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LAC Green Finance Program to Mobilize Private Investment in Mitigation Actions and Low-carbon and Sustainable Business Models through National Development Banks (Phase II)

The proposed program aims to give continuity to the support granted to NDBs through the Technical Cooperation RG-X1244 in the promotion of financing strategies aimed at mobilizing private sector investments in EE and ER. Specifically, the TC will focus on the following components: Component 1: the scale-up of activities to support NDBs and other type of public entities, such as utilities and other public companies (Phase I of the program was focused exclusively on NDBs) to design and promote green financial instruments, mobilize private sector investments in EE and RE and other green investments; Component 2: support knowledge sharing and development of lessons learned which enable deepening of replication efforts in the LAC region by replicating the experience of the Financial Innovation Labs in Chile, Colombia, Paraguay and Uruguay. In Chile, it will finance the implementation of its green finance public policy roadmap; Component 3: support regional regulatory dialogue to replicate best practices from Chile and other leading countries. It will include the following activities: i) Promotion of countries‘ best practices for enabling a conducive sustainable finance environment via knowledge exchange and sharing programs to improve and adapt capabilities on climate risks and opportunities stemming from climate change, environmental degradation and social issues and, ii) seminars and workshops for central banks, regulators and any other related government agencies; Component 4: promote transparency and enhance the reporting quality of the green bonds in the Latin American and the Caribbean Region by implementing the Green Bond Transparency Platform.

Project Detail



Project Number


Approval Date

May 14, 2020

Project Status


Project Type

Technical Cooperation





Lending Instrument


Lending Instrument Code




Facility Type


Environmental and Social Impact Category (ESIC)

Category C: Likely to cause minimal or no negative environmental and associated social impacts

Total Cost

USD 4,047,510.03

Country Counterpart Financing

USD 622,148.00

Original Amount Approved

USD 3,425,362.03

Financial Information
Operation Number Lending Type Reporting Currency Reporting Date Signed Date Fund Financial Instrument
ATN/CF-17992-RG Sovereign Guaranteed USD - United States Dollar Common Account - COFAB Nonreimbursable
Operation Number ATN/CF-17992-RG
  • Lending Type: Sovereign Guaranteed
  • Reporting Currency: USD - United States Dollar
  • Reporting Date:
  • Signed Date:
  • Fund: Common Account - COFAB
  • Financial Instrument: Nonreimbursable

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Other Documents
Cofinancing Grants Administered by the Bank
Administration Agreement between the IDB and BMU, Germany regarding dated September 10, 2020, regarding Project Specific Grant for Project RG-T3612 ti
Oct. 28, 2020
Electronic Links
Brochure LAC Green Finance Facility_vs2.pdf
May. 14, 2020
Implementation Phase
TC Document
Regional. Programa de Financiamiento Verde en ALC para movilizar la inversión privada en medidas de mitigación y modelos de negocios sostenibles con bajas emisiones de carbono mediante BND_Fase II.pdf
Jun. 04, 2020
TC Document
Regional. Nonreimbursable technical cooperation funding for the LAC Green Finance Program to Mobilize Private Investment in Mitigation Actions and Low-carbon and Sustai.pdf
Jun. 04, 2020
Technical Cooperation Agreement
LAC Green Finance Program to Mobilize Private Investment in Mitigation (Phase II).pdf
May. 21, 2020
Technical Cooperation Agreement
Programa de Financiamiento Verde en América Latina y el Caribe para Movilizar la Inversión Privada en Medidas de Mitigación (Fase II).pdf
May. 21, 2020

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