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The Country Office of Bolivia supports issues associated with gender equity and diversity inclusion, climate change and environmental sustainability, and institutional capacity and rule of law.

Vista panorámica ciudad de La Paz. Bolivia - Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo - BID 
Country Office
Julia Johannsen
Julia Johannsen
IDB Country Representative in Bolivia




Bolivia is a founding member country of the IDB. Like all shareholders, Bolivia appoints a Governor to represent the country on the Board of Governors.

For daily operations at the Bank's headquarters in Washington, D.C., Bolivia holds a chair on the Board of Executive Director. This position is shared with Paraguay and Uruguay, and is led by an Executive Director elected to a three-year term by the Governors of these countries.

Bolivia's representatives at the IDB

Executive Director: Mario Alberto Guillen Suarez


  • Santiago Cat Ruprecht

ELECTED BY: Bolivia, Paraguay, and Uruguay

Total Contribution: 25,202,500

Number of votes: 129,428

of the institution's ownership

IDB Country Office in Bolivia

Address: Av. 6 de Agosto 2818, entre calles Cordero y Clavijo, La Paz, Bolivia La Paz, Bolivia Casilla # 12954, La Paz, Bolivia La Paz, Bolivia Phone number: (591) 2217-7700 Fax: (591-2) 291-3003

IDB Lab to Foster Bioeconomy in the Amazon Region with Two New Initiatives
The Inter-American Development Bank's innovation laboratory, IDB Lab, has launched two innovative initiatives to protect biodiversity and promote sustainable development in the Amazon basin. The move was announced in Manaus, Brazil, during the Sustainability Week of IDB Invest, the private sector...
June 12, 2024
IDB Group Launches 7th Edition of Superheroes of Development to Recognize Project Executors
The call will be open from May 20 to June 28, 2024 The Inter-American Development Bank Group (IDB Group) launched the seventh edition of the Superheroes of Development contest to recognize clients and executing institutions excelling in the successful resolution of challenges during the...
May 21, 2024
Bolivia Increases its Resilience to Natural Disasters, Public Health Emergencies with IDB support
The Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) approved a $250 million contingent loan to help Bolivia boost its financial resilience against floods, droughts, forest fires, and possible epidemic and pandemic outbreaks.  The loan, approved by the IDB's Board of Executive Directors through the Contingent...
May 10, 2024
Be the first to find out about the IDB news in Bolivia!
Apr 10, 2023
EconNet: Political Connections, Allocation of Stimulus Spending, and the Jobs Multiplier | Veronika Penciakova (Atlanta FED)
12:00 PM - 01:00 PM
United States - Washington, DC
Apr 11, 2023
Presentation of the Government Digital Transformation Guide
10:00 AM - 11:30 AM
Apr 12, 2023
Research and Policy Seminar: The Global Economy at a Turning Point | Kenneth Rogoff (Harvard University)
11:30 AM - 12:30 PM
Washington, DC

Videos available only in Spanish

Bolivia: Conoce una de las historias de desarrollo y crecimiento en la región Andina
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Mejoramos vidas en Bolivia facilitando el acceso a empleos de calidad.
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BID Conversa Agua, Riego y Saneamiento – Transformando la gestión del agua – Cristina Mecerreyes
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La vida después de la luz, proyecto de electrificación rural en Cerro San Simón, Bolivia
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BID Conversa El Futuro del Empleo – Entrevista a Daniel Nosiglia Piloto Motociclista
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Strategy and Projects

The IDB has been a pivotal development partner in Bolivia for over six decades. The Country Strategy with Bolivia for the 2022-2025 period is a comprehensive roadmap aimed at continuing to support the country in addressing challenges outlined in the Economic and Social Development Plan 2021-2025.

This strategy identifies three primary pillars: 

  1. Economic Reconstruction and Enhancing Productivity 
  2. Diversification of Productive Activities
  3. Inclusive and Sustainable Social Development. 

These pillars will enable ongoing support for longstanding issues where the IDB has made a significant impact in Bolivia, such as employment, water and sanitation, energy, health, and transportation. Furthermore, they will facilitate technical and financial assistance in emerging priority areas for the country.
In addition to these priority pillars and activities, the strategy places a strong emphasis on cross-cutting themes including Gender and Diversity, Climate Change and Environmental Sustainability, and Institutional Capacity and the Rule of Law.

Country strategies remain valid for one year beyond the stated period, as they remain active throughout the preparation of the following strategy. 

IDB Country Strategy with Bolivia (2022-2025)
Project Number Sector Projects Financing Project Status Approval Date
BO-T1433 WATER AND SANITATION Support to the Comprehensive Development of Companies Providing Water and Sanitation Services in Bolivia 1,000,000 Preparation
BO-T1435 FINANCIAL MARKETS Strengthening the comprehensive management of disaster risk and climate change 300,000 Preparation
BO-T1450 SOCIAL INVESTMENT Knowledge Exchange on Migrant Smuggling Experiences 19,818 Implementation
BO-G1010 ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL DISASTERS Watershared: Financial Innovation for Adaptation, Mitigation and Watershed Management Preparation
BO-T1430 ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL DISASTERS Knowledge Exchange for the Strengthening of the National Hydrometeorological Network of Bolivia 19,064 Implementation
BO-T1446 WATER AND SANITATION Support for strengthening governance and planning of water resources in the Misicuni basin 350,000 Preparation
BO-T1442 TRANSPORT Support for the preparation and effective execution of transportation operations in Bolivia 350,000 Preparation
BO-T1443 REFORM / MODERNIZATION OF THE STATE Support for the preparation of the Municipal Cadastral Management Improvement Program 150,000 Preparation
Be the first to find out about the IDB news in Bolivia!
Country Office
Julia Johannsen
Julia Johannsen
IDB Country Representative in Bolivia




Bolivia is a founding member country of the IDB. Like all shareholders, Bolivia appoints a Governor to represent the country on the Board of Governors.

For daily operations at the Bank's headquarters in Washington, D.C., Bolivia holds a chair on the Board of Executive Director. This position is shared with Paraguay and Uruguay, and is led by an Executive Director elected to a three-year term by the Governors of these countries.

Bolivia's representatives at the IDB

Executive Director: Mario Alberto Guillen Suarez


  • Santiago Cat Ruprecht

ELECTED BY: Bolivia, Paraguay, and Uruguay

Total Contribution: 25,202,500

Number of votes: 129,428

of the institution's ownership

IDB Country Office in Bolivia

Address: Av. 6 de Agosto 2818, entre calles Cordero y Clavijo, La Paz, Bolivia La Paz, Bolivia Casilla # 12954, La Paz, Bolivia La Paz, Bolivia Phone number: (591) 2217-7700 Fax: (591-2) 291-3003

IDB Lab to Foster Bioeconomy in the Amazon Region with Two New Initiatives
The Inter-American Development Bank's innovation laboratory, IDB Lab, has launched two innovative initiatives to protect biodiversity and promote sustainable development in the Amazon basin. The move was announced in Manaus, Brazil, during the Sustainability Week of IDB Invest, the private sector...
June 12, 2024
IDB Group Launches 7th Edition of Superheroes of Development to Recognize Project Executors
The call will be open from May 20 to June 28, 2024 The Inter-American Development Bank Group (IDB Group) launched the seventh edition of the Superheroes of Development contest to recognize clients and executing institutions excelling in the successful resolution of challenges during the...
May 21, 2024
Bolivia Increases its Resilience to Natural Disasters, Public Health Emergencies with IDB support
The Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) approved a $250 million contingent loan to help Bolivia boost its financial resilience against floods, droughts, forest fires, and possible epidemic and pandemic outbreaks.  The loan, approved by the IDB's Board of Executive Directors through the Contingent...
May 10, 2024
Be the first to find out about the IDB news in Bolivia!
Apr 10, 2023
EconNet: Political Connections, Allocation of Stimulus Spending, and the Jobs Multiplier | Veronika Penciakova (Atlanta FED)
12:00 PM - 01:00 PM
United States - Washington, DC
Apr 11, 2023
Presentation of the Government Digital Transformation Guide
10:00 AM - 11:30 AM
Apr 12, 2023
Research and Policy Seminar: The Global Economy at a Turning Point | Kenneth Rogoff (Harvard University)
11:30 AM - 12:30 PM
Washington, DC

Videos available only in Spanish

Bolivia: Conoce una de las historias de desarrollo y crecimiento en la región Andina
Learn More
Mejoramos vidas en Bolivia facilitando el acceso a empleos de calidad.
Learn More
BID Conversa Agua, Riego y Saneamiento – Transformando la gestión del agua – Cristina Mecerreyes
Learn More
La vida después de la luz, proyecto de electrificación rural en Cerro San Simón, Bolivia
Learn More
BID Conversa El Futuro del Empleo – Entrevista a Daniel Nosiglia Piloto Motociclista
Learn More
Strategy and Projects

The IDB has been a pivotal development partner in Bolivia for over six decades. The Country Strategy with Bolivia for the 2022-2025 period is a comprehensive roadmap aimed at continuing to support the country in addressing challenges outlined in the Economic and Social Development Plan 2021-2025.

This strategy identifies three primary pillars: 

  1. Economic Reconstruction and Enhancing Productivity 
  2. Diversification of Productive Activities
  3. Inclusive and Sustainable Social Development. 

These pillars will enable ongoing support for longstanding issues where the IDB has made a significant impact in Bolivia, such as employment, water and sanitation, energy, health, and transportation. Furthermore, they will facilitate technical and financial assistance in emerging priority areas for the country.
In addition to these priority pillars and activities, the strategy places a strong emphasis on cross-cutting themes including Gender and Diversity, Climate Change and Environmental Sustainability, and Institutional Capacity and the Rule of Law.

Country strategies remain valid for one year beyond the stated period, as they remain active throughout the preparation of the following strategy. 

IDB Country Strategy with Bolivia (2022-2025)
Project Number Sector Projects Financing Project Status Approval Date
BO-T1433 WATER AND SANITATION Support to the Comprehensive Development of Companies Providing Water and Sanitation Services in Bolivia 1,000,000 Preparation
BO-T1435 FINANCIAL MARKETS Strengthening the comprehensive management of disaster risk and climate change 300,000 Preparation
BO-T1450 SOCIAL INVESTMENT Knowledge Exchange on Migrant Smuggling Experiences 19,818 Implementation
BO-G1010 ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL DISASTERS Watershared: Financial Innovation for Adaptation, Mitigation and Watershed Management Preparation
BO-T1430 ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL DISASTERS Knowledge Exchange for the Strengthening of the National Hydrometeorological Network of Bolivia 19,064 Implementation
BO-T1446 WATER AND SANITATION Support for strengthening governance and planning of water resources in the Misicuni basin 350,000 Preparation
BO-T1442 TRANSPORT Support for the preparation and effective execution of transportation operations in Bolivia 350,000 Preparation
BO-T1443 REFORM / MODERNIZATION OF THE STATE Support for the preparation of the Municipal Cadastral Management Improvement Program 150,000 Preparation
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