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Post-Secondary Education and Training

Post-Secondary Education and Training

We work to bridge gap between education and work, with higher and TVET programs, green skills and STEAM for girls and women. 

A group of people sitting in a lecture hall. Jobs - Inter-American Development Bank - IDB

We support countries in enhancing their education and skills training systems, fostering social and productive development in Latin American and Caribbean countries. Our primary focus is on leveling the playing field, ensuring everyone has equal opportunities to access and sustain relevant, high-quality post-secondary education. We are a strategic partner in the region to propose systematic solutions that tackle various challenges encountered by youth, including academic, informational, and financial. Additionally, we work closely with higher education institutions to facilitate the promotion of innovative and top-notch training initiatives. 

Access and Equity

Strengthening Financial Support Systems and Effective Budget Planning

Ensuring Quality

Implementing Robust Quality Assurance Systems, Certifications, and Educational Trajectories

Relevance and Skill Gaps

Conducting Thorough Diagnoses and Establishing Synergy with the Productive Sector

A woman standing next to a planter. Knowledge - Inter-American Development Bank - IDB

It is the level of comprehensive training for young people who have completed secondary education in which skills and competencies are developed to produce knowledge, generate solutions to challenges, identify new problems for the benefit of society, and support the demands of the labor market. This type of education is typically offered through short-cycle programs and university programs taught by higher education institutions.

A group of people sitting on a bench. Digital transformation - Inter-American Development Bank - IDB Higher Education Digital Transformation in Latin America and the Caribbean
A person holding a microphone in front of a group of people. Technology - Inter-American Development Bank - IDB Digital Technologies in Higher Education: What Do Professors Think?
A group of people walking in a hallway. Labor market - Inter-American Development Bank - IDB Local Labor Markets and Higher Education Mismatch: What is The Role of Public and Private Institutions?
Skills for a Green Economy
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