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Support of the Pacific Water and Sanitation Program

In order to support the preparation of a new investment program (Phase II - Todos Somos Pazcífico), it was agreed with the Government of Colombia to process a technical cooperation (TC) to complement and adjust drinking water and basic sanitation studies, and to support the overall preparation of the second phase, as a complement to the actions of the loan CO-L1156 "Comprehensive Intervention Program for the Colombian Pacific", aiming to improve the conditions in which the population lives with the implementation of actions in water and basic sanitation.
It is estimated that this 2nd phase will be approved in 2021 for an amount to be defined by the country's authorities. In order to guarantee the adequate preparation and execution of the operation, the following components of the TC have been defined: (i) pre-investment studies; (ii) institutional strengthening of the Executing Unit; iii) development of management and planning instruments.
In the ToRs, the analysis of aspects related to: inequality, gender, inclusion, innovation and local development will be included when applicable, which will ensure that the works to be executed based on the designs financed by this TC, include these aspects (when applicable), thus complying with the priority themes of the INE and the Bank.

Project Detail



Project Number


Approval Date

November 2, 2020

Project Status


Project Type

Technical Cooperation





Lending Instrument


Lending Instrument Code




Facility Type


Environmental and Social Impact Category (ESIC)

Category B: Likely to cause mostly local and short-term negative environmental and associated social impacts and for which effective mitigation measures are readily available

Total Cost

USD 500,000.00

Country Counterpart Financing

USD 0.00

Original Amount Approved

USD 500,000.00

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