This TC proposal aims to increase the confidence sustainability metrics for advanced biojet fuels to ensure successful project selection and market acceptance in the LAC Region. In addition, this TC will help to disseminate the feasibility of sustainable production and use of biojet fuels in the aviation industry, and to promote the IDB support to LAC in this matter. The main objectives are the following: 1. Development of Life Cycle Analysis for biojet fuels from varied LAC feedstocks (Brazilian Sugarcane and Camelina, among others to be defined) 2. Benchmarking of two major sustainability standards, Better Sugarcane Initiative (BSI) and the Roundtable for Sustainable Biofuels (RSB) and comparison to the IDB biofuel sustainability scorecard. 3. Generate interest among private organizations on the feasibility of aviation sustainable biofuels as a profitable venture 4. Inform stakeholders of airlines' and IDB interest in supporting future aviation sustainable biofuel project developments.
Project Detail
Project Number
Approval Date
May 23, 2011
Project Status
Project Type
Technical Cooperation
Lending Instrument
Lending Instrument Code
Facility Type
Environmental and Social Impact Category (ESIC)
Category C: Likely to cause minimal or no negative environmental and associated social impacts
Total Cost
USD 150,000.00
Country Counterpart Financing
USD 0.00
Original Amount Approved
USD 150,000.00