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Panorama of Aging and Long-term Care

a group of people playing a game Education - Inter-American Development Bank - IDB
Panorama of Aging and Long Term Care RedCuidar+

Learn more about our work in Latin America and the Caribbean, which includes technical cooperation projects and loan operations for implementing long-term care systems.

  • RG-T4162: Long-term care human resources and business ecosystem
  • RG-T3774: Management of Day and Long-Stay Centers in the New Reality Generated by COVID-19 
  • RG-T3604: ADM Aging Facility: Strengthening Capacity for Health, Long-Term Care and Social Services 
  • RG-T3839: Aging Facility: Regional Long-term Care Policy Network in Latin America and the Caribbean  
  • AR-T1333: Care integration for fragile older adults 
  • AR-T1315: Support for the development of Argentina's integrated care system 
  • AR-T1293: Support for the design of strategies for the care of aging and care of the adult population in Argentina
  • AR-T1294: Care integration in frail older adults
  • BA-L1060: Program to Strengthen Social Services in Barbados
  • BO-T1426: Aging Facility: Support for the construction of the care approach in Bolivia
  • CO-L1291: Program to Strengthen Equality and Equity Policies for Women and Diverse Populations in Colombia.
  • CO-T1599: Support in the Development of the Colombian Care Policy
Costa Rica
  • CR-T1211: Support for the implementation of the National System of Care and Attention to Dependency and the strengthening of the social information systems of Costa Rica  
  • CR-T1247: Aging Facility: Development of service prototypes for dependency care and support to caregiving in Costa Rica
Dominican Republic
  • DR-T1245: Support for the structuring of the Care Communities pilot and the offer of care services for people in situation of dependency
  • DR-L1152: Support for Consolidation of an Inclusive Social Protection System in the Dominican Republic
El Salvador
  • ES-T1378: Support for the design and implementation of quality early childhood development models in El Salvador. This technical cooperation has a component that seeks to support the Government in the development of guidelines for the construction of a national care system, with emphasis on care for older adult populations in situations of dependency.
  • JA-T1203: Innovative Community Based Caregiving for Older Adults in Jamaica
  • ME-T1502: Support for the implementation and evaluation of a digital platform for the care of older adults in Mexico City
  • ME-T1485: ANA Care: Mejora de Atención a la Dependencia para la Población Mayor de Bajos Ingresos Aprovechando las Tecnologías
  • ME-T1439: Support of the Development of an LTC System in the Mexican Institute of Social Security (IMSS)     
  • PN-T1323: Support to the establishment of a national care system in Panama
  • PN-L1177: Social Inclusion and Development Program Phase II
  • PE-T1502:  Support in the Implementation of the National Care System of Peru          
  • UR-L1196: Program to support the strengthening and sustainability of the national care system in Uruguay
  • UR-T1179: Implementation of Community Centers for Older People 
  • UR-L1110: Program to Support the National Integrated Care System    
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