The IDB Group is committed to the development of Latin America and the Caribbean through the private sector and channels this work through its two member entities: IDB Invest and the Multilateral Investment Fund (MIF). Through joint collaboration with governments, we support the development of public policies that strengthen the business and SME environment.
The IDB supports firms in their digital transformation processes by enabling the conditions for digital technology adoption through connectivity, guidance to meet the international regulation standards and the development of digital talent. All efforts for capacity building, tech adoption and the strengthening of digital services are tailored to each firm’s needs, size and sector of operation.

Through different mechanisms, the CTI Division of the IDB supports the creation and consolidation of entrepreneurship ecosystems by encouraging entrepreneurial culture, strengthening incubators and facilitating access to venture capital. The improvement and innovation of these ecosystems is also based on working with governments and authorities to foster public policies that benefit entrepreneurs and their firms.

The IDB Group is focused on favoring the private sector by strengthening corporate public policies, supporting small and medium enterprises (SMEs); and implementing policies in for risk capital and dynamic entrepreneurship.

IDB specialists and guest authors discuss the 'i' in innovation, ideas, inspiration, investment, and its implications for public policies. Because innovating through science, technology, creativity, and entrepreneurship will transform productivity and the quality of life in Latin America and the Caribbean in the digital age.

Is it goodbye to teachers? Is it goodbye to schooling as we know it? Will it lead to reinventing education, schools, and educators? ChatGPT, an innovative tool that answers questions about almost anything, was released toward the end of 2022.

This article deals with the potential of ChatGPT for SMEs in Latin America and the Caribbean, while also constituting an illustration of its potential by itself.

According to the study 'New Horizons for Productive Transformation in the Andean Region,' this sector represented 8.5% of the GDP in the region between 2012 and 2021, historically ranking it as the second most important.
Innovation is essential for more productivity and economic progress.
Building state capacity to strengthen rule of law, promote innovation and open governments to deliver better citizen services.