The objective of this TC is to provide operational support to the Program RG-O1667, which is intended to bring about public and private investments in strategic sector in order to sustain economic growth and create jobs in the Northern Triangle (NT - El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras) as part as the actions the IDB Group is promoting in the context of the of the Alliance for the Northern Triangle (PAPTN). The general objective of the program is to attract public and private resources to help stimulate strategic productive sectors in the TN countries, creating economic opportunities that encourage the population's roots. The specific objectives are: (i) to attract private investment to finance infrastructure and boost productive sectors; (ii) job creation and opportunities for the local population; and (iii) modernization and expansion of sustainable productive infrastructure to accelerate growth and strengthen regional integration In this context, this TC will provide strategic technical assistance and operational support for a sound and swift implementation of the program RG-O1667, pursuing three main objectives: (i) institutional strengthening of NT infrastructure Funds and/or the executing agencies of the Program (including project delivery capacity), covering multiple aspects such as fund's administrator selection processes, their operational guidelines, corporate governance, development of a the comprehensive management system of social and environmental issues, the implementation of social and environmental safeguards systems in line with the Bank's policies (OP-703), consultation processes, etc. (ii) strategic coordination among the main program' stakeholders for the pursuing of of the Program's objective and alignment with the Plan of the Alliance for the Northern Triangle (PAPTN), strengthening private sector participation. (iii) support to the preparation, structuring and execution of projects to be financed by the Program RG-O1667, operationalized through the three investment conditional credit lines (GU-O0004; HO-O0004 and ES-O0005).
Project Detail
Project Number
Approval Date
December 7, 2018
Project Status
Project Type
Technical Cooperation
Lending Instrument
Lending Instrument Code
Facility Type
Environmental and Social Impact Category (ESIC)
Category B13: Uncategorized Directive B.13
Total Cost
USD 200,000.00
Country Counterpart Financing
USD 0.00
Original Amount Approved
USD 200,000.00