Chile is a founding member country of the IDB. As with all shareholders, Chile appoints a Governor who represents the country on the Board of Governors.
At the Bank's Headquarters in Washington, D.C., Chile holds a chair on the Board of Executive Directors. This position is shared with Ecuador and is led by an Executive Director elected to a three-year term by the Governors of both countries.
Executive Director: Carlos Alvarez
- Roberto Izurieta
ELECTED BY: Chile and Ecuador
Total Contribution: 82,553,800
Number of votes: 442,130
of the institution's ownership
Address: Avenida Pedro de Valdivia 0193 10th floor
Santiago, Chile
P.O. Box Nº 16611 Providencia, Santiago, Chile
Phone number: (56-2) 2431-3700 / (56-2) 2431-3713
Fax: (56-2) 2431-3713
Videos available in Spanish
The Country Strategy 2022-2026 aims to bolster Chile's productive capacities to navigate future challenges and enhance the well-being of its population. The IDB Group will support Chile by fostering innovation, enhancing productivity, and strengthening institutional capabilities to ensure sustainable and inclusive growth.
This strategic approach is built upon two main pillars:
- Promoting social cohesion and inclusion.
- Facilitating the economy of the future.
Both pillars will address key crosscutting themes including gender, diversity, inclusion, and equity; climate action and sustainability; institutional capacity and the rule of law; regional priorities; and digitalization.
Country strategies remain valid for one year beyond the stated period, as they remain active throughout the preparation of the following strategy.

Chile is a founding member country of the IDB. As with all shareholders, Chile appoints a Governor who represents the country on the Board of Governors.
At the Bank's Headquarters in Washington, D.C., Chile holds a chair on the Board of Executive Directors. This position is shared with Ecuador and is led by an Executive Director elected to a three-year term by the Governors of both countries.
Executive Director: Carlos Alvarez
- Roberto Izurieta
ELECTED BY: Chile and Ecuador
Total Contribution: 82,553,800
Number of votes: 442,130
of the institution's ownership
Address: Avenida Pedro de Valdivia 0193 10th floor
Santiago, Chile
P.O. Box Nº 16611 Providencia, Santiago, Chile
Phone number: (56-2) 2431-3700 / (56-2) 2431-3713
Fax: (56-2) 2431-3713
Videos available in Spanish
The Country Strategy 2022-2026 aims to bolster Chile's productive capacities to navigate future challenges and enhance the well-being of its population. The IDB Group will support Chile by fostering innovation, enhancing productivity, and strengthening institutional capabilities to ensure sustainable and inclusive growth.
This strategic approach is built upon two main pillars:
- Promoting social cohesion and inclusion.
- Facilitating the economy of the future.
Both pillars will address key crosscutting themes including gender, diversity, inclusion, and equity; climate action and sustainability; institutional capacity and the rule of law; regional priorities; and digitalization.
Country strategies remain valid for one year beyond the stated period, as they remain active throughout the preparation of the following strategy.
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