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IDB supports university case study competition on road safety in Latin America and the Caribbean

Deadline for proposal submissions: August 12, 2013 

With the support of the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), the International Training Centre for Local Actors and the United Nations Institute for Training and Research (CIFAL-UNITAR) release the first case study competition on road safety for universities in Latin America and the Caribbean. The deadline to submit proposals is August 12, 2013.

CIFAL-UNITAR calls for case studies to promote the academic process of creating, enhancing and deepening knowledge in road safety throughout Latin America and the Caribbean. The call is open to all researchers, professors and university students with a focus on road safety at universities located in the 26 member countries of the IDB. 

The research to be presented must be associated with one or more of the five pillars of the WHO-UN Decade of Action for Road Safety, which was declared on May 11, 2011.

Proposals must be submitted in the language of the country of origin. There are no restrictions on research studies developed between various entities and universities. Special attention will be given to cases focused on the urban context. 

Proposals must include the following aspects (application form provided): 

  • Information about the university and lead authors;
  • Description and justification of the proposed case study with a detailed background;
  • Objectives;
  • Target population
  • Pillars of the Decade of Action addressed by the study;
  • Methodology;
  • Results and evaluation;
  • Bibliography.

For the evaluation of the proposal, the following criteria will be used:

  • A positive impact on the target population;
  • Sustainability, innovation and creativity;
  • Feasibility of transfer of best practice methodology to other places with a similar context;
  • Presentation of indicators to collect and monitor data on casualties, damages, victims, etc.;
  • Evidence for a case study: return on investment, cost-benefit relationship.

The three best case studies will be published as technical notes of the Inter-American Development Bank in their original format and an additional language. The three finalists will be invited to present their case studies in the First Assembly of the Network of Universities on Road Safety to be held in November 18–19, 2013 in the city of Buenos Aires. This meeting will follow a variety of international events during the previous week which feature leading experts in the field of road safety.

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