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Corporate Procurement

Corporate Procurement
A group of people gathered talking. Procurement - Inter-American Development Bank - IDB
Bank-Executed Operational Work (BEO) Portal Corporate Procurement Opportunities Awarded Contracts Data Resources

The Budget and Corporate Procurement Division manages the purchases of goods and services to meet our internal needs and procurement for Bank-Executed Operational Work (BEO). Our Corporate Procurement Policy and Guidelines are led by six principles: Transparency, Equality, Value for Money, Integrity, Economy, and Efficiency.

What does the bank buy?

Goods and services procured by the Bank to meet its internal needs include consulting, technical and facilities support services such as food services, facilities management, security, and janitorial services; construction and related design and engineering services; computer software and hardware; office furnishings and supplies; and the purchase and/or lease of real property. 

Procurement for Bank-Executed Operational Work (BEO) includes the generation of products that support the Bank’s development agenda to address the needs of the borrowing member countries.

Procurement process

Potential suppliers can register online through the Supplier Registration Form and should note that the IDB is not an agency of the US Federal Government and is not subject to procurement laws enacted by federal, state or local governments in the United States.

For more detailed information on doing business with the IDB, please review the IDB Vendor Guide.

Supplier Diversity

The Inter-American Development Bank wants to focus on the following areas to expand their participation in Procurement:

  • Gender and Diversity

The Bank promotes opportunities for Vendors owned or managed by women and persons from underrepresented groups, particularly by LGBTQ+ individuals, indigenous persons, Afro-descendants, and persons with disabilities in its Corporate Procurement processes, in alignment with the Bank’s strategy. Vendors will implement policies and practices that ensure a diverse, inclusive, and equitable workplace for all individuals, including women and persons from underrepresented groups.

  • Sustainable Procurement

Whenever applicable, the procurement of Goods and Services will ensure that specifications are written to provide for the expanded use of environmentally preferred products and services. The Bank endeavors to integrate socially responsible Vendors into its supply chain; they must obtain, maintain, and keep current all environmental permits, approvals, and registrations.

  • Labor, Health, and Safety

The Bank requires all Vendors to provide their employees with safe working conditions and fair and equitable work practices.

Bank-Executed Operational Work (BEO)

Bank-Executed Operational Work (BEO) leads to the contracting of consulting services of firms (from Bank member countries) directly by the Bank, for the generation of products that support the Bank’s development agenda. The bidding opportunities generated by BEO are exclusively for intellectual products and advisory services.

Procurement Opportunities in Bank-executed Operations (BEO) can be found at BEO Procurement Opportunities. Firms interested in participating in a BEO procurement selection process must submit their expressions of interest using the BEO-Bidder Portal.

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Corporate Procurement Policy
IDB Vendor Guide
Vendor Code of Conduct
Standard Terms and Conditions of Agreement for Services
Standard Terms and Conditions of Agreement for Goods
Questions about Corporate Procurement?
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