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Program to Support Institutional Strengthening for the Migration Agenda in Latin America and the Caribbean

Strengthening the capacities of countries in the region to address current and future migratory flows. To this end, this Technical Cooperation (CT) seeks to: (i) expand knowledge about the effectiveness of migration policies and programs; (ii) promote dialogue on public policies and institutional response models to the migration phenomenon; and (iii) contribute to strengthening the institutional capacity of public entities on migration-related issues. To achieve these objectives, the CT will finance a program of individual technical cooperations (or subprojects) to support the design and execution of loan operations, as well as activities aimed at strengthening migration-related institutions or the provision of services to migrants in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC). Subprojects will prioritize topics such as: (i) socioeconomic inclusion; (ii) strategies against xenophobia based on information produced by IDB´s Perceptions Laboratory on Migration; (iii) combating the illicit trafficking of migrants; (iv) reintegration of returned migrants; (v) migration affected by climate change; (vi) labor migration and mobility; and (vii) the generation of data and knowledge products.

Project Detail



Project Number


Approval Date


Project Status


Project Type

Technical Cooperation





Lending Instrument


Lending Instrument Code




Facility Type


Environmental Classification


Total Cost


Country Counterpart Financing


Original Amount Approved

USD 4,500,000.00

Financial Information
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