The three components are: (a) in-service training, aimed at expanding the market for training by private enterprises; (b) informal sector training, aimed at increasing the scope of initiatives by NGOs to provide training to entrepreneurs outside the formal workforce; and (c) institutional strengthening, aimed at enhancing the quality of services offered by training providers and increasing their responsiveness to clients' needs.
The first component enables private enterprises in the formal sector (including firms, associations, and cooperatives) to provide customized, short-term skills training for their existing employees. Potential areas of training include export activities, construction, mechanics (including maintenance), metal work, computer services, irrigation engineering, tourism, food service, and transport.
The second component works through existing NGOs that already offer training in productive activities to provide short-term training to people with little formal education who would not be able to access the formal training market. The component will cofinance specific programs already developed by the NGOs, as well as new ones that meet the requirements for training informal sector entrepreneurs.
The third component provides technical assistance to private training providers, targeting the second tier of providers who typically do not already have external sources of support, in order to ensure an adequate supply of high-quality training services and enhance competition. Strengthening will either complement programs supported by one of the first two components or be stand-alone.
The programs funded will include management tools for better market services, teacher training modules, updated curricula, and evaluation tools. Funding for program administration will also support the creation and maintenance of a database that:
includes details of the specific competencies desired by enterprises in each productive area, gender aspects, and mechanisms used to measure the impact of training;
records innovations in serving the informal sector, particularly the efforts to train without literacy and the impact on the apprenticeship system; and
contains information on the qualifications of training providers.
The executing agency, the Haitian Business Foundation (FONDIH), which represents the major trade associations and chambers of commerce in Haiti, will be funded to hold a seminar at the end of the project to disseminate results to the public and private sectors, to training providers and enterprises, and to other donors and agencies.
Project Detail
Project Number
Approval Date
October 13, 1999
Project Status
Project Type
Technical Cooperation
Lending Instrument
Instrumento del Fondo Multilateral de Inversiones
Lending Instrument Code
Facility Type
Environmental and Social Impact Category (ESIC)
Total Cost
USD 2,850,000.00
Country Counterpart Financing
USD 850,000.00
Original Amount Approved
USD 2,000,000.00
Can’t find a document? Request information
Project Performance Monitoring Reports
PPMR for MIF project TC9708259 - ATN_MH-6696-HA August, 2000 [1783994].PDF
Dec. 31, 1999
Project Performance Monitoring Reports
PPMR for MIF project TC9708259 - ATN_MH-6696-HA June, 2001 [1783996].PDF
Dec. 31, 1999
Donors Memorandum
Iniciativa relativa al mercado privado de formación profesional [454885].PDF
Dec. 31, 1999
Donors Memorandum
Private Training Market Initiative [454884].PDF
Dec. 31, 1999
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