The Inter-American Development Bank approved today a US$16.1 million loan to Brazil to support the first phase of modernization of its legislative branch at the federal, state and municipal levels.
The Federal Senate through the InterLegis Special Secretariat (SINTER) is in charge of the two-phase program, which will strengthen and expand the scope of the Legislative Integration and Participation Network (InterLegis) and E-Legislativo systems.
“This phase will consolidate the InterLegis program’s current national network, increase the efficiency and the competencies of Brazil’s legislative bodies through technology transfers, training and the use of information and communication, which are part of the four pillars of the legislative new modernization model adopted by Brazil,” said IDB Team Leader Paolo Valenti.
“The program will build InterLegis’ institutional capacity for design, development and implementation of projects and upgrades in its operating systems,” added Valenti. “It will also develop specific products for the parliamentary network and promote international parliamentary cooperation.”
Interlegis proved to be an important experience in communication and participation, allowing a flow of information from legislators to citizens. It also showed the need to establish a new model of legislative modernization based in four pillars: development of infrastructure and technology solutions, channels of communication and information sources, and training of legislators and officials, explained Valenti.
“This new program creates an integral vision of modernization of the legislature in Brazil, beyond connectivity and technological solutions,” said Valenti. “It also points to specific action considering regionalization, with services and products suited to different economic and socio-cultural realities.”
The IDB has been supporting parliamentary modernization and legislatures information systems programs since 1991. This operation is consistent with the Bank’s strategy for Brazil in which it leverages the potential of the knowledge society and information technology to make the government’s legislative operations more efficient and transparent to help further its modernization efforts.
The program will have an execution period of five years (three for the first phase and two years for the second phase) at an estimated total cost of US$64.4 million. The loan approved today for the first phase is for a 25-year term with a four-year grace period. Local counterpart funds will match the loan.