The Country Office of Ecuador aims to provide effective, innovative support for the government’s development program by seeking promotion of public-private partnerships (PPPs) as a vehicle for investment, leveraging of the equity market through thematic bonds and guarantees, and productive development of Ecuador’s Amazon region.

Vista panorámica del Centro Histórico de Quito. Ecuador - Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo - BID 
Country Office
Juan Carlos De la Hoz Vinas Representante país Ecuador. Desarrollo Económico - Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo - BID
Juan Carlos De la Hoz Vinas
IDB Country Representative in Ecuador




Ecuador is one of the founding member countries of the IDB. Like all the shareholders, Ecuador appoints a Governor, who represents the country on the Board of Governors.

For day-to-day business at the Bank's Headquarters in Washington, D.C., Ecuador is represented by a chair on the Board of Executive Directors. The chair, shared with Chile, is headed by an Executive Director, who is elected to a three-year term by the Governors of Ecuador and Chile.

Country representation

Executive Director: Carlos Alvarez


  • Roberto Izurieta

ELECTED BY: Chile and Ecuador

Total Contribution: 16,940,800

Number of votes: 86,225

of the institution's ownership

IDB Country Office in Ecuador

Address: Avenida Simon Bolivar S/N y Via Nayón Complejo Corporativo Ekopark - Torre 5, Piso 3 170124, Quito, Ecuador Apartado Postal Nº 17-07-9041, Quito, Ecuador Phone number: (T) (593-2) 299-6900 Fax number: (593-2) 299-6969

Global Gateway: New EU-IDB Initiative to Boost Sustainable Critical Raw Materials Practices in Latin America and the Caribbean
The Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) and the European Union (EU) have launched a joint initiative to strengthen the enabling conditions for responsible investments to develop critical minerals and their value chains. The objective is to support inclusive economic growth in Latin America and the...
IDB-supported innovative debt conversion to generate $460 million for Amazon conservation in Ecuador
•    Debt conversion is set to yield over $800 million debt service relief over 11 years, unlock $460 million over the next 17 years for terrestrial and freshwater conservation. •    First-of-its-kind operation for the Amazon region made possible by $155 million IDB guarantee. Ecuador completed a...
IDB and C40 to Strengthen Partnership for Climate Action
The Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) and the C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group (C40) signed an agreement today to work together on joint climate action and increased access to credit for cities in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC). IDB President Ilan Goldfajn and C40 Executive Director...
Be the first to find out about the IDB news in Ecuador!
Jan 30, 2025
REP LAC Forum: Race, Ethnicity, and Policies in Latin America and the Caribbean
04:00 AM - 10:00 AM
Feb 13 - 14, 2025
Salud Mesoamerica: Equity, Quality, Impact
04:00 AM - 01:00 PM
United States of America - Washington, D.C.
Feb 19, 2025
PPP Talk 3: From Numbers to Results: Unveiling the Economic and Social Impact of PPPs
04:00 AM - 05:30 AM

Videos available in Spanish

¿Qué hace el BID en Ecuador?
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Historias de vida en la región andina
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Programa de Agua Potable y alcantarillado con impacto social
Learn More
Capítulo 1 Mujeres Aguas Arriba: Historias de vida en el sector de AyS y Residuos Sólidos.
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Participación de las mujeres en el mercado laboral informal en Ecuador
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Ley Violeta: Ecuador camina hacia la paridad de género
Learn More
Strategy and Projects

The Country Strategy for 2018-2021 focuses on accelerating economic growth to build upon and enhance the social progress made since the turn of the century. The Bank is committed to supporting the government in addressing current macroeconomic imbalances, transitioning to a growth model that emphasizes private sector initiative, and mitigating any potential negative effects on the most vulnerable populations.

This strategic approach is structured around three key pillars:

  1. Strengthening Public Finances: Enhancing fiscal stability and efficiency to support sustainable economic growth.
  2. Boosting Productivity and Private Sector Development: Supporting private sector initiatives and productivity improvements as primary drivers of economic growth.
  3. Advancing Social Progress: Building on the social gains achieved over the past decade to ensure continued development and equity.

By focusing on these pillars, the strategy aims to foster a robust economic environment while ensuring that social gains are protected and expanded.
Country strategies remain effective beyond their initial period, continuing to guide actions during the development of subsequent strategies, ensuring sustained impact and alignment with evolving goals.

IDB Group Country Strategy with Ecuador 2022-2025
Video: IDB country strategy with Ecuador (Spanish) Video: IDB country strategy with Ecuador (Spanish)
Watch here
Project Number Sector Projects Financing Project Status Approval Date
EC-L1300 ENERGY Institutional Strengthening for a Just and Sustainable Energy Transition 3,000,000 Preparation
EC-T1578 PRIVATE FIRMS AND SME DEVELOPMENT Iche - Young People Cooking the Future: Promoting Ecuador’s Gastronomic Ecosystem 730,000 Implementation
EC-T1591 ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL DISASTERS Humanitarian Assistance for population affected by forest fires and drought in Ecuador 200,000 Implementation
EC-L1297 WATER AND SANITATION Water and Sanitation Program for the municipality of Cuenca 93,000,000 Preparation
EC-T1577 AGRICULTURE AND RURAL DEVELOPMENT Kara Solar, Deploying Solar Canoes in the Amazon Region 600,000 Implementation
EC-T1554 ENERGY Support for Universal Access to Electricity in the Ecuadorian Amazon and Institutional Strengthening for a Just and Sustainable Energy Transition 575,000 Implementation
EC-T1583 FINANCIAL MARKETS Support for the structuring, implementation and replicability of the Facility to Support the Renewable Energy Transition (fastER) 500,000 Implementation
EC-T1558 TRANSPORT Knowledge Exchange between Ecuador and Chile on Operational, Maintenance, and Organizational Models for Metro Systems 20,000 Implementation
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Be the first to find out about the IDB news in Ecuador!
Country Office
Juan Carlos De la Hoz Vinas Representante país Ecuador. Desarrollo Económico - Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo - BID
Juan Carlos De la Hoz Vinas
IDB Country Representative in Ecuador




Ecuador is one of the founding member countries of the IDB. Like all the shareholders, Ecuador appoints a Governor, who represents the country on the Board of Governors.

For day-to-day business at the Bank's Headquarters in Washington, D.C., Ecuador is represented by a chair on the Board of Executive Directors. The chair, shared with Chile, is headed by an Executive Director, who is elected to a three-year term by the Governors of Ecuador and Chile.

Country representation

Executive Director: Carlos Alvarez


  • Roberto Izurieta

ELECTED BY: Chile and Ecuador

Total Contribution: 16,940,800

Number of votes: 86,225

of the institution's ownership

IDB Country Office in Ecuador

Address: Avenida Simon Bolivar S/N y Via Nayón Complejo Corporativo Ekopark - Torre 5, Piso 3 170124, Quito, Ecuador Apartado Postal Nº 17-07-9041, Quito, Ecuador Phone number: (T) (593-2) 299-6900 Fax number: (593-2) 299-6969

Global Gateway: New EU-IDB Initiative to Boost Sustainable Critical Raw Materials Practices in Latin America and the Caribbean
The Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) and the European Union (EU) have launched a joint initiative to strengthen the enabling conditions for responsible investments to develop critical minerals and their value chains. The objective is to support inclusive economic growth in Latin America and the...
IDB-supported innovative debt conversion to generate $460 million for Amazon conservation in Ecuador
•    Debt conversion is set to yield over $800 million debt service relief over 11 years, unlock $460 million over the next 17 years for terrestrial and freshwater conservation. •    First-of-its-kind operation for the Amazon region made possible by $155 million IDB guarantee. Ecuador completed a...
IDB and C40 to Strengthen Partnership for Climate Action
The Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) and the C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group (C40) signed an agreement today to work together on joint climate action and increased access to credit for cities in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC). IDB President Ilan Goldfajn and C40 Executive Director...
Be the first to find out about the IDB news in Ecuador!
Jan 30, 2025
REP LAC Forum: Race, Ethnicity, and Policies in Latin America and the Caribbean
04:00 AM - 10:00 AM
Feb 13 - 14, 2025
Salud Mesoamerica: Equity, Quality, Impact
04:00 AM - 01:00 PM
United States of America - Washington, D.C.
Feb 19, 2025
PPP Talk 3: From Numbers to Results: Unveiling the Economic and Social Impact of PPPs
04:00 AM - 05:30 AM

Videos available in Spanish

¿Qué hace el BID en Ecuador?
Learn More
Historias de vida en la región andina
Learn More
Programa de Agua Potable y alcantarillado con impacto social
Learn More
Capítulo 1 Mujeres Aguas Arriba: Historias de vida en el sector de AyS y Residuos Sólidos.
Learn More
Participación de las mujeres en el mercado laboral informal en Ecuador
Learn More
Ley Violeta: Ecuador camina hacia la paridad de género
Learn More
Strategy and Projects

The Country Strategy for 2018-2021 focuses on accelerating economic growth to build upon and enhance the social progress made since the turn of the century. The Bank is committed to supporting the government in addressing current macroeconomic imbalances, transitioning to a growth model that emphasizes private sector initiative, and mitigating any potential negative effects on the most vulnerable populations.

This strategic approach is structured around three key pillars:

  1. Strengthening Public Finances: Enhancing fiscal stability and efficiency to support sustainable economic growth.
  2. Boosting Productivity and Private Sector Development: Supporting private sector initiatives and productivity improvements as primary drivers of economic growth.
  3. Advancing Social Progress: Building on the social gains achieved over the past decade to ensure continued development and equity.

By focusing on these pillars, the strategy aims to foster a robust economic environment while ensuring that social gains are protected and expanded.
Country strategies remain effective beyond their initial period, continuing to guide actions during the development of subsequent strategies, ensuring sustained impact and alignment with evolving goals.

IDB Group Country Strategy with Ecuador 2022-2025
Video: IDB country strategy with Ecuador (Spanish) Video: IDB country strategy with Ecuador (Spanish)
Watch here
Project Number Sector Projects Financing Project Status Approval Date
EC-L1300 ENERGY Institutional Strengthening for a Just and Sustainable Energy Transition 3,000,000 Preparation
EC-T1578 PRIVATE FIRMS AND SME DEVELOPMENT Iche - Young People Cooking the Future: Promoting Ecuador’s Gastronomic Ecosystem 730,000 Implementation
EC-T1591 ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL DISASTERS Humanitarian Assistance for population affected by forest fires and drought in Ecuador 200,000 Implementation
EC-L1297 WATER AND SANITATION Water and Sanitation Program for the municipality of Cuenca 93,000,000 Preparation
EC-T1577 AGRICULTURE AND RURAL DEVELOPMENT Kara Solar, Deploying Solar Canoes in the Amazon Region 600,000 Implementation
EC-T1554 ENERGY Support for Universal Access to Electricity in the Ecuadorian Amazon and Institutional Strengthening for a Just and Sustainable Energy Transition 575,000 Implementation
EC-T1583 FINANCIAL MARKETS Support for the structuring, implementation and replicability of the Facility to Support the Renewable Energy Transition (fastER) 500,000 Implementation
EC-T1558 TRANSPORT Knowledge Exchange between Ecuador and Chile on Operational, Maintenance, and Organizational Models for Metro Systems 20,000 Implementation
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