Building on the progress made by the Amazon Initiative, and given the growing scientific consensus that the Amazon is reaching an ecological tipping point, we must further increase the impact of our actions in the Amazon.

Amazonia Forever aims to upscale financing; strengthen the planning and execution of projects to generate impact; share knowledge and evidence-based innovations and leverage expertise to support policy development; and enhance regional collaboration and coordination. As an umbrella program, it invites all relevant stakeholders to join efforts.
Strengthening environmental control and security, in the context of national governments (work with Ministries of the Environment, environmental licensing agencies, and research and monitoring institutes) to combat deforestation.

Provide adequate access to quality education, health care and employment; as well as promoting innovative solutions adapted to the local conditions of the population of the Amazon region.

Promoting alternative and sustainable economic activities and transforming the use of forest resources to generate value-added products and services to foster a just economic transformation.

Promoting resilient infrastructure and connectivity, and sustainable urbanization of the Amazon region. This includes adequate management and planning of urban growth, mitigation and adaptation to climate change, economic development, and social inclusion and equity.

Boosting and conserving sustainable and low carbon agricultural production systems as well as the transition to sustainable models of livestock management and forest protection.

In addition, Amazonia Forever will focus on promoting the inclusion of:

- Use the Bank's balance sheet more efficiently, allowing it to provide additional lending capacity specifically tailored to the Amazon.
- Promote new instruments (such as debt-for-nature swaps) that help countries meet their climate commitments; and foster a regional framework that favors the issuance of Amazonian bonds.
- Increase blended financing, co-financing, technical assistance and grant resources.

- Create a Regional Platform of Amazon Partners, to map existing resources -from donors, private investors and resources from Amazonian countries-, to support national authorities on: the identification of financial resources and coordinate efforts, development of investment plans, and providing information for better decision-making.
- Develop a Project Preparation Facility, in coordination with the Ministers of Finance and Planning, to prepare investment plans for the Amazonian territories, and a solid project portfolio.

- Share knowledge and evidence-based innovations.
- Leverage experience to support policy development.
- Network of Ministers of Finance and Planning and a technical working group established by the Governors of the IDB, and supported by the Bank, to monitor the progress of Amazonia Forever.
- Forum of Amazon Cities to promote sustainable urban development in coordination with the mayors of the Amazon countries.
- Green Coalition of National Development Banks of the Amazon region to mobilize resources for the region.
- Network of Research Institutes of the Amazon. Support territorially based research institutes to take advantage of experience, share knowledge and promote coordination.
- Support OTCA to expand and facilitate information exchanges between institutions and intergovernmental authorities linked to the study of the Amazon. The objective is to become a reference center for regional scientific-technological information and the sociocultural diversity of the Amazon.

Global concerns are mounting over deforestation and degradation that threaten to push the Amazon rainforest past a “tipping point” and turn it into a savannah. Scientists worry that die-back may already be underway in parts of the Legal Amazon in Brazil. Aware of these threats, presidents from eight Amazon countries were gathered in Belem on August 8 and 9 for a summit to commit to redoubled efforts to end deforestation, protect biodiversity and accelerate “green” development.

The Amazon Summit highlighted the powerful tool that is regional integration in the preservation of the Amazon region. The focus on union and collaboration between national and local governments, indigenous communities, and multilateral organizations like the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), demonstrates a recognition of interdependence and the need for joint policies.

La Amazonía, la selva tropical más grande del planeta está amenazada por el avance de la frontera geográfica de la economía. Esta amenaza no implica únicamente una continua desaparición de su mega biodiversidad, sino también un impacto negativo a más de sus 50 millones de habitantes de nueve países —y que incluye a más de 511 pueblos indígenas— que dependen de los recursos naturales para su subsistencia y bienestar.
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