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Annual Calls

Regional Public Goods

Annual Calls

A group of people sitting at a table. Trade - Inter-American Development Bank - IDB
RPG Home Rules FAQ

The IDB reviews and selects proposals presented to annual CFPS by means of a four-stage process:

Stage 1. Determination of Eligibility

Verification of the regional and public dimension of the proposal as well as analysis of the quality of proposals.

Stage 2. Technical Review of Proposals Declared Eligible

Evaluation of the technical sound and classification of the proposals based on three criteria: (i) strategic relevance, (ii) regional added value and (iii) sustainability.

Stage 3. Country relevance

Priorization of proposals as high, medium or low priority according to their alignment with priorities in participating countries.

Stage 4. Approval

Approval of the list of proposals recommended for financing based on the inputs received during stages 1 to 3.

"a line with blue dots and words  Cooperation - Inter-American Development Bank - IDB"
A person using a tablet. Social investment - Inter-American Development Bank - IDB

Each year, through a public Call for Proposals (CFP) the IDB solicits proposals from the region to finance projects that promote RPGs by means of collective action. Proposals must be presented in accordance with the Terms and Conditions applicable to all CFPs and be submitted online before the date and time indicated in the CFP (US Eastern Standard Time).

Before submitting a proposal to the RPG Initiative, please review the following documents carefully to ensure that your proposal is eligible and that you have all the documents required for submission.

Materials for Proposal Development

2024 Terms and Conditions
Commitment letter model
2024 RPG Online Submission form Questions Transcription (for reference only)

Results of the 2024 Call for Proposals


Under the 2024 Call for Proposals, 87 proposals for a total of US$44 million in requested financing were received. The RPG Initiative had resources in the amount of US$8 million to support groups of countries from Latin America and the Caribbean that decided to tackle development challenges or seize development opportunities collectively.

If your proposal is included in the list below, an IDB representative will contact you to the email listed in the proposal shortly to begin the approval process for the project.

Please note that, due to budgetary restrictions, the final amount assigned to finance your proposal may differ from the amount originally requested and that during the process of approval of the project, the IDB may make recommendations to adjust activities and expenses of the proposal presented, to ensure compliance with the internal policies for eligible expenses. Likewise, we remind you that the final approval of the project's Technical Cooperation document by the IDB is conditional on obtaining, through the corresponding IDB country offices, the letters of no objection from the official IDB liaison entities in each participating country.

The 15 proposals selected to be financed in 2024 are:

# IDProposalAmount / (US$)Participant Countries
192Regional Platform of Finance Secretaries of Cities on Climate Change in Latin America and the CaribbeanUS $500.000AR, BR, CO
90Hydrological and Hydrodynamic Monitoring and Forecasting System for River Floods in the Andean-Amazon Region of Peru, Ecuador, and BoliviaUS $500.000BO, EC, PE
227Strengthening Response Capacities Against Chronic Food Insecurity in the SICA Region: Guatemala, Honduras, and the Dominican Republic 2025-2026.US $550.000GY, HO, DR
124Green Coalition of Public Development BanksUS $500.000BO, BR, CO, EC, PE, SU
127Construction of a Statistical Framework to Measure Vulnerability in CARICOMUS $650.000BH, BE, GY, TT
224Strengthening Fiscal Institutions for Consistent Fiscal Policy and Sustainable, Transparent, and Inclusive EconomiesUS $600.000BR, CO, EC, ES, UR
223A Safe and Sustainable Amazon: A Regional Model for the Prevention, Monitoring, and Investigation of Illegal Mining and Other Environmental CrimesUS $550.000BR, CO, EC, PE, SU
230Transforming Transportation in the Amazon (TTA): Evidence-Based Policies and Investments to Promote Inclusive and Sustainable Mobility in the Amazon RegionUS $600.000BO, BR, CO
233Toolkit for Climate-Resilient Strategies for Sustainable Water and Sanitation Management in the Caribbean.US $475.000 BE, GY, SU, TT
112Towards the Electrical Interconnection of the American Continent.US $475.000 CO, EC, PE
166Energy Resilience for Sustainable Development in the CaribbeanUS $475.000 BH, BE; SU
225Trade Facilitation Toolkit for the Deep Integration of the Northern Triangle of Central AmericaUS $625.000ES, GY, HO
96Development of Reference Frameworks for Collecting Information on Diverse Population GroupsUS $475.000CH, CO, HO, ME, PE
232Regional Training Platform for Caregivers for SeniorsUS $600.000CO, RD, EC, ES, ME, UR
77Regional Promotion of Public Policies and Public-Private Partnerships for Closing Gender Economic Gaps through the America in the Center (AEEC) InitiativeUS $425.000CR, DR, GY, HO, PA



*AR: Argentina; BE: Belize; BH: Bahamas; BO: Bolivia; BR: Brazil; CH: Chile; CO: Colombia; CR: Costa Rica; EC: Ecuador; ES: El Salvador; GY: Guatemala; HO: Honduras; JA: Jamaica; ME: Mexico; PN: Panama; PR: Paraguay; PE: Peru; DR: Dominican Republic; SU: Suriname; TT: Trinidad & Tobago; UR: Uruguay.


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