The Productivity, Trade, and Innovation Sector supports the countries of Latin America and the Caribbean to implement innovative solutions for a more productive, open, and connected region with the world. Our projects and applied research contribute to the reduction of the three main costs of trade: logistics, information, and regulatory.
Our areas of intervention are the following: trade facilitation, export promotion and investment attraction, and supporting the negotiation and implementation of trade agreements. And we provide technical assistance to initiatives and regional integration blocks.
We are also responsible for producing and disseminating research on the latest trends in regional and global trade, nourishing the region's public policy agenda on integration and trade. Our Institute for the Integration of Latin America and the Caribbean (INTAL) generates and disseminates knowledge and technologies applied to the needs of borrowing member countries, identifying opportunities for Bank development projects.
We lead business integration initiatives such as ConnectAmericas, the first online network for the internationalization of small and medium-sized companies, and the Americas Business Dialogue (ABD), a high-level, public-private dialogue platform to advance the development agenda of the region. Likewise, we organize a series of trade and investment business forums.
Driving growth through regional and international trade
Harnessing integration to drive competitiveness