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How to Move Towards Sustainable Social Security and Pension Systems for Longer-Lived Societies?
Graphic of a woman and a robot working on an orange planet. Social Security - Inter-American Development Bank - IDB
Transforming Longevity Into an Opportunity

By 2050, the number of people over 60 in Latin America and the Caribbean will surpass the younger population, and people in old age will live longer. Will pension systems in the region be ready to cover and protect everyone? Not unless we act now and take the necessary measures to make them sustainable. Learn what we can do to turn aging into an opportunity in the 11th edition of our series on the future of work. Available English, Spanish and Portuguese.

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How can a good pension system reduce labor informality?

Ekaterina Cuéllar, expert on pensions at the IDB, explains in a few seconds how a good pension system can enhance the quality of labor markets and vice versa. 

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What is the potential of the silver economy in Latin America and the Caribbean?

Daniel Gamboa and Waldo Tapia, experts on pensions at the IDB, discuss the opportunities posed by longer living societies, such as the silver economy.

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How does the gender gap in labor markets reflect in pension systems?

Laura Ripani, chief of IDB’s Labor Market Division, and Waldo Tapia, lead specialist at the IDB, explain how gender inequalities in labor markets are also reflected in women’s access to pensions and social services. 

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