Bank has taken comprehensive measures to limit the spread of virus, including mandatory telework at Headquarters and all Country Offices beginning March 16
The IDB Group announced today that two employees at its Country Office in Brazil have tested positive for the coronavirus.
The IDB Group, in line with guidance from the Brazilian Ministry of Health and international health institutions, is taking steps to protect the wellbeing of the employees and anyone else who may have recently come into contact with them.
The IDB Group has confirmed that one of the employees was briefly in contact with several colleagues in the Brazil Office this past week. All of those employees are now under quarantine.
In accordance with local health authorities’ guidance, the IDB Group is also actively tracing the two employees’ contact with individuals outside the Bank to inform them about the situation, so that they, too, can follow recommended protocols.
In addition to policies already adopted by the IDB Group to limit staff travel and to cancel or reschedule events, the Bank’s Brazil Office has advised employees to follow local protocols established by the Ministry of Health in case of exposure to an infected person.
Staff at the IDB Group’s Washington Headquarters and its Offices in Latin America and the Caribbean, Spain and Japan will be on mandatory telework status, with restricted access to office facilities, as of Monday, March 16, until further notice.
The IDB Group will continue to serve its clients throughout this period. Its business continuity systems and processes are fully operational and will ensure timely fulfillment of commitments with clients, providers and other partners.
As announced last week, the IDB Group is also actively participating in the coordination of regional and national efforts to combat the virus, and is prepared to approve funds to finance efforts to monitor the disease, conduct laboratory tests and strengthen public health systems in its member countries.
About the IDB Group
The IDB Group is the leading source of development finance for Latin America and the Caribbean. It helps to improve lives by providing financial solutions and development know-how to public- and private-sector clients. The Group comprises the IDB, which has worked with governments for 60 years; IDB Invest, which serves the private sector; and IDB Lab, which tests innovative ways to enable more inclusive growth.
Turner,Taos Lee