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IDB Project Cycle Glossary

Integrity and Accountability at the IDB
IDB Projects Project Procurement How Projects Are Made
Draft Loan Proposal (DLP)

Sovereign Guaranteed operations are presented to the Operations Policy Committee for review prior to submission to the Board.  The DLP is prepared following the Quality and Risk Review of the Proposal for Operation Development.

Draft Guarantee or Loan Proposal (DLGP)

Non-Sovereign Guaranteed operations are presented to the Operations Policy Committee for review prior to submission to the Board.  The DLP is prepared following due diligence work by the Office of the Vice Presidency for Private Sector and Non-Sovereign Guaranteed Operations.

Eligibility Review Meeting (ERM)

Determines the eligibility of the operation, how it relates to the Bank's country strategy, and validates its timeline and resource requirements.

Environmental and Social Strategy (ESS)

Is prepared as part of the Bank’s due diligence on the feasibility of an NSG operations project, assessing its environmental and social aspects.

Loan Proposal (LP)

Is submitted to the Board for final approval of Sovereign Guaranteed operations. It also includes the Development Effectiveness Matrix, Monitoring and Evaluation Plan, and the Economic Rate of Return.

Loan or Guarantee Proposal (LGP)

Is submitted to the Board for final approval prior to negotiations with borrowers for Non-Sovereign Guaranteed operations.

Non Sovereign Guaranteed (NSG)

Operations facilitate private sector investment in creditworthy projects which have a positive impact on development. NSG operations include loans to the private sector, sub-national governments, public-private initiatives, and projects funded through the Opportunities for Majority Initiative.

Operations Policy Committee (OPC)

Oversees consistency of the Bank's overall lending program with the institution's policy and risk framework.

Pre-closing Memorandum

Delineates the final terms and conditions of the agreement for Non-Sovereign Guaranteed operations.

Project Abstract (PA)

Is an abbreviated Loan Proposal which is created for release to the public on Non-Sovereign Guaranteed operations.

Project Profile (PP) 

Provides basic information on the project, including its justification and objectives, the technical aspects and its relevant sector background, the proposed environmental and social safeguards, a fiduciary evaluation, the projected funding amounts, and a preliminary agenda for the project’s execution.

Project Completion Report (PCR)

Assesses results achieved by a Sovereign Guaranteed operations project, its long-term sustainability, and lessons learned to improve the design and execution of future projects.

Project Supervision Report (PSR)

Are prepared on a periodic basis (typically annually) for Non-Sovereign Guaranteed operations.

Proposal for Operations Development (POD)

Specifies the activities, resources, and timetable that are necessary to prepare and supervise the project.  The POD also includes the Development Effectiveness Matrix, Monitoring and Evaluation Plan, and the Economic Rate of Return.

Quality and Risk Review (QRR)

Considers the project's quality and its associated risks—including the environmental and social risks—aimed to strengthen the project's design. It is a sharply focused process to gather Bank-wide comments on project proposals and to consider all potential issues.

Sovereign Guaranteed (SG)

Operations focus on public sector lending, such as loans to borrowing member countries for development projects.

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Development Effectiveness
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Environmental and Social Impact Assessments (EIAs)
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Monthly Operational Summary (MOS)
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