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IDB hosts the "Touring Exhibition for the International Year of Quinoa 2013” in Washington DC

To highlight the virtues of the quinoa and to contribute to the recovery of the identity of the original peoples in Bolivia, the renown Bolivian artist Gastón Ugalde, has created the exhibition titled “Touring exhibition for the International Year of Quinoa”, emphasizing their ancestral feeding power that survived colonial attempts to eradicate native cultures.

The artist, Gastón Ugalde develops new exhibition concepts depending on the location, using the characteristics of each room and the latest available technologies. This time, time scissor lifts were used to raise 13 meters high 400 indigenous andean textiles from Bolivia, known as phullus.

These textiles, ceramics, totora reeds, chuño, Bolivian Andean potatoes, known as tunta, the chiwiñas, and callapos, are part of the exhibition that will be inaugurated by the director of Bolivia for the Interamerican Development Bank Hernando Larrazabal and the charge d'Affaires of Bolivia in the United States, Embassador Freddy Bersatti.

According to Larrazabal, “this show represents one of our countless riches. It reflects part of our culture and our people. The nutritional value of quinoa is essential for our cultural development. Quinoa is an export product and we want to emphasize its importance at an international level”.

 The exhibition will remain at IADB headquarters, in the main lobby, until December 5th, when it will continue its journey to the "Visitors Lobby" of the United Nations in New York were the International Year of Quinoa will be launched in late January 2013. After that, it will move to Miami and then to Hollywood, California.

The International Exhibition of Quinoa began in May 2012. Before coming to the IDB it was seen at the National Museum of the American Indian at the Smithsonian in Washington DC. The exhibition will continue through 2015 in Toronto, Mexico, Rio de Janeiro, Tokyo, Beijing, Hong Kong, Madrid, Paris, Frankfurt, Brussels, and Rome among other countries. It will end in October 2015 participating at the Milan Expo 2015 under the theme of Feeding the Planet.

 The exhibition was made possible to a sponsorship of the European Union, the Project for the Promotion of Bolivia (PROEX) and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Bolivia.

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