The following activities are needed to achieve the above stated objectives: Analysis of the Implementation of IWRM. Around 8-10 papers from the region on the implementation of IWRM will be commissioned. The studies will concentrate on the operationalization of the principles of IWRM. Expert Meeting. The meeting is expected to identify the successes and failures of IWRM in the region, and the reasons thereof. If any modification of the paradigm would be considered necessary for its more effective implementation, this would also be discussed. In addition, it will focus on the removal of the constraints identified by the workshop participants to implement IWRM more effectively. The authors and the participants will be encouraged to apply the findings and the recommendations of the workshop in their national or sub-national water management activities subsequently. Along with the main authors of the commissioned papers, another 15-20 very senior decision-makers (at the Secretary, Director-General or Director levels) and established water experts from private sector, academia and NGOs will be invited to participate in their personal capacities at the meeting, review and discuss the commissioned papers, draw some general conclusions, and identify directions for the future. Participation at this high-level workshop will be by invitation only. Following the meeting and in the light of discussions, the commissioned papers will be edited and then published as a book through a major international publisher like the Oxford University Press (OUP) or Springer-Verlag. It is further proposed that because of the relevance and importance of the subject, professional water organizations like GWP and the World Water Councilbe specially invited to participate, so that both the process and the results receive wide discussion and dissemination.
Project Detail
Project Number
Approval Date
July 18, 2005
Project Status
Project Type
Technical Cooperation
Lending Instrument
Lending Instrument Code
Facility Type
Environmental and Social Impact Category (ESIC)
Total Cost
USD 127,054.00
Country Counterpart Financing
USD 0.00
Original Amount Approved
USD 127,054.00