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ATI Transparency Initiatives

Access to Information (ATI)

The Access to Information Policy is an instrument approved by the IDB’s Board and designed to raise the Bank's standards of transparency to the highest level of international practices, thereby allowing greater accountability in the execution of its projects and activities. 

Two women looking at a map of the world

The IDB participates in many transparency initiatives and activities that relate to the Access to Information agenda. 

People accessing new technologies
2024 Aid Transparency Index

The IDB has achieved second place among 50 development organizations and aid donors evaluated in the 2024 Aid Transparency Index.

Download the report here

This marks an improvement from the 2022 edition of the ranking, where IDB secured third place. 

The Bank’s score of 96.3/100 reflects its high marks in all five areas of evaluation of its sovereign-lending portfolio: finance and budgets, joining-up development data, project attributes, performance, and organizational planning and commitments.

Read more about the index
Gráfico de línea de tiempo sobrepuesto a dos personas interactuando. Integridad - Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo - BID
Transparency, Accountability and Anti-Corruption

Transparency and anti-corruption are important instruments for the IDB to achieve its goal to reduce poverty and inequality in Latin America and the Caribbean. The Bank addresses these issues in two ways: through good governance mechanisms and working closely with countries to strengthen governance, enforce the rule of law, and fight corruption at both local and national levels.

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DFI Transparency Index

The DFI Transparency Index is a comparative measure of the transparency of the world’s leading Development Finance Institutions (DFIs).

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OECD International Development Statistics (IDS)

The International Development Statistics (IDS) online databases cover bilateral, multilateral aid (ODA) and private providers’ aid and other resource flows to developing countries.

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Numbers for Development

The open data portal of the IDB, which allows the Bank's data on social and economic development in Latin America and the Caribbean to be explored, visualized and reused.

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Code for Development

An initiative that provides a platform to share open-source software and other resources and to connect with diverse collaborators who support the vision that software is a public good.

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IATI (International Aid Transparency Initiative) Datasets

The IDB publishes on a monthly basis updated IATI datasets covering sovereign-guaranteed loan operations approved since 2004.

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IDB Blog Abierto al Publico

In "Abierto al Público" blog the IDB develops and posts articles that explore the use of open knowledge through data, code and other media.

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IDB Launches New Access to Information Policy to Enhance Transparency and Accountability
The Board of Executive Directors of the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) has approved a new Access to Information Policy that will boost transparency and enhance accountability of the bank’s operations. The implementation of this new policy will help make the IDB a more responsive and inclusive...
July 03, 2024
IDB Launches New Round to Receive Feedback on Revised Version of Access to Information Policy Proposal
All stakeholders are invited to participate in this process through February 29, 2024  The Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) has taken a significant step toward approving a new Access to Information Policy.   The Bank's Board of Executive Directors approved a revised Policy proposal that it is now...
January 23, 2024
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