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This page contains a wealth of public debt-related information pertaining to Latin America and the Caribbean, as well as to other regions. It includes LAC Debt Group’s current and past research as well as research of interest to the Group. LAC Debt Group pursues some of the most challenging and relevant issues facing Latin America and the Caribbean on public debt, of interest for both practionners and academics.

To access the presentations made by our members and guests during the annual meetings and thematic workshops please refer to the relevant event page.

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Standardized Sovereign Debt Statistics for Latin America and the Caribbean: Analysis of Regional and Country Trends and Cross-Country Comparisons

This document analyzes gross and net public debt data for countries in the Latin American and Caribbean (LAC) region up to December 2020. It provides a unique overview of the main characteristics of the regions debt and a comparative analysis of its most pressing risks (currency, maturity, rate, and credit). Its main purpose is to assess the changes in size and composition of debt for the region and to provide a comparative analysis of the diverse country cases that comprise it 

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Analysis of Costs and Main Investors of Sovereign Debt Issuances in Latin American and Caribbean Countries, July 2022

Sovereign debt issuances are often assessed in quantitative terms and in terms of their impact on a countrys debt profile. However, behind every debt issuance there are also a series of operational practices which involve engaging with parties such as credit rating agencies, law firms, underwriters, and investors which also warrant assessment. The costs, periodicity, and range of these engagements vary across Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC). This paper aims to illuminate practices surrounding the selection processes, associated costs, and priorities of debt management offices (DMOs) across LAC. 

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Debt Management Institutions in Latin America and the Caribbean: A Comparative Analysis, February 2022

Public debt management is one of the most crucial functions of any government, but we know little about how debt management offices operate. Based on a survey of 24 Latin American and Caribbean countries, this document presents the first systematic effort to analyze how these offices are organized and how they perform crucial debt management functions: developing and executing the strategy for managing the States' portfolio of liabilities and new borrowing. The evidence indicates that, although institutional capacity to manage public debt has improved in the region, the experience is uneven among countries. We conclude by highlighting potential areas for improvement. 

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Esquemas de garantía pública para créditos bancarios en tiempos de COVID-19 en América Latina y el Caribe, April 2022

Esta publicación presenta el análisis y conclusiones de un estudio sobre esquemas de garantía pública en tiempos de COVID-19 en América Latina y el Caribe (ALC). Para mitigar los efectos económicos de la pandemia y con el objetivo de facilitar el acceso de empresas y personas a la financiación bancaria, los gobiernos han utilizado principalmente dos instrumentos: los programas de moratorias o refinanciación de deudas bancarias, que han recibido mucha atención, y los esquemas de garantías estatales, que han recibido menos. 

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Programas de moratoria de créditos bancarios en tiempos de COVID-19 en América Latina y el Caribe, April 2022

Esta publicación presenta el análisis y conclusiones de un estudio sobre programas de moratoria y reprogramación crediticia en tiempos de COVID-19 en ALC. Se presentan aspectos generales de los programas de moratoria crediticia implementados y se analizan el contexto previo a su implementación, sus principales características generales y sus principales resultados e impacto potencial. Asimismo, se estudian los aspectos relevantes identificados y se identifican buenas prácticas para el diseño e implementación de programas de moratoria de créditos. 

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