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Science, Technology and Innovation

Science, Technology and Innovation

Innovation is essential for more productivity and economic progress.

A close-up of a person looking through a microscope
Sector Framework Initiatives Projects at a Glance
Dron estacionado en carretera rural. Agricultura y Tecnología - Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo - BID

We help to strengthen competitiveness through corporate innovation, making clear that knowing the region’s economies is crucial for success within the context of current technological changes. 

Recipiente de vidrio a medio llenar con químico azul. Ciencia y Desarrollo - Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo - BID

Boost science, technology, and innovation investment, both public and private, in order to reduce the innovation deficit characteristic of the region’s economies. 

Work with governments of the region to develop and implement public policies that strengthen the Innovation and entrepreneurial ecosystem. 

Support the countries of the region in taking full advantage of the potential of the digital economy and mitigating its negative effects. 

Support the generation of highly qualified human capital as a key component to sustain and further develop innovation ecosystems. 

Promote innovative initiatives that align with global policies and goals against climate change, endorsing the use of technology and cutting-edge knowledge that support the region towards decarbonization.  


Innovation acts as a key determinant of long-term growth by improving ways of combining capital and labor, playing an essential role in the competitive advantage, sustainability, increased productivity and economic progress

Nutricion nativa

Training in science, technology and innovation for advanced human capital; strengthening scientific and technological infrastructure; designing public policies to promote innovation; and strengthening institutional capacity of the agencies and ministries that are responsible for implementing these policies have a direct impact on productivity.

Hombre y mujer profesionales colaborando juntos. Equidad de género y diversidad - Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo - BID
Levels and growth

About half of the disparity in income levels and growth rates between countries due to differences in total factor productivity.

Personas firmando un contrato. Comercio y desarrollo empresarial - Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo - BID
Research and development

Studies have concluded that investment in research and development explains up to 75% of the differences in total factor productivity growth rates.

Ingenieros leyendo documentación en obra en vía pública. Desarrollo urbano - Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo - BID
Economy based on knowledge

A decisive factor for an economy based on knowledge is the exponential growth of information generated by the expansion of information technology and communications.  

Mujer frente a computador navegando por la web del BID. Transformación digital - Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo - BID
Brazil to Increase Connectivity in Small Municipalities with IDB Support
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Uruguay to Strengthen Digital Government Services with IDB Support
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Suriname to Improve Students' English Language, Digital Skills and Skills for Work with IDB Support
-The project will benefit approximately 66,000 students and 4,000 teachers.   The IDB Board of Directors approved a $40 million project to promote the necessary skills in Suriname for its development, growth and competitiveness. The project will focus on English language skills, digital skills, and...
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See Our Publications

IDB specialists and guest authors discuss the 'i' in innovation, ideas, inspiration, investment, and its implications for public policies. Because innovating through science, technology, creativity, and entrepreneurship will transform productivity and the quality of life in Latin America and the Caribbean in the digital age.

A large green field with rows of plants. Sustainable development - Inter-American Development Bank - IDB The Agtech Revolution in the Andean Region: How Technology is Transforming the Future of Agriculture?

According to the study 'New Horizons for Productive Transformation in the Andean Region,' this sector represented 8.5% of the GDP in the region between 2012 and 2021, historically ranking it as the second most important.

Aerial view of a building with solar panels on the roof. Agriculture - Inter-American Development Bank - IDB Competitiveness and innovation to drive a greener future in Latin America and the Caribbean

After the COVID-19 pandemic, several governments took measures to rebuild their economies in ways that are more robust, responsible, and responsive to challenges such as climate change and food security. Entry available only in Spanish.

Plataforma Breaking Barriers: The Keys to Success for Innovation Agencies in the Future

Innovation agencies are playing an increasingly important role in Latin America and the Caribbean, driving growth and productivity through policies related to science, technology, and innovation.

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