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Tracking Improvements in Maternal and Child Health Care in Mesoamerica

The objective of this technical cooperation is to support the research and dissemination that aims to improve maternal and child health conditions of the poorest people, first, by studying alternative options to deliver services in hard-to-reach areas so that the gap in access to health services could be closed progressively; and second, by using an information management system to track the progress and the execution of operations as well as for strengthening countries¿ decision-making processes.

Project Detail



Project Number


Approval Date

July 12, 2012

Project Status


Project Type

Technical Cooperation





Lending Instrument


Lending Instrument Code




Facility Type


Environmental Classification

Likely to cause minimal or no negative environmental and associated social impacts

Total Cost

USD 1,000,000.00

Country Counterpart Financing

USD 0.00

Original Amount Approved

USD 1,000,000.00

Financial Information
Operation Number Lending Type Reporting Currency Reporting Date Signed Date Fund Financial Instrument
ATN/KK-13328-RG Sovereign Guaranteed USD - United States Dollar Knowledge Partnership Korea Fund for Tec Nonreimbursable
Operation Number ATN/KK-13328-RG
  • Lending Type: Sovereign Guaranteed
  • Reporting Currency: USD - United States Dollar
  • Reporting Date:
  • Signed Date:
  • Fund: Knowledge Partnership Korea Fund for Tec
  • Financial Instrument: Nonreimbursable
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