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The Country Office of Haiti seeks to contribute to higher, inclusive, and more sustainable growth that supports a reduction in poverty and inequalities.

Image of Haiti
Country Office


The IDB Group Country Strategy for the period 2017-2021 will seek to contribute to higher, inclusive and more sustainable growth that supports a reduction in poverty and inequalities. The Strategy has three strategic priorities that will guide sovereign and non-sovereign guaranteed operations in Haiti: 

(i)  improve the business climate to enhance productivity;

(ii) render key public services more accessible to enhance human development; and

(iii) strengthen government capacity to increase fiscal sustainability. Bank support will incorporate cross-cutting themes that are key to Haiti’s overall stability and poverty reduction, particularly climate change resilience, protection of the environment, and gender equality.

Corinne Cathala Rep Haiti
Corinne Cathala
IDB Country Representative in Haiti


Our team on the Ground

Address of the IDB representation in Haiti: Bourdon 389, Port-au-Prince, Haiti

Mailing Address: Boîte Postale 1321, Port-au-Prince, Haiti

(T) (509) 2812-5000

(F) (509) 2812-5048

Country representation

Executive Director: Miguel Braun


  • Nicolas Camauer

ELECTED BY: Argentina and Haiti

Total Contribution: 12,953,400

Number of votes: 64,649

of the institution's ownership

IDB Group Recommends Six Structural Reforms to Address Region’s Housing Deficit
At the 3rd Housing Forum 2024 in Mexico City, government and private sector representatives proposed solutions aimed especially at vulnerable populations MEXICO CITY -- The Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) Group has proposed six structural reforms to reduce the housing deficit in Latin America...
July 25, 2024
Haiti to Improve Social Services with IDB Support
The Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) approved $110 million from its Grant Facility to improve food security, health, and the inclusion of vulnerable children and youth in Haiti.    The funds will support household income to sustain food consumption by financing unconditional cash transfers for...
July 22, 2024
President of the IDB and Managing Director of the IMF Outline Enhanced Partnership to Better Support Latin American and Caribbean Countries
The President of the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) and the Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) have agreed to enhance their collaboration to better support the efforts of common members in Latin America and the Caribbean to foster sustainable and inclusive growth and...
July 22, 2024
Apr 10, 2023
EconNet: Political Connections, Allocation of Stimulus Spending, and the Jobs Multiplier | Veronika Penciakova (Atlanta FED)
12:00 PM - 01:00 PM
United States - Washington, DC
Apr 11, 2023
Presentation of the Government Digital Transformation Guide
10:00 AM - 11:30 AM
Apr 12, 2023
Research and Policy Seminar: The Global Economy at a Turning Point | Kenneth Rogoff (Harvard University)
11:30 AM - 12:30 PM
Washington, DC

Videos available in Spanish

Integración y gobernanza: ¿cuál será el futuro de América Latina y el Caribe en el 2030?
Learn More
¿Cuáles son los ejes para una integración regional inteligente, sostenible e inclusiva?
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¿Qué significa mejorar vidas en América Latina y el Caribe? Desarrollo de impacto con sello BID
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Strategy and Projects

Haiti is one of the founding member countries of the IDB. Like all the shareholders, Haiti appoints a Governor, who represents the country on the Board of Governors.

For day-to-day business at the Bank's Headquarters in Washington, D.C., Haiti is represented by a chair on the Board of Executive Directors. The chair, shared with Argentina, is headed by an Executive Director, who is elected to a three-year term by the Governors of Haiti and Argentina.

Country strategies remain valid for one year beyond the stated period, as they remain active throughout the preparation of the following strategy.   

IDB Group Country Strategy with Haiti 2017-2021
Extension Of The Transition Period Of The Country Strategy With Haiti
Project Number Sector Projects Financing Project Status Approval Date
HA-G1060 ENERGY Additional solar photovoltaic capacity to further replace fossil fuel in the Caracol Industrial Park of Haiti and neighboring communities 2,500,000 Preparation
HA-T1332 PRIVATE FIRMS AND SME DEVELOPMENT BOUSOL - Digital Wallet for Utility Payments 200,000 Implementation
HA-T1335 EDUCATION Socio-emotional support to children in contexts of insecurity in Haiti 700,000 Preparation
HA-T1328 TRANSPORT Support for the Execution and Preparation of Transport Projects in Haiti 1,200,000 Preparation
HA-T1331 REFORM / MODERNIZATION OF THE STATE Diagnostic of citizen security and justice institutions and experiences to face situations of fragility, crime, and violence in Haiti 210,000 Preparation
HA-T1334 OTHER Data-Driven Support for the Strategy in Haiti Preparation
HA-J0010 REFORM / MODERNIZATION OF THE STATE Strengthening the Foundations of Digital Transformation of Public Management to Improve Government Effectiveness 16,000,000 Implementation
HA-J0009 EDUCATION Support to Haiti Education Governance (SHEG) 20,000,000 Implementation
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Country Office


The IDB Group Country Strategy for the period 2017-2021 will seek to contribute to higher, inclusive and more sustainable growth that supports a reduction in poverty and inequalities. The Strategy has three strategic priorities that will guide sovereign and non-sovereign guaranteed operations in Haiti: 

(i)  improve the business climate to enhance productivity;

(ii) render key public services more accessible to enhance human development; and

(iii) strengthen government capacity to increase fiscal sustainability. Bank support will incorporate cross-cutting themes that are key to Haiti’s overall stability and poverty reduction, particularly climate change resilience, protection of the environment, and gender equality.

Corinne Cathala Rep Haiti
Corinne Cathala
IDB Country Representative in Haiti


Our team on the Ground

Address of the IDB representation in Haiti: Bourdon 389, Port-au-Prince, Haiti

Mailing Address: Boîte Postale 1321, Port-au-Prince, Haiti

(T) (509) 2812-5000

(F) (509) 2812-5048

Country representation

Executive Director: Miguel Braun


  • Nicolas Camauer

ELECTED BY: Argentina and Haiti

Total Contribution: 12,953,400

Number of votes: 64,649

of the institution's ownership

IDB Group Recommends Six Structural Reforms to Address Region’s Housing Deficit
At the 3rd Housing Forum 2024 in Mexico City, government and private sector representatives proposed solutions aimed especially at vulnerable populations MEXICO CITY -- The Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) Group has proposed six structural reforms to reduce the housing deficit in Latin America...
July 25, 2024
Haiti to Improve Social Services with IDB Support
The Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) approved $110 million from its Grant Facility to improve food security, health, and the inclusion of vulnerable children and youth in Haiti.    The funds will support household income to sustain food consumption by financing unconditional cash transfers for...
July 22, 2024
President of the IDB and Managing Director of the IMF Outline Enhanced Partnership to Better Support Latin American and Caribbean Countries
The President of the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) and the Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) have agreed to enhance their collaboration to better support the efforts of common members in Latin America and the Caribbean to foster sustainable and inclusive growth and...
July 22, 2024
Apr 10, 2023
EconNet: Political Connections, Allocation of Stimulus Spending, and the Jobs Multiplier | Veronika Penciakova (Atlanta FED)
12:00 PM - 01:00 PM
United States - Washington, DC
Apr 11, 2023
Presentation of the Government Digital Transformation Guide
10:00 AM - 11:30 AM
Apr 12, 2023
Research and Policy Seminar: The Global Economy at a Turning Point | Kenneth Rogoff (Harvard University)
11:30 AM - 12:30 PM
Washington, DC

Videos available in Spanish

Integración y gobernanza: ¿cuál será el futuro de América Latina y el Caribe en el 2030?
Learn More
¿Cuáles son los ejes para una integración regional inteligente, sostenible e inclusiva?
Learn More
¿Qué significa mejorar vidas en América Latina y el Caribe? Desarrollo de impacto con sello BID
Learn More
Strategy and Projects

Haiti is one of the founding member countries of the IDB. Like all the shareholders, Haiti appoints a Governor, who represents the country on the Board of Governors.

For day-to-day business at the Bank's Headquarters in Washington, D.C., Haiti is represented by a chair on the Board of Executive Directors. The chair, shared with Argentina, is headed by an Executive Director, who is elected to a three-year term by the Governors of Haiti and Argentina.

Country strategies remain valid for one year beyond the stated period, as they remain active throughout the preparation of the following strategy.   

IDB Group Country Strategy with Haiti 2017-2021
Extension Of The Transition Period Of The Country Strategy With Haiti
Project Number Sector Projects Financing Project Status Approval Date
HA-G1060 ENERGY Additional solar photovoltaic capacity to further replace fossil fuel in the Caracol Industrial Park of Haiti and neighboring communities 2,500,000 Preparation
HA-T1332 PRIVATE FIRMS AND SME DEVELOPMENT BOUSOL - Digital Wallet for Utility Payments 200,000 Implementation
HA-T1335 EDUCATION Socio-emotional support to children in contexts of insecurity in Haiti 700,000 Preparation
HA-T1328 TRANSPORT Support for the Execution and Preparation of Transport Projects in Haiti 1,200,000 Preparation
HA-T1331 REFORM / MODERNIZATION OF THE STATE Diagnostic of citizen security and justice institutions and experiences to face situations of fragility, crime, and violence in Haiti 210,000 Preparation
HA-T1334 OTHER Data-Driven Support for the Strategy in Haiti Preparation
HA-J0010 REFORM / MODERNIZATION OF THE STATE Strengthening the Foundations of Digital Transformation of Public Management to Improve Government Effectiveness 16,000,000 Implementation
HA-J0009 EDUCATION Support to Haiti Education Governance (SHEG) 20,000,000 Implementation
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