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Board of Governors

Board of Governors

The Board of Governors is the highest authority responsible for the governance of the IDB and is composed of representatives of our member countries. 

A woman and a man smiling in a room. Sustainable Development - Inter-American Development Bank - IDB
Voting Power Annual Meetings Approved Resolutions

The Board of Governors is the highest authority responsible for the governance of the IDB and is composed of representatives of our member countries. The voting power of each governor is proportional to the country's capital subscribed in the Bank. Borrowing member countries hold just over 50% of voting power.

a. Who are the members of the Board of Governors?

The members of the Board of Governors are usually finance ministers or other senior economic officials from the IDB's 48 member countries.

b. How does the Board of Governors work?

The Board of Governors meets annually in March or April to review the Bank’s operations and make major policy decisions. The product of these meetings are approved resolutions.

c. What are the functions of the Board of Governors?

The main responsibilities of the Board of Governors are to oversee the activities and administration of the Bank. The discharge of several functions is delegated to the Board of Executive Directors.


Meet our Board of Governors

Institutional Strategy

Approved by member countries, this strategy guides our mission and sets priorities for our work.

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Operational Policies

We are guided by a set of regulations and policies, expand this card to know more.

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Country Offices

Explore our offices across countries and the work they do to improve lives.

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