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Office of Institutional Integrity

Office of Institutional Integrity
Personas en centro de atención al usuario. Desarrollo Social - Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo - BID
Matthew Fowler, Chief Office of Institutional Integrity of the IDB. Sustainable development - Inter-American Development Bank
Matthew Fowler
Chief, Office of Institutional Integrity


The Office of Institutional Integrity (OII) plays a key role in the IDB Group’s integrity efforts. OII as an integral part of the Sanctions System is responsible for investigating allegations of fraud and corruption in IDB Group-financed activities and taking efforts to prevent them. Annually, OII and the Sanctions System report their activities in their annual report (See Key Documents).

In its investigations, OII follows the Principles and Guidelines for Investigations, incorporated in the Uniform Framework for Preventing and Combating Fraud and Corruption adopted by the International Financial Institutions Anti-Corruption Task Force (See Key Documents).

OII’s prevention activities aim to identify, assess and mitigate integrity and reputational risks on IDB Group-financed activities. To this end, OII extracts lessons learned from investigations and conducts training activities to improve the IDB Group’s knowledge regarding the identification of integrity risks or prohibited practices. OII also develops and enforces policies and mechanisms to strengthen the overall integrity of IDB Group-financed activities.

The Office reports its ongoing activities and significant findings to the Bank’s senior management and the Audit Committee of the Board of Executive Directors.

See Matthew Fowler's biography

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