The IDB Cities Network is our platform for knowledge, relationships and solutions at the municipal level that aims to socialize knowledge, lessons learned and good practices in environmental, economic and social sustainability of more than 250 cities in Latin America and the Caribbean.

The IDB Cities LAB is our platform for innovation, design, and experimentation for the sustainable urban development in Latin America and the Caribbean. We lead innovative prototypes that arise from co-design processes between officials of the Inter-American Development Bank and local actors (community, academia, government) in which citizen participation is key.

A collection of open-source applications to facilitate urban planning tasks by obtaining, analyzing, and visualizing territorial data. Our toolbox is designed to take advantage of large open-access geospatial databases with global coverage: information collected by crowdsourcing, public repositories of satellite images, information produced by research centers, and more.

The Emerging and Sustainable Cities Program (ESC) of the Housing and Urban Development Division of the IDB was a non-reimbursable technical assistance program providing direct support to national and subnational governments in the development and execution of city action plans.
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