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Conversion of Ine & Cadastre Data to GIS

Subprogram A - The principal objective of the proposed operation is to enhance and expand spatial databases for infrasturcture planning and management which will strengthen and consolidate the National Geographic Information System, and promote development of the Clearinghouse of National Geographic Data. Specifically, this project focuses on conversion and digital integration into the National ClearingHouse of Geographic Data of approximately 700,000 microfilms of parcel survey plats that provide the basis for the national cadastre. Availability and disemination of the new digital database will strengthen infrastructure management, planning, and decision-making by project participants. The project will strengthen systems and applications development and analytical capabilities within various participating institutions. To facilitate integration and dissemination of spatial cadastral databases, considerable existing microfilm plat drawings must be digitally converted and geometrically referenced existing and new ground control. Specific information responds to the infrastructure management and planning needs, particularly for future property expropriations and acquisitions of right-of-ways countrywide. Procedures and standards would be developed to facilitate the interface with the Property Registry. Enhanced databases and analytical capabilities to be provided will also provide support for preparation and planning of new projects and the execution of existing projects, in particular UR-0113 Programa Mejoramiento Red Carreteras, TC98-06227 Proyecto del Puente Buenos Aires-Colonia, and Spatial Information System for National Infrastructure Management and Planning (TC-9811911-UR). Subprogram B - enhance and expand spatial databases for infrasturcture planning and management which will strengthen and consolidate the development of the Clearinghouse of National Geographic Data through disemination of digital spatial data. Specifically, this project focuses on disemination and use of digital spatial data and transportation models through strengthening infrastructure management, planning, and decision-making by project participants. The project will strengthen systems and applications development and analytical capabilities within various participating institutions, and provide specific training to GIS and Remote Sensing users. To facilitate enhancement and expansion of spatial databases, considerable existing cartographic data must be digitally converted from multiple sources and scales. Specific information responds to the infrastructure management and planning needs, particularly in rural areas country-wide, including: census data for social, economic and agricultural production characteristics; rural property maps which presently lack adequate cartographic control for use in GIS; digital terrain models from existing topographic maps; rural land use, particularly forest plantations, irrigation systems, and related land use data which is fundamental for planning transportation of agricultural, forestry, or mineral products. Eenhanced databases and analytical capabilities to be provided by the system will also provide support for the preparation and planning of new projects and the execution of existing projects, in particular UR-0113 Programa Mejoramiento Red Carreteras, TC98-06227 Proyecto del Puente Buenos Aires-Colonia, and Spatial Information System for National Infrastructure Management and Planning (TC-9811911-UR).

Project Detail



Project Number


Approval Date

October 4, 2001

Project Status


Project Type

Technical Cooperation





Lending Instrument


Lending Instrument Code




Facility Type


Environmental and Social Impact Category (ESIC)


Total Cost

USD 420,000.00

Country Counterpart Financing

USD 70,000.00

Original Amount Approved

USD 350,000.00

Financial Information
Operation Number Lending Type Reporting Currency Reporting Date Signed Date Fund Financial Instrument
ATN/JC-7610-UR Sovereign Guaranteed USD - United States Dollar Japanese Consultants Fund Nonreimbursable
Operation Number ATN/JC-7610-UR
  • Lending Type: Sovereign Guaranteed
  • Reporting Currency: USD - United States Dollar
  • Reporting Date:
  • Signed Date:
  • Fund: Japanese Consultants Fund
  • Financial Instrument: Nonreimbursable

Can’t find a document? Request information

Preparation Phase
Plan of Operations
Integration of INE and Cadastral Spatial Data Base to Support Rural Infrastructure Planning and Management [423208].PDF
Dec. 31, 1999
Plan of Operations
Integration of INE and Cadastral Spatial Data Base to Support Rural Infrastructure Planning and Management - Annex [423209].PDF
Dec. 31, 1999
Plan of Operations
Integration of INE and Cadastral Spatial Data Base to Support Rural Infrastructure Planning and Management [423217].PDF
Dec. 31, 1999

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