The Competitiveness, Technology and Innovation Division uses the social innovation approach to work together with excluded communities, identify their needs and generate innovative solutions to unattended problems. These initiatives have the purpose of mobilizing the science, technology and innovation systems in Latin America and the Caribbean to address social issues.

The IDB seeks to preserve and strengthen the green economy sector by promoting initiatives and policies that comply with global strategies to mitigate climate change, while endorsing the use of technology, innovation and knowledge that sustain the region’s goals towards decarbonization.

From the Climate Change Cluster of the Competitiveness, Technology and Innovation Division, we generate cutting-edge knowledge, strengthen institutional capacities, provide technical assistance and spaces for the exchange of experiences among the countries of Latin America and the Caribbean to promote the development of new industrial and innovation policies to accelerate climate action. We also mobilize resources by promoting research, technological development and innovation to move the region towards a decarbonized and resilient economy.

A critical mass of advanced human capital, scientific knowledge base, and - these days - digital talent, are critical components of the capabilities needed by firms and economies to innovate and increase productivity. The IDB has several initiatives to support the generation of advanced human capital and digital talent. Ongoing research endeavors to explore new educational pathways evolving in tandem with digital technology, evaluates effectiveness of advanced digital skills training programs piloted in the region, and under which conditions LAC researchers who have studied abroad contribute to stronger linkages between their domestic science and innovation and international scientific knowledge.

The IDB Group promotes the development of creative ecosystems in Latin America and the Caribbean through knowledge production, capacity building, support for the design and implementation of public policies and dissemination activities that demonstrate the potential of the orange economy for the sustainable development of the region. The Competitiveness, Technology and Innovation Division promotes the competitiveness of the region's creative industries through entrepreneurship, the use of digital technologies and the development of institutional capacities.

New trends in innovation -such as artificial intelligence models-, require a suitable regulatory environment that combines flexibility with the protection of consumers and the mitigation of risks for fundamental rights, safety, security, society and the environment. Against this background, agile regulation emerges as a new approach that emphasizes adaptation to rapid technological change and recognizes the importance of having regulation that promotes innovation.

The Korea Lab Tech Corps Program seeks to promote knowledge transfer from Korean professionals to public institutions, civic organizations or private companies in Latin America and the Caribbean, in the technology and innovation areas. This initiative is implemented by Interamerican Development Bank through the Competitiveness Technology and Innovation Division with the financial support of the Knowledge Partnership Korea Fund for Technology and Innovation.

Through the creation of the Red Latinoamericana de Agencias de Innovación, RELAI (Latinamerican Network of Innovation Agencies), the IDB contributes to the improvement of planning, execution, and evaluation of innovation policies with the aim of increasing the number of innovative firms and entrepreneurships in the region able to propose economically viable solutions to current threats and challenges. This network’s mission is to promote the development of innovation agencies and the modernization of their resources and systems, and to improve the services offered in the region. In this way, it seeks to tackle the challenges posed by the pursuit of business, scientific, and technological development in the region through the strategic use of development instruments for innovation and entrepreneurship.

The Regional Policy Dialogue: The annual Regional Policy Dialogue is constituted by Vice-Ministers or public officials of equivalent status, responsible for innovation, science and technology (IST) policy in the Latin American and Caribbean countries. The dialogue provides a forum to discuss common policy issues related to the performance of their IST systems, to explore regional cooperation initiatives and to promote the exchange of ideas and experiences among the IDB’s borrowing member countries on policy and institutional reform initiatives aimed at strengthening the capacity and innovation performance of their national economies.
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