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Integration and Transport HUB

Integration and Transport HUB

The IDB and the Mesoamerica Integration and Development Project have launched the Infrastructure and Transport Hub, a functional tool to facilitate the development of infrastructure and mobility services with a multimodal approach.

A person typing on a laptop. Innovation and Development - Inter-American Development Bank - IDB
An aerial view of a highway. Regional Infrastructure - Inter-American Development Bank - IDB Regional Infrastructure

Reviews the regional physical infrastructure bank (ports, airports and logistics) and regional road inventory of more than 5,000 km of integration corridors, including the Pacific Corridor, analyzed with artificial intelligence algorithms (Pavimenta2).

Panoramic of trucks and containers stacked in port. Logistics And Value Chains - Inter-American Development Bank - IDB Logistics and Value Chains

Reviews cargo movements between the countries of Mesoamerica and their main partners, as well as the logistics infrastructure in use in each of them.

A bulldozer loading a truck. Regional integration - Inter-American Development Bank - IDB Regional Project Portfolio

Reviews the regional project portfolios for Mesoamerican physical integration.

A road next to the sea. Climate change - Inter-American Development Bank - IDB Climate Change

Reviews the most relevant variables of climate change that impact regional infrastructure.

A person wearing safety gear and wind turbines in the background. Regional Cooperation - Inter-American Development Bank - IDB COVID Interventions

Review the measures that were taken in the context of the COVID19 crisis during 2020.

A group of children in a classroom. Development and SMEs - Inter-American Development Bank - IDB Development Indicators

Review the socioeconomic indices of purchasing power, educational level, population density and SMEs.

A laptop with the screen on. Digital transformation - Inter-American Development Bank - IDB Data Download

Download the information layers of all modules in shapefile format.

Banner de color azul Infraestructura de transporte para la integración regional y el desarrollo logístico de las cadenas de valor del Caribe
Banner de color azul Corredores de transporte para la integración regional y el desarrollo de las cadenas de valor del Cono Sur
Banner de color azul Infraestructura física y logística para la integración regional y el fortalecimiento de las cadenas de valor en los países andinos

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